2 minute read
Rules of Exponents
“onto.”The reader should verify that the functional relationship in Figure 2.1 does not have an inverse.
The foregoing discussion suggests that it is not possible to write x = g(y) = f -1(y) until we have determined whether the function y = f(x) is monotonic.Diagrammatically,it is easy to determine whether a function is monotonic by examining its slope.If the slope of the function is positive for all values of x,then the function y = f(x) is monotonically increasing.If the slope of the function is negative for all values of x,then the function y = f(x) is monotonically decreasing.It is easy to see that the linear function y = f(x) = a + bx is a monotonically increasing or decreasing function depending on the value of b.A positive value for b indicates the function is monotonically increasing.A negative value for b indicates that the function is monotonically decreasing.
Because linear functions are monotonic,a one-to-one correspondence must exist between x and y.As a result,all linear functions have a corresponding inverse function.A discussion of the monotonicity of nonlinear functions will be deferred until our discussion of the inverse-function rule in connection with the derivative of a function.
Example. Consider the function
y fx x = () = -2 3 This function is one-to-one because for every value of x there is one,and only one, value for y.When we have solved for x,this function becomes
This function is also one-to-one,since for each value of y there is one,and only one, value for x.Since the original function is both one-to-one and onto,there is a oneto-one correspondence between x and y.Conversely,since the inverse function is also one-to-one and onto,there is a one-to-one correspondence between y and x. Finally,both the original function and the inverse function are monotonically decreasing,since the slope of each function is negative.
x gy f y y = () = () = - ( )-1 23 13
Before considering nonlinear equations,some students may find it useful to review the rules of exponents.We begin this review by denoting the values of x and y as any two real numbers,and m and n any two positive integers.5 Consider the following rules of dealing with exponents: Rule 1: (2.18) x x xm n m n ◊ =
a. x2 ◊ x3 = x2+3 = x5 = x ◊ x ◊ x ◊ x ◊ x b.32 ◊ 34 = 32+4 = 36 = 3 ◊ 3 ◊ 3 ◊ 3 ◊ 3 ◊ 3 = 729 c. yr ◊ ys = yr+s
5 A real number is defined as the ratio of any two integers.