Managerial Economics - Thomas J Webster

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adjusted coefficient of determination, 401 advertising: informative, 24, 175, 233; negative, 176; persuasive, 24, 175, 233; positive, 176 adverse selection, 131, 330, 344–345 Akerlof, George A., 344 allocating function of prices, 49–50 antitrust legislation: Cellar-Kefauver Act, 180, 212–213; Clayton Act, 14, 180, 210–211, 389; Federal Trade Commission Act, 14, 211; HartScott-Rodino Act, 213; RobinsonPatman Act, 211–212; Sherman Act, 14, 209–210; Telecommunications Act, 389; Wheeler-Lea Act, 212; Willis-Graham Act, 211 Arrow, Kenneth J., 353n1 asymmetric impatience, 309–311, 310 asymmetric information, 131–133, 146, 189, 330, 344–350, 370 auctioneer, 369 auction environment, 368 auction rules, 368 auction: closed-bid, 368–369; common-value, 375–376; completeinformation, 370; Dutch, 369,

373–374; English, 369, 372–373; incomplete-information, 370–377; multiple-item Dutch, 369–370, 373, 374; open-ascending-bid, see English auction; open-bid, 368; open-descending-bid, see Dutch auction; oral, 369; procurement, 368; reverse, see procurement auction; sealed-bid, 369; sealed-bid, first-price, 369–372; sealed-bid, second-price, 369, 372; standard, 368; Vickery, see sealed-bid, second-price auction auctions, 367–370 average product, 82 Axelrod, Robert, 252–253 backward induction, 257–258, 297, 307, 338 Bain, Joe S., 220 bargaining, 303–313 bargaining: Nash, 304–305; Rubinstein, 306–311 bargaining surplus, 304 barriers to entry, 172, 203, 206–207, 219 Baumol, William J., 213 427

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