19 minute read
Special Theme: Automation
FutuRe CHALLenges & gRoWtH oF AutoMAtIon In IndIA
The current automation scenario in the manufacturing sector, islands of automation have created several challenges, as the lack of integration has impacted on operational improvements. While developed countries have already started to focus on integration, the Indian manufacturing sector is still in the early stages of adoption of manufacturing solutions. As “India has the second largest pool of scientist and engineers in the world”, it seems that the lack of adoption is due to a gap in the suitability of existing technology to implement or adapt. In India, around 1% of manufacturing GDP comes from automation, whereas in developed economies the percentage is closer to 5%. India needs to “go Global” and that is possible only with enhanced investment in automation. With the government announcing and supporting various schemes, India is already on the right path towards globalisation. The growth of a Country depends upon the certain basic pillar of infrastructure and one of such basic infrastructures is availability of quality and reliable power in the country. The country needs 24x7 uninterrupted power supplies to all the consumers along with transparency in the operation of sector and consumer participation. Power system automation included monitoring, evaluation, analysis, and control of processes associated with generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy from power stations to customers. Three main processes are included namely data acquisition, power system supervision and control, all working in a coordinated automatic fashion. Data acquisition refers to collect data in the form of measured analog current or voltages values or the status of devices (open or closed). Power system supervision is carried out through the acquired data either at a remote site or locally at the device site. Control refers to sending command messages to operate power system devices such as circuit breakers. Automation plays a major role in the success of effective decision making at the utility level. Real Integration of automation not only helps to fulfil that promise, but enhances the opportunities to add more value and effectiveness to the energy value chain and also paves the way for moving forward towards the “SMARTER GRID”.Technological advancements and innovations driven by rapid electrification of segments like transport, expansion of renewable and digitalization of the grid are transforming the power sector. With decentralization, de-carbonisation and
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deregulation, the entire business model of utilities is evolving rapidly and state-of-art technologies are making those changes possible that were beyond the imagination a few years back. These technologies are gradually making inroads in the Indian power sector as well.The requirement for making coal fired stations intelligent arises from the bead for highly efficient plant operation and asset management on one hand and wide scale penetration of renewable energy into the grid which results in rapid cycling of the thermal plants, on the other hand. It is expected that several operational challenges will arise due to this interconnection and additionally due to the sustained increase in the generation coming from renewable energy, contributing at present more than 20% of the produced energy. Traditionally the main issues related with the operation of an electric system have been those concerned with the control of the frequency and voltage for reaching stability of these variables. Power generation plants have systems that control the injected active and reactive power to the network. However, the growth of this electrical system is leading to more requirements in data acquisition, data processing and control systems. Automation in the management of renewable energies is required considering that due to the variability in the available power, they introduce new uncertainties and parameters’ variations into the power grid, so that automation systems are required to connect these generation systems to the network and inject the corresponding energy in a coordinated way. India’s power transmission segment is also growing at an unprecedented pace mainly due to the thrust provided by the recent policy and regulatory development as well as the government’s initiatives. The pace of expansion is expected to continue in the future to help meet the government’s 175 GW renewable energy power. While most of the future investment will be for the expansion of physical grid infrastructure, utilities are expected to invest significant sums in new technologies to make grids more reliable, resilient, secure and smart. In the power sector, automation will help in monitoring and predictive maintenance of a wide variety of assets in its value chain. The equipment’s are monitored continuously and the collected data is passed on to cloud. On the basis of the collected data, a conclusion can be drawn on the health and impending failure of the assets by using Artificial Intelligence, and determine the optimal time to perform maintenance. The proactive predictive nature will enable the utilities to schedule the maintenance in advance and also avoid major shut downs and down time. That also means considerable savings in time and cost. Need of Automation in Power Sector Power generated at voltage levels of 11to 33KV, has to be stepped up to high/extra-high voltagesand then again reduced instages to lowest distribution voltage level of240/415 volts. For maintaining these voltage levels and forproviding stability, a number of transformationand switching stations have to be created inbetween generating station and consumer ends. These grid sub-stations are requiredto be developed to achieve reduction in systemmalfunctions as well as reduction in themeantime to repair. Consequently, human interference and outage times also need to be reduced leading to a significant decreasein the energy losses. The electricity grid has grown and changedimmensely since its origins, when energy systemswere small and localized. With the passing oftime, rising electricity consumption, new powerplants and increasingly decentralised generation (DG) of electricity from renewable energiesrequire grid expansion. However, simplyexpanding the grid, as it is constructed now would be highly inefficient. The wildly fluctuatingpower feed-in from renewable energies (solar, wind) into the entire power grid occasionallyleads to unforeseeable power flows, which canaffect grid stability. Furthermore, theliberalisation of the electricity market in Indiahas led to an increase in electricity trading.Short-term trading activities and the associatedtransmission of electricity over long distancesrepresent an additional challenge for the grid. Due to numerous small-scalegenerating plants, upsurge in dependencyon electricity and increasing demand ofelectricity, power system has become intricateand is becoming complex day by day. Limitationsof space for electrical installations, rights of wayconstraints for new line routes, environmentalconcerns; all demand newer and more advancedalternatives to more effectively manages thepower supply system. Due to the nature of the changes, the grid needsto be partially reinvented and automated. Gridintelligence and communication is required forgrid operation to meet the requirements of thetransforming energy sector. Nevertheless, datameasurements from various places and variouslevels in the grid are necessary to enable theutilities to monitor everything that happens on areal time basis (or to start with, on a daily, hourlyor quarterly basis). The utilities then can takeactions more accurately,
effectively and swiftly,improving the energy services. Digital devices are at the core of smart power distribution. They give facility and maintenance personnel visibility into the electrical network by measuring and collecting data, as well as providing control functions. Smart meters, intelligent electronic devices, IoT sensors, and control and automation software are critical components of digital solutions. Intelligent substations and smart transformers that can be controlled in real time are key emerging digital solutions. These solutions deploy intelligent switchgear, which can connect with the internet and provide comprehensive monitoring and protection as well as measure all electrical parameters in real time to ensure remote monitoring. Operations and maintenance teams need to respond to risks as quickly as possible to avoid the possibility of facility downtime or damage to equipment. Intelligent devices and digitization deliver the data and alarm notifications they need to stay on top of conditions, as well as remote control capabilities to help them act faster when a potential problem arises. In addition, monitoring environmental conditions can help predict operating performance and, in turn, better optimize maintenance schedules and extend the lifespan of the power distribution equipment. Rapid network expansion has rendered the management of grid operations much more complex. In the future, electric power systems will be characterised by bidirectional flows as the world adopts more renewable sources of energy and microgrid or nanogrid models. In such a scenario, automation of substations has gained significance because utilities want to be able to remotely monitor, operate and control their assets to improve system stability, efficiency, security and control. Substation automation involves the integration of the protection, control and data acquisition functions into a minimum number of platforms by eliminating redundant equipment and databases, thereby reducing capital and operational costs, and panel and control room space requirements. Automation in Generation: Automation is a key emerging trend in the power sector that is picking up pace in a big way. Digital technologies allow devices across the grid to communicate and provide useful data for the management and operation of generation, transmission and distribution systems. Smart meters, internet of things (IoT) based sensors, network remote control and automation systems, and digital platforms help in real-time operation of the network and its connected resources. Power plant operation involving intelligencefeatures through IT applications involvesautomation of manual operations, control ofsystems, data acquisition and logging ofinformation to fulfil requirements of versatility,user friendliness and cost competitive. A supervisory and control system that aims to deliver not only operability, reliability and maintainability, but also cost-effectiveness, while at the same time enabling labour savings in operation and maintenance. The new system has been applied to a state-of-the-art coal based thermal power station and combined-cycle power station. Through enhanced interlock, expanded automation, on-site supervisory robots and other technological innovations, the system has enabled integrated operation from the central control room and labour savings. In addition, implementation of protective functions by printed circuit board, software configured alarm system and common sensor system, the system is not only highly reliable and easy to maintain, but also economical. On-site start up operations and commercial operations results has confirmed the effectiveness of these features. SCADA is a centralized system used to supervise a complete plant and basically consists of data accessing features and controlling processes remotely. It will help to improve the overall performance and efficiency of power station and enhance useful life. In the generation segment, automation is mainly carried out for improving power plant efficiency, reducing operations and maintenance costs, lowering unplanned outages and extending the operational life of assets. While generation utilities have been deploying control and monitoring systems, network communication, etc., for the past few years, new digital technologies such as IoT, cloud-based platforms, advanced analysis, predictive data analysis, asset performance management software and intelligent forecasting solutions are gradually growing in the segment. Also, with the growth of digital technologies in the generation segment, the complete remote operation of power plant has become a reality. Automation in Transmission: Digitalisation and automation solutions have been steadily growing in the transmission segment too. In recent years, substation automation has emerged as a key growing technology among transmission utilities. In Transmission segment, there is continuous advancement of transmission equipments with the application of digitlization and automation and make it suitable for smart grid operation and that is more compact, reliable, environment friendly
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and requires minimum installation and commissioning time. Moreover, as the pace of renewable energy integration increases and there is widespread adoption of smart grid technologies, utilities would be required to increase the deployment of intelligent equipments or to undertake modifications to transform the existing modules into smart equipments as the availability of real-time data is critical in the context of both developments. In times to come, space challenges in transmission are also bound to get more acute. Hence, going ahead, equipment manufacturers need to undertake innovations and more towards smaller but smarter equipments. As a result, there is a need for more sophisticated operation and control to keep pace with the increase in supervisory and operational control in the segment of power generation, transmission, distribution. Power Grid has emerged as a leader in technology adoption in substation automation, with state utilities following suit. Powergrid is undertaking remote operation of several sub-stations from its National Transmission Asset Management Centre in Manesar, Haryana, which was commissioned in April’ 2015. Powergrid is also implementing the wide area measurement system technology across India under its flagship Unified Real Time Dynamic State Measurement project. Digital substations, centred on the IEC 61850 protocol, are the next step in substation modernization. Digital sub-stations comprise smart primary devices and intelligent electronic devices to achieve information sharing and interoperability. Powergrid has implemented pilot digital substation projects at Bhiwandi and Neemrana. Based on the experience from these pilots, the company plans to launch similar new projects. Other emerging technologies include Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS), which incorporate power electronics based static controller to enhance control and power transferability of the system. Powergrid is installing FACTS devices such as static VAR compensators (SVCs) and static synchronous condensers (STATCOMs) in the interstate transmission system grid. It has already commissioned one SVC in Jammu & Kashmir and four STATCOMs. Further, 11 STATCOMs are at various stages of implementation. Automation in distribution: Automation and digitization helps discoms in the judicious utilization of funds. There are certain spare capacities in the distribution network and maintaining these entails additional expenses, which are eventually passed on to consumers. Digitalisation provides tools that help in
managing these spare capacities by optimizing network design and performance. Further, through digitization, thefts can be pinpointed accurately, thereby assisting the discom in controlling electricity losses due to theft. One of there as on for high AT&C losses of discom has been the low level of billing and collection efficiency, which translate into lower revenues and thus broader loss margins. Low collection efficiency can be attributed to limited collection facilities, delayed delivery of bills, limited payment avenues and lack of trained manpower etc. Factors such as defective meters, unmetered connections, rampant electricity theft, overload transformers and inaccuracies in billing software contribute to the low billing efficiency of discoms. To mitigate these issues, the discoms have been encouraging digital payments such by launching mobile applications or web portal for billing purpose. Utilities have taken several efforts on the digitization of metering front in order to mitigate the problems of high AT&C losses and power theft. A range of electronic and digital meters are being deployed by utilities to replace old manual meters. Further, the utilities are installing smart meters to identify and reduce instances of energy theft more efficiently. The growth of net metering policies across states has given an opportunity to consumers to become prosumers by feeding electricity generated from roof top solar photovoltaic panels installed on their premises back to the grid. With this, the distribution grid has become more active as power is flowing in both directions and utilities need technologies to monitor and manage the flow of electricity in real time. In addition, advanced load forecasting technologies are required to deal with the changing load profile as customers become less dependent on central generation to meet their electricity demand. Smart Grid Technology A smart grid is an electrical grid which includes a variety of operational and energy measures including smart meters, smart appliances, renewable energy resources, and energy efficient resources. Electronic power conditioning and control of the production and distribution of electricity are important aspects of the smart grid. To ensure a seamless transition from existing approach to Smart Grid scenario, focus of any utility must be structured around four key priorities. These are Empower Customers to better manage and control their electricity use, Improve Reliability, Maintain Privacy and Security and Support Renewable integration and economic development. The government has taken a number of steps towards making the grid smarter. In the distribution segment, technology initiatives are being taken under the ministry of power approved pilot projects as well as National Smart Grid Mission. The functionalities being tested in these pilots include advanced metering infrastructure, outage management system, peak load management, power quality management and distributed generation. In order to address the above-mentioned priorities, Smart Grid technologies need to be implemented in conjunction with the existing application/technology. Smart grid generally refers to a class of technology that is being considered to bring paradigm shift in power distribution utility’s performance. The Smart Grid represents an unprecedented opportunity to move the energy industry into a new era of reliability, availability, and efficiency that will contribute to economic and environmental health. The benefits associated with the Smart Grid are more efficient transmission of electricity, quicker restoration of electricity after power disturbances, reduced operations and management costs for utilities, and ultimately lower power costs for consumers, reduced peak demand, which will also help lower electricity rates, increased integration of large-scale renewable energy systems and Improved security
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Intelligent Automation In Substation Automation System, the various quantities (e.g., voltage,current, switch status, temperature, and oil level)of various equipment are recorded, using a dataacquisition device called Intelligence ElectronicDevices (IED). IED can establish communicationbetween remote sensors and controllers and thecommunications network. Asingle IED can control several different aspects of a pieceof equipment so that the entire piece ofequipment works in harmony with the rest of theneeds of the system and within establisheddesign parameters. Automation is based on the principle of converting all inputs and outputs into digital forms. The automation system can be designed anddeveloped using information technology/embedded systems and integrating the sameinto the existing grid substation.Components such as computers, Remote TerminalUnits (RTUs), actuator control of motorizedvalves, breakers, switched capacitor banks,on-load tap changing transformers, load break/make switches, auto re-closures, sectionalizes, and communication systems can be integratedinto the automation system. Integration withAutomated Mapping and Geographical Information System (GIS) Software packages iswidely used at present. IEDs receive datafrom sensors and power equipment, and canissue control commands, such as tripping circuitbreakers if they sense voltage, current, orfrequency anomalies, or raise/ lower voltagelevels in order to maintain the desired level. These systemquantities are transmitted on-line to the remotecontrol room through a variety of communicationmedia. The measured field data are processed inthe control room for display of any operatorselected system quantity through Graphic UserInterface. Any control action (for opening orclosing of the switch or circuit breaker) is initiatedby the operator and transmitted from the remote-control room through the communication channelto the RTU associated with the correspondingswitch or circuit breaker. The desired switchingaction then takes place and the action isacknowledged back to operator for information. Substation Automation is dedicated to the monitoring andprotection of the critical equipment of asubstation and its associated lines or feeders andalso generates MIS data, reports and graphs etcfrom remote control centre. Key Benefits of Automation Automation provides tools that help in optimizing network design and performance. Further, through automation, thefts can be pinpointed accurately, thereby assisting the utilities in controlling losses due to theft. Automation and digitalization also extend to associated services as well these include inventory management, asset management, maintenance strategies and monitoring of asset health. The implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions has helped in effectively managing its inventory with better measurement and control of the inventory. It provides significant information about various consumer parameters to the utility which could be used to provide other services. Substation automation involves the integration of operationsrelated activities like system protection, control and data acquisition into a unified control system. The objective of automating substations is to reduce overall costs and eliminate redundant equipment and database by minimising human intervention. A unified control system in an automated substation includes control of substation systems from one place, comprehensive protection management, compact system designs, decentralized system structure, no conventional mimic board, numerical protection and control, self-interlocking and supervision, modern man-machine interface, operator guidance and maintenance support. Substation automation also refers to using data from intelligent electronic devices control &automation capabilities within the substation and control commands from remote users to control power system devices.Substation automation makes a smarter and morereliable power grid. There are many other benefits associated with an automated substation. These include less use of hardware and panels, reduced operating & maintenance cost, minimum outages, integration of third-party equipment, lower cabling and installation costs, reduced testing and commissioning costs, less space and civil works requirement, easy customization and use, operational efficiency with minimum errors, lower risk, and better power quality. Challenges: Developed countries have already automatedtheir complete power supply system and theirgrids are remotely controlled. On the other hand, even after having edge in IT skill, India is waybehind in automation. What to talk of existinggrid network automation, even the new grids (especially, by states) are being constructed withold and outdated technology without anyintervention of automation. Centre Government’sinitiative of providing funds for automation &improvement under schemes are eitherunutilized or are invested haphazardly in IT thatresulted in issues such as:
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• Stand-alone systems-Coverage to limited geographical areas • Inadequate interface and integration withother applications • Absence of a standard architecture • High cost of maintenance • Basic operations are still manual withoutinbuilt controls These issues have adversely affected thereturns from IT investments. Incoherenttechnology strategy leads to situations whereincompatible options are selected and large sumsof money are wasted in attempts to integratethem. The bottom line is that the businessperformance has not improved. Evidently, fundamental changes are requiredin the working of the power sector entities.Information Technology (IT) would become thekey enabler in the initiatives under the reformprocess initiated by Government of India. Thiswill enable substantial improvement in theoverall health of the utilities. Cyber security is also one of the key threats of automation and digitization. Apart from this, ensuring consumer privacy is extremely important. Consumer data needs to be protected not only from economic point of view, but also from the security point of view. A household’s electricity consumption data can be used to determine how many people are living in the house at a particular point of time. If this data become publicly available, it can pose a serious security risk to the consumer. Another critical issue with the automation is the inability to efficiently extract the required information from the system, owing to the large quantity of data originating from IEDs. Different devices store data in different formats, such as waveform samples or event reports, which are not easy to compare. Communication networks comprise lower-level data links, as well as physical layer and multiple application layer protocols. Conclusion: Automation involves reskilling existing workers, redeploying others to new tasks and retooling potential workers who are students in university. Furthermore, the concept of “smart” work and demand for specific skills will encourage universities to redesign higher education and training and finally facilitate job-market transition. It is important to differentiate between automation potential and automation adoption. While a high number of tasks might be technically automatable, the adoption of particular technologies will depend on a complex interplay of factors including the cost of labour, levels of education and skilling, legal frameworks for innovation, labour protection policies, availability of supporting infrastructure and social and cultural norms that shape attitudes towards technological change and innovation. With the government announcing various schemes and incentives, “Make in India” concept will definitely take India to a higher platform. RM