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Market Demand Versus Firm Demand
Problem 3.3. The demand equation for a popular brand of fruit drink is given by the equation
where Qx = monthly consumption per family in gallons
= price per gallon of the fruit drink = $2.00 I = median annual family income = $20,000
Py = price per gallon of a competing brand of fruit drink = $2.50 a.Interpret the parameter estimates. b.At the stated values of the explanatory variables,calculate the monthly consumption (in gallons) of the fruit drink. c.Rewrite the demand equation in a form similar to Equation (3.8). d.Suppose that median annual family income increased to $30,000.How does this change your answer to part b?
a.According to our demand equation in Qx,a $1 increase in the price of the fruit drink will result in a 5-gallon decline in monthly consumption of fruit drink per family.A $1,000 increase in median annual family income will result in a 1-gallon increase in monthly consumption of fruit drink per family.Finally,a $1 increase in the price of the competing brand of fruit drink will result in a 10-gallon increase in monthly consumption of the fruit drink per family.In other words,the two brands of fruit drink are substitutes. b.Substituting the stated values into the demand equation yields
Q P I P x x y = - + + 10 5 0001 10 .
Qx = - ( ) + ( ) + ( ) = 10 5200 000120000 10250 45. . , . gallons
c. Qx = 55 - 5Px
d. Qx = 10 - 5(2.00) + 0.001(30,000) + 10(2.50) = 55 gallons
While the discussion thus far has focused on the market demand curve, it is,in fact,the demand curve facing the individual firm that is of most interest to the manager who is formulating price and output decisions.In the case of a monopolist,when firm output constitutes the output of the industry,the market demand curve is identical to the demand curve faced by the firm.Consequently,the firm will bear the entire impact of changes in such demand determinants as incomes,tastes,and the prices of related goods. Similarly,the pricing policies of the monopolist will directly affect the consumer’s decisions to purchase the firm’s output.
In most cases,however,the firm supplies only a small portion of the total output of the industry.Thus,the firm’s demand curve is not identical to that