In the wind
Your newsletter from Sussex Yacht Club - December 2012
What’s this then? With the late-running Autumn 2012 edition of Wavelength magazine delivered to members only a few weeks ago, it was deemed impractical to print the usual Christmas/Winter edition, but with essential club news relating to the forthcoming AGM requiring distribution it seemed to make sense for a paper edition of ‘In the wind’ to be printed... so here it is.
Wavelength Magazine - Spring 2013 The next issue of the club Wavelength Magazine will start to be put together in early 2013 so if you have an idea for an article in the back of your mind, or perhaps a camera full of pictures that need publishing, put your festive break to good use and get typing...
SUSSEX YACHT CLUB LTD Notice is hereby given that the 87th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders will be held in the SHOREHAM CLUBHOUSE on Saturday 26 January 2013 at 10:00. AGENDA 1. Commodore’s Address and Recognition Awards. 2. Adoption of the Minutes of the 86th Annual General Meeting held on 28th January 2012. 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the 86th Annual General Meeting. 4. Adoption of Annual Report and Accounts. 5. Election of Commodore. The following has offered himself for election: Commodore: David Ramus There being no other nominations, in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, the nominee to Commodore is deemed to be elected. 6. Election of Vice Commodore The following has offered himself for election: Vice Commodore: Steve Vyse There being no other nominations, in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, the nominee to Vice Commodore is deemed to be elected.
9. Election of President and Vice Presidents: Robert Grierson has been proposed by the Board and has agreed to offer his services as President. Derek Copeman has been proposed by the Board and has agreed to offer his services as Vice President. Chris West has been proposed by the Board and has agreed to offer his services as Vice President. Alan Saunders, having completed the customary two years’ service as Commodore, is nominated by the Board to Vice President. 10. Election of Honorary Members The Honorary Members listed inside the front cover are proposed by the Board to be elected en bloc. 11. Appointment of Auditors The Board proposes that Clark Brownscombe be appointed for a further year. 12. Presentation of Racing Prizes 13. Any Other Business By Order of the Board
7. Election of Rear Commodores The following have offered themselves for election: Rear Commodore & Hon. Treasurer: Laurence Woodhams Rear Commodore: Patricia Hill Rear Commodore: Terry Kinch There being no other nominations, in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, the nominees to Rear Commodore are deemed to be elected. 8. Election of Directors There have been seven resignations and seven nominations received from: David Golding, Adrian Weber, David Skinner, Neil Fraser-Betts, Marco Rummery, Giles Weston and Nigel Haines. There being no other nominations, in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, the nominees to Director are deemed to be elected
T D Leigh (Company Secretary) Club Headquarters Sussex Yacht Club Ltd. Brighton Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. The ‘Report of the Directors and Financial Statements for Sussex Yacht Club Ltd’ for the year ended 30 Sep 2012 are available on the website as a download, or as a paper copy on request from the office. Shareholders (or their duly nominated proxy) only are permitted to vote at the Annual General Meeting. Appointment of Proxies: A shareholder is entitled to appoint a proxy to exercise their right to attend, speak and vote at the meeting. Such proxy need not be a shareholder of the Company. If it is your intention to appoint a proxy, please advise the Secretary in writing (email will suffice) no less than seven days prior to the meeting.