Elegant Island Living August 2023

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The Sweetest SLICE



s End

August is always a busy month for both locals and visitors alike as families try to get in some last-minute vacation time in before school starts back up. August on St. Simons Island is also HOT! But that never stops us from enjoying outdoor activities here. The secret to true enjoyment is in the timing of those outdoor activities. My mom used to say nothing good happens after midnight, but luckily, the days are longer in August, so there’s plenty of time to “play outside” late into the evening before it’s even dusk. Here are a few suggestions of fun things to do later in the day when it’s cooler outside to help you enjoy August on the island.

Try flipping your normal beach day into a beach night! Instead of going to the beach during 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. when it is hot outside, enjoy lunch at one of our many wonderful local restaurants followed by some shopping at our many retail shops and boutiques. You’ll get a great meal, a great deal, AND you’ll stay cool! Maybe catch an afternoon matinee at the movie theatre. Start your beach “day” with an early dinner, then hit the beach around 6:00 p.m. By then, the crowds have left, and you’ll practically have the beach all to yourself! With it staying light until almost 9:00 p.m., you can get three hours of prime beach time. After 6:00 p.m. is also a great time to ride bikes, walk around the Village and pier area, play putt putt or maybe even a game of pickleball.

Another idea is to hit the beach in the late afternoon and then go out to dinner later in the evening. It’s a lot easier to get a table at most local restaurants on a Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. rather than trying to be seated during the earlier dinner hours. That hour and half you’re sitting or standing waiting for a table could be better spent at the beach! Show up at 8:30 p.m. and there’s a good chance you’ll be seated immediately!

Squeezing in that last summer vacation is a family tradition. The key is to not end up like the Griswold family!



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ON THE COVER: August 3rd is National Watermelon Day, but we don’t think the celebration should be limited to a single day for this sweet Southern treat. In The Sweetest Slice, we dig into all things watermelon, share some growing tips, and recipes for you to enjoy. Take a big bite!

AUGUST 2023 13
AUGUST 2023 15 40 Contents FOOD&SPIRITS 16 The Sweetest Slice COMMUNIC AT ION 38 Connection is Key HOSPI TA LITY 40 Staying Gold 42 Foundation Focus 44 NonProfit News 46 Business Buzz 48 What’s Happening 50 Social Scene 72 Real Estate 98 History Highlights 16 38

The Sweetest SLICE

August is here but we’re not quite ready to let summer go. After all, we know the heat will be sticking around with us here in Southeast Georgia for a bit longer! We’re still looking for refreshing ways to cool off while still enjoying days of fun and sun. What better way than with watermelon? August 3 is National Watermelon Day, so it’s the perfect time to celebrate this quintessential sweet Southern treat.

Beloved American author and humorist Mark Twain was well-known for his love of watermelon. He sang the fruit’s praises in the novel Pudd'nhead Wilson, saying:

"The true Southern watermelon is a boon apart, and not to be mentioned with commoner things. It is chief of this world's luxuries, king by grace of God over all the fruits of the earth. When one has tasted it, he knows what the angels eat. It was not a Southern watermelon that Eve took: we know it because she repented.”

In the short story “Not Wasting a Watermelon,” Twain described enjoying the treat during a holiday when he was working as an apprentice in a newspaper office in Hannibal, Missouri. “I had one comfort, and it was a generous one while it lasted. It was the half of a long and broad watermelon, fresh and red and ripe.” The rest of that tale detailing the disposal of the empty shell of the fruit from a third-story window is one still relished and shared by the town’s residents. In the spirit of not wasting a watermelon, we’re going to savor every morsel of information we have about this delightful and delicious fruit.

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While there’s no doubt that we associate watermelon with 4th of July picnics and All-American pastimes, this fruit is actually native to Africa and is enjoyed worldwide. They were known to be carried in the Kalahari Desert as a source of water as long as 5,000 years ago. According to historians, ancient Egyptians were cultivating watermelons in the Nile River Valley at least by 2,000 BCE as evidenced by paintings found on the walls of Egyptian tombs depicting their unmistakable size and shape. It was the Moors who brought watermelons to Europe around the eighth century. They likely picked up the fruit as they crossed Africa on their way to conquer Portugal and Spain. The Spaniards introduced them to the New World, where the warm climate made them wildly successful. The cooler climate in England and northern Europe meant that only those rich enough to have a greenhouse could grow the fruit,


but in North America seeds passed from native tribe to native tribe until watermelons were flourishing throughout the southern and southwest states. Among early historical references to the fruit in America were the discovery of watermelons growing along the shores of the Mississippi River in 1673 by Jesuit missionary Pere Marquette and a description of large, luscious watermelons recounted by a tourist in colonial Virginia in 1732.

Once watermelon arrived in the United States, it’s disputed as to what region the origin of the fruit can be traced. If you search “Watermelon Capital of the World,” according to the National Watermelon Promotion Board, an Orlando-based non-profit organization formed in 1989 by watermelon growers and representing 700 growers, shippers, and importers nationwide, there are seven cities in the U.S. who lay claim

to the title. Remarkably, all have some legitimate reasons to deserve the capital crown, and while many other foods have multiple cities locked in competition to claim top honors (our own Brunswick Stew being one of those), the sweet battle over watermelon may be the fiercest in the nation.

First and foremost we have one of the contenders right here in our home state. Cordele, Georgia is located in Crisp County, the top watermelonproducing county in the number two watermelon-producing state in U.S. In addition to having an auto-racing track called the Watermelon Capital Speedway, Cordele’s Watermelon Days Festival is the oldest festival in Georgia. It’s held annually in June and offers more than thirty activities, with something for everyone in the family. They hold the festival to honor the farmers, growers, brokers, and buyers because the watermelon industry is a tremendous economic engine for the local community.

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According to the watermelon folks in Cordele, “Our title ‘Watermelon Capital of the World’ was challenged in the early ’90s by Hope, Arkansas, and Hempstead, Texas. The competition was tough, but Cordele-Crisp County proved that we truly have the best melons anywhere in the WORLD and proudly retained our title. Our melons were deemed as the crispest, juiciest, and sweetest. This is due to the hot, dry nights and the type of soil in Crisp County. Over 200 million pounds of melons are grown and shipped from our community each year.” Make your plans to visit Cordele for the next Watermelon Days Festival on June 22, 2024 for a slice of the fun!

Since Hope, Arkansas was mentioned, it’s worth noting that this is where some of the world’s largest watermelons are grown (including a world record holder in 2005). The town holds an annual watermelon festival and features watermelon in its municipal logo along with the Hope slogan, “A Slice of the Good Life.” It’s the tiny town of Green River, Utah (population 929), however, that is home to the “World’s Largest Watermelon.” The old wooden wedge is kept in storage in a hangar in the Green River Airfield and makes appearances at events like Green River’s annual Melon Days Festival.

Some Texas towns that have laid claim to the title include Weatherford and Naples. Weatherford is a north Texas city that was once one of the state’s biggest watermelon growers (not so much anymore) and featured an oversized watermelon sculpture outside its courthouse. Naples grows numerous watermelons, and the town has a watermelon festival that includes a rodeo. Yee-haw! But when it comes to watermelon festivals, the annual Rush Springs Watermelon Festival in Rush Springs, Oklahoma may be one of the biggest. It’s one of the state’s most popular festivals, attracting more than 20,000 visitors and serving nearly 50,000 pounds of watermelon each year! Beardstown, Illinois doesn’t have as worldly aspirations as

the others, calling themselves only the “Watermelon Capital” without the “of the World” added to the moniker. Their claim isn’t without merit, the Illinois town is one of the most prolific watermelon-growers in the state.

The United States typically ranges between fifth and eighth place in worldwide production of watermelon, with China being the most prolific commercial producer. China provides more than 60% of the world’s watermelon, followed by Turkey, India, and Egypt. Within the U.S., watermelons are mostly produced in southern states with harvest occurring during the late spring and summer months. Florida, Georgia, California, and Texas consistently lead the country in production. These four states alone accounted for 75% of the 3.4 billion pounds of watermelon produced domestically in 2021. With that kind of supply right here in our backyard, you can easily load up on this sweet summer delicacy at our local farmer’s markets, grocery stores, and produce stands.


Fun Facts About WATERMELON

Watermelons are related to cucumbers, pumpkins and squash!

The first recorded watermelon harvest occurred in Egypt approximately 5,000 years ago. We know about it because it is depicted in hieroglyphics on the walls of their ancient buildings. Watermelons were often placed in the burial tombs of kings with the intent to provide them with nourishment in the afterlife.

The origin of the name watermelon is due to the fact that the fruit is 92% water, and the word "watermelon" first appeared in the English dictionary in 1615. Historically, watermelons were often used as canteens by early explorers and travelers.

Both the flesh and the rind of the watermelon are edible. “American Cookery,” the first cookbook published in the U.S. in 1796, contained a recipe for watermelon rind pickles.

A watermelon takes about 90 days to grow, from planting to harvesting. According to Guinness World Records, the world's heaviest watermelon weighed in at 350.5 lbs. and was grown by Chris Kent of Sevierville, Tennessee in 2013.

Americans consume more watermelons than any other country. There are more than 100,000 acres of watermelons grown in the U.S., producing more than 40 million pounds per year. Japan has grown cube-shaped watermelons for decades by growing them in crates. They now grow them in other shapes like hearts and even human faces. Anyone want a melon collie?!

Over 1,200 varieties of watermelon are grown worldwide, with more than 300 varieties cultivated in the United States and South America. The most common types of watermelon are seeded, seedless, icebox, and yellow/orange.

Why did the cantaloupe jump into the pool?

It wanted to be a water-melon.

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When you are buying your watermelon, the biggest issue and always challenging task is choosing the best, sweetest, crispest melon. We’ve all had bad experiences with tasteless, mealy fruit or underripe melons that taste like rind, so tips on selecting the perfect watermelon are always helpful. Here are 7 common suggestions:

The first rule is to buy a melon during its peak season. Summertime, baby! May through September are prime months for watermelon in the US. This is it!

Look for unform, rounder shape. Some say that rounder melons tend to be sweeter than oval, and that may be the case, but oval watermelons can also just indicate a different variety of the fruit. In either case, avoid fruit with irregular bumps that may mean inconsistent sun or water in spots.

Examine the field spot and exterior of the melon. The field spot is the creamy yellowish spot where the melon rested on the ground. The more dark yellow the field spot appears, the longer it sat on the vine, and the sweeter the fruit. If the field spot is whiter in color or there is no spot at all, the melon is underripe. While a “pretty” watermelon may look perfectly green or green striped all around, that’s not what’s best for choosing a ripe melon that tastes good. A dull exterior appearance also indicates a riper melon, but that’s a little trickier to determine, with many stores or producers waxing the fruit.

Test the weight. Choose the heaviest watermelon for its size. A heavy watermelon means more water content—juicier and sweeter!

Thump it. This is an old tip handed down through the ages, but without lots of experience with what a good watermelon “sounds like,” it’s not the best gauge. When you tap or thump the watermelon, you want to hear a deep, hollow sound with your knuckles bouncing off a hard, firm flesh. A dull thud or soft flesh indicate that the melon is overripe or starting to spoil. The surface of the watermelon should have little to no give and no soft spots.

Look for sugar spots and pollination points. Sugar spots and pollination points can look like webbing or darker spots like dirt, but they don’t wipe off. These indicate a spot where sugar is seeping out and are a great indicator of a sweet melon. Pollination points are dots in a line and the more of these the better when it comes to getting a sweet, ripe melon.

Look at the stem. If there is a stem, check to see whether it is brown or green. A brown stem indicates that the watermelon ripened on the vine, whereas a green stem would mean it was picked early.

If you thought you were alone in the watermelon-picking anxiety, you’ll be comforted to just see the sheer number of videos on YouTube dedicated to the practice! Feel free to check them out if you need more assistance than our guidelines here.

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The Wonders of WATERMELON

Everyone knows that fruit is an important part of a healthy diet, but the specific combination of nutrients and hydration found in watermelon make it extra special! Watermelon is a rich source of minerals, such as potassium and magnesium, as well as a good source of vitamins C and A, plus beta carotene, which helps produce vitamin A, plus vitamins B1, B5 and B6. Add in the 92% water for hydration and it’s a pretty impressive healthy treat for only 46.5 calories per cup.

The concentration of antioxidants in watermelon also pack a positive punch for your health by regulating cell-damaging free radicals in the body. One of those is the lycopene that gives watermelon its reddish color. It works with vitamins C and A as an anti-inflammatory and has been linked to lower stroke risk. Lycopene is most abundant in cooked tomato products, but the lycopene levels in watermelon are about 40% higher than in raw tomatoes. For some reason seedless melons tend to have more lycopene tan those with seeds, and the redder and riper, the better. The lycopene also may help protect your skin

and make it less likely that you sunburn, you slather on the SPF 30+ broad-spectrum sunscreen by the pool indulging in a slice or two. Glutathione is another antioxidant present in watermelon. It’s involved in tissue building and repair, making chemicals and proteins needed in the body, and in immune system function.

but it’s still recommended that sunscreen while you’re out

Watermelon is especially unique in its high amount of citrulline. This amino acid actually gets its name from the Latin word for watermelon, citrullus. In the body, citrulline converts into arginine, an amino acid that produces nitric oxide, a substance that relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow. Studies on citrulline show that it may benefit your workouts by boosting endurance and helping to relieve sore muscles. There is also evidence that citrulline is effective in reducing high blood pressure and lowering your risk of heart attacks, although specific dosage hasn’t been determined. One study even suggests citrulline may help with erectile dysfunction. Move over Viagra, make room for watermelon!



The juicy summer fruit is also an excellent treat to satisfy your sweet tooth. Despite the fact that watermelon has natural sugar and a high glycemic index (the measure of how fast sugar enters the bloodstream), it has a low glycemic load. That means its actual effect on blood sugar is small. And it will fill you up faster than a bowl of ice cream or handful of cookies. It’s also fat free, cholesterol free, and has no sodium. Watermelon can easily be blended or pureed and frozen to make into smoothies, sorbet, or popsicles for a cooler twist. Watermelon is one of the most low-carb fruits you can eat, so even people on keto-friendly diets can enjoy it in moderation.

A single medium-sized slice of watermelon provides 9-11% of the vitamin A you require in a day. This is a key nutrient in keeping your eyes healthy. The natural pigment beta-cryptoxanthin found in watermelon protects your joints from inflammation and may make you less likely to get rheumatoid arthritis. Even your skin benefits from watermelon’s hydration, vitamins A, B6 and C. If you want a different way to enjoy its effect on your skin, mix one tablespoon of watermelon juice with one tablespoon of Greek yogurt to use as a face mask. Spread it on your skin and leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing and patting dry. This will slough off dull, dry skin and leave your face refreshed and glowing.

The Georgia Watermelon Connection

“Happiness in Every Bite! Eat It. Drink It. Love It.” That’s the message from the Georgia Watermelon Association. As one of the top watermelon producing states in the U.S., of course Georgia has its own watermelon industry association. The Georgia Watermelon Association was initially incorporated as the Georgia Watermelon Growers and Distributors Association in May 1968, but changed its name to better reflect the scope of its membership in 1977. They are a chapter of the National Watermelon Association and will hold their next annual convention (January 26-28, 2024) right here at The King and Prince Beach & Golf Resort on St. Simons Island. It is at this annual convention that a Georgia Watermelon Queen is selected. During the summer months the queen tours the state by visiting supermarkets, welcome centers, festivals, and other points of interest, making appearances on television and radio, meeting with local and state officials, sales groups, and others to promote the Georgia watermelon industry. She also represents GWA at the annual National Watermelon Convention, competing for the title of the National Watermelon Queen.

Georgia Watermelon Queen Charley Lollis was on St. Simons Island greeting people who stopped by the GWA table to grab free watermelon slices during the 4th of July Sunshine Festival 5K Run. Charley is a graduate of Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Communication and a minor in Agribusiness. She works as the Territory Sales Manager for AgBiome and enjoys visiting local farmers markets and other agritourism destinations. For more information about the Georgia Watermelon Association, the annual conference, the queen contest, the GA watermelon industry, and some yummy recipes, visit georgiawatermelonassociation.org.

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in your home garden

Watermelon is a warm-season vegetable that requires a lot of space, sunshine, water and nutrients. Our long, hot Georgia summers provide the perfect climate for growing them. The following information about growing your own watermelon at home is courtesy of the University of Georgia Extension.

Watermelons can be grown either by direct seeding or by using transplants. For transplants, start the seeds indoors about 4 or 5 weeks before the last frost. In South Georgia, that means starting them about the end of February. Plant one to two seeds per pot. Cover the seeds with the soil or potting mix and keep them in a warm place with good light. Indoors, supplemental light may be required to promote sturdy growth and prevent plants from becoming leggy. Set up lights 6 to 12 in. above the plants and keep them on for about 14 hours per day. Be sure to keep the soil and plants moist using a fine mist. Harden the plants off before transplanting them into the garden. This can be done by leaving them outside for 2 or 3 days but bringing them back inside each night. On the fourth day, leave them outside for 24 hours.

Transplanting. Watermelons thrive in warm soils, so wait to transplant them until the danger of frost has passed and days are consistently sunny and warm. The soil temperature should reach 65–70°F before planting watermelon in the garden. Watermelons need a well-drained soil that receives 8 to 10 hours of sunlight per day.

Starting Seeds. Plant watermelon from seed in small hills with a spacing of 8 feet on all sides. Sow four to five seeds per hill at a depth of 1 inch. A week after they have germinated, thin the seedlings to two per hill.

Soil Preparation.


For proper fertilization, a soil test (available through your local county Extension office) is always recommended. The soil pH should be between 6.0 and 7.0 for best growth. In the absence of a soil test, a complete fertilizer such as 10-10-10 or 13-13-13 can be applied at the rate of 3 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. of garden. Spade or till the soil to a depth of at least 6 to 8 in. Adding organic matter in the form of topsoil, compost or a bagged amendment and incorporating into the native soil can help improve soil quality. After amending and tilling, level the soil with a rake.

Mulch the plants with weed-free grass clippings (already dried, not green), straw or wood chips to prevent weeds from growing and to conserve water. Water them as needed, to a depth of 6 in., preferably with drip irrigation. Overhead watering will soak the foliage and make it a lot more susceptible to pests and diseases, especially mildew. Depending on the type of soil, you may need to irrigate several times a week to provide adequate moisture. Overwatering should be avoided because it leaches nutrients from the soil and also makes plants more prone to disease.

Harvesting. Watermelon can be harvested anytime between 70 and 90 days depending on the variety. Look for a curly tendril at the stem. The watermelon is ready to be picked when the tendril opposite the fruit stem is completely dry. Other signs of ripeness include yellowing of the underside of the fruit and a dull thump sound when tapping the fruit.

Storage & Use. Whole watermelon will stay fresh for about two weeks if it is stored at a temperature below 60 °F. At room temperature, it will keep for 7 to 10 days. For optimum taste, place the melon in the refrigerator to cool prior to eating.

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Recipes for the Whole Melon — Even the Rind


Watermelon Gazpacho


1 medium cucumber, peeled and seeded

1/2 red bell pepper, finely chopped

2 c. tomatoes, cored, roughly chopped

2 c. watermelon, roughly chopped

1/4 c. extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling

1 Tbsp. plus 1 tsp. (or more)

sherry vinegar

1 Tbsp. jalapeño, finely chopped

3 Tbsp. shallots, finely chopped, divided

Kosher salt

Freshly ground black pepper

Basil leaves, roughly chopped


Finely chop 1/4 of cucumber; set aside for serving. Roughly chop remaining cucumber and transfer to blender. Add bell pepper, tomatoes, watermelon, oil, vinegar, jalapeño and 2 Tbsp. shallots; season with a pinch of salt and a few grinds of black pepper. Blend to desired consistency. Taste and season with salt, pepper and more vinegar or oil, if needed. Transfer to refrigerator to chill at least 2 hours or up to overnight. To serve, divide gazpacho among bowls and top with fresh basil, a drizzle of oil, reserved cucumber, and remaining 1 Tbsp. shallots. Serve accompanied by fresh, crusty bread.

Watermelon "Fries" with Yogurt Dipping Sauce


1 watermelon

2 tsp. Tajin seasoning (This classic Mexican seasoning is made of of very simple ingredients including salt, chili, and lime. If you don’t have Tajin seasoning, you can make your own by combining 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp. chili powder, and lime zest to taste.)


1 c. coconut flavored yogurt (or any flavor of your choice)

Zest and juice of 1 lime


In a bowl, combine yogurt, lime juice and zest. Set aside. Using a serrated knife, slice the watermelon into rounds, cut off the rind, and then cut the watermelon into long sticks the size of French fries. Scatter watermelon fries on a plate and sprinkle with Tajin seasoning. Serve with dip.

Spicy Heirloom Tomato & Watermelon Salad


1 Tbsp. tamari (Japanese soy sauce)

2 tsp. fresh lime juice

2 tsp. rice vinegar

1 small clove of garlic, minced

1/s tsp. fresh ginger, minced


3 heirloom tomatoes, sliced into wedges

5 c. watermelon, cut into 2” chunks

1 jalapeño, thinly sliced

2 Tbsp. basil

2 Tbsp. toasted cashews

1/2 avocado, diced

Sea salt, to taste

Lime wedges, for serving


In a small bowl, combine tamari, lime juice, vinegar, garlic, and ginger to make dressing. Set aside. Arrange tomatoes, watermelon, and jalapeño slices on a large platter or shallow bowl. Drizzle with dressing and top with basil, cashews, and avocado. Season to taste and serve with lime wedges.

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Roasted Parmesan Watermelon Rind


5 c. watermelon rind, peeled and chopped into 1- 1½ inch pieces

2 Tbsp. olive oil

1 tsp. kosher salt

1/4 rounded teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper

1/3 c. shredded Parmesan cheese

1 Tbsp. fresh lemon thyme leaves (or regular thyme)

2 tsp. fresh rosemary, finely chopped

3/4 tsp. sherry vinegar


Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a large baking pan (1” sides, not a flat sheet) with aluminum foil. In a large bowl stir together watermelon rind, olive oil, salt and black pepper until rind is coated. Spread rind in a single layer onto baking sheet. Place in oven and roast 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes until rind is bite tender (not mushy), and browning. Remove from oven and pour roasted rind into a medium bowl and stir in cheese, thyme, rosemary, and vinegar to coat. Garnish with additional rosemary and thyme and a sprinkle of additional cheese. Serve warm.

Steaks with Summer Salsa


2 (8 oz.) boneless beef top loin steaks (1¼” thick)

2 tsp. ground ancho chile pepper

1 tsp. garlic salt


1 c. watermelon, seeded, diced

1 c. fresh blueberries

1 medium tomato, chopped

1/4 c. red onion, finely chopped

1 Tbsp. fresh mint, minced

1½ tsp. fresh ginger, grated

1/4 tsp. salt


Grilled Watermelon with Blue Cheese & Prosciutto


3 (1/2-inch-thick) watermelon rounds, quartered

1 Tsp. olive oil

Kosher salt

freshly ground pepper

4 oz. prosciutto, thinly sliced

4 oz. blue cheese, crumbled

fresh basil leaves

2 tsp. balsamic glaze


Preheat grill to 350-400°F (mediumhigh heat). Brush both sides of each watermelon quarter with olive oil, and season with desired amount of salt and pepper. Cut prosciutto into thin strips. Grill watermelon quarters, without grill lid, 1 minute on each side or until grill marks appear. Transfer watermelon to a serving plate; top with blue cheese, prosciutto strips, and fresh basil. Drizzle watermelon with balsamic glaze. Serve immediately.

In a bowl, combine salsa ingredients and set aside. Rub steaks with chile pepper and garlic salt. Grill, covered, over medium heat or broil 4 inches from heat until meat reaches desired doneness (for medium-rare, a thermometer should read 135°; for medium 140°; for medium-well 145°), 7-9 minutes on each side. Cut steak into slices; serve with salsa.

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Grilled Chicken & Watermelon Salad


1 c. balsamic vinegar

1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts

3 tsp. all-purpose seasoning (such as Nature’s Seasoning)

1 Tbsp. olive oil

4 c. baby spinach or greens

2 c. watermelon, cubed

1/2 c. blue cheese crumbles

1/4 c. sliced almonds


Pour balsamic vinegar into a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes until significantly reduced and becoming syrupy. Bring grill to high heat. Sprinkle chicken with seasoning on both sides and drizzle with olive oil. Transfer to hot grill and cook until no longer pink inside and nicely browned on outside. Let rest for 5 minutes; cut into small cubes. Layer spinach with chicken, watermelon, blue cheese, almonds, and drizzle with balsamic reduction to taste. Top with additional olive oil, if desired.

Sweet & Spicy Shrimp & Watermelon Skewers


1 Tbsp. reduced-sodium soy sauce

1 Tbsp. Sriracha chili sauce

1 Tbsp. honey

1 garlic clove, minced

4 c. watermelon (seedless), cut in 1” cubes, divided

1 lb. uncooked wild Georgia shrimp (16-20 per pound), peeled and deveined

1 medium red onion, cut into 1” pieces

1/2 tsp. sea salt

1/4 tsp. coarsely ground pepper


For glaze, place soy sauce, chili sauce, honey, garlic and 2 c. watermelon in a blender; cover and puree. Transfer to a small saucepan; bring to a boil. Cook, uncovered, over medium-high heat until mixture is reduced by half, about 10 minutes. Reserve 1/4 c. glaze for serving. Using four metal or soaked wooden skewers, alternately thread shrimp, onion and remaining watermelon. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place kabobs on a prepared grill rack over medium heat. Grill, covered, 3-4 minutes on each side or until shrimp turn pink, brushing with remaining glaze during the last 2 minutes. Serve with reserved glaze.

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Watermelon Lemonade Margaritas


1 c. tequila (or vodka, if you’d prefer)

1/2 c. triple sec

1/2 c. midori

2 c. watermelon juice

4 c. prepared lemonade (fresh squeezed or store-bought are both fine)


Start with a half a medium-large seedless watermelon. Slice it and remove rind. Puree watermelon in a blender, then strain it through a mesh strainer. You’ll be left with about 4 cups of watermelon juice, depending on the size of your melon. Chill all ingredients. Stir all ingredients in a pitcher. To serve, pour over ice and garnish with watermelon and lemon slices. To make non-alcoholic version: combine 2 cups of cold watermelon juice with 4 cups of cold lemonade in a pitcher.

Watermelon Sangria


1 large watermelon

1 bottle white wine, chilled

2 c. white rum

1 c. seltzer

1/3 c. lime juice

2 limes, thinly sliced

2 c. assorted fresh or frozen fruit (pineapple, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries)


Slice off the top third of the watermelon lengthwise (save for later use) and score fruit with a knife. Using a large spoon or ice cream scoop, scoop out watermelon and transfer to blender. Blend watermelon until smooth and strain seeds. Add white wine, rum, seltzer, and lime juice. Stir until combined. Add limes and fruit. Refrigerate until chilled, about 2 hours, then serve.

Watermelon with Mojito Dressing


1 small fresh watermelon

1/3 c. fresh mint leaves

1 fresh lime

3 Tbsp. olive oil

2 tsp. sugar

sea salt

fresh ground pepper


Cut watermelon into chunks or small triangles. Discard rind. Zest lime into medium sized bowl and squeeze in juice, carefully removing any seeds. Chop fresh mint roughly and add to bowl. Add olive oil and sugar. Whisk and blend ingredients well. Season with sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste. Drizzle dressing over watermelon right before serving. Add more sea salt and fresh ground pepper on top, if needed. Dressing can be made a few hours ahead of time and kept refrigerated until ready to serve.

No-Blender Watermelon Frose


1 c. rosé wine

1/3 c. watermelon juice

Fresh mint, for garnish


Combine rosé and watermelon juice in 16-ounce mason jar. Screw on lid and band. (One serving each, so make as many as you’d like.) Freeze for 1 hour then shake the jar once. Continue freezing and shaking the jar every 30 minutes until the liquid is slushy, 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Serve in the jar with a straw, garnished with a sprig of mint. If you forget about the wine mixture and it freezes solid, let it sit at room temperature for 30-45 minutes, shaking occasionally, to loosen up and serve.

AUGUST 2023 35

Easy Pickled Watermelon Rind


1 medium watermelon (about 5 pounds)

1 c. apple cider vinegar

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1½ c. water

2 Tbsp. sea salt

1 c. granulated sugar

1 Tbsp. pickling spice, homemade or store-bought

1/2 tsp. whole allspice berries

1/2 tsp. peppercorns

2-4 wide-mouth pint jars (any glass container with a tight-fitting lid will work)


Wash and pint jars and their lids in hot, soapy water and set aside to dry. Place the watermelon on a flat surface and cut in half lengthwise, then cut in half crosswise. Then slice each quarter into 1/2" wide strips and cut most pink watermelon flesh from rind, leaving only a thin 1/4” layer of pink watermelon flesh for color. (Use the watermelon flesh for some of these other recipes!) Peel the exterior green skin portion of the watermelon rind so the remaining rind is mostly white, with the thin bit of pink flesh on one side.

Make the brine in a large saucepan over medium-high heat using the apple cide vinegar, water, vanilla, salt, sugar, pickling spice, allspice, and peppercorns. Bring to a boil, stirring often, until sugar dissolves, about 3 minutes. Carefully pour or ladle the hot brine into each jar, filling the jars until watermelon rinds are covered. Screw lids onto the jars and then let them cool to room temperature (about 1 hour). Once cool to the touch, place them in the refrigerator. Wait at least 24 hours for flavors to develop before eating watermelon rinds. You can enjoy pickled watermelon rinds right out of the jar as a snack, as an appetizer or side instead of pickles, or chop the rinds and add them to salads, sandwiches, or barbecue dishes. Rinds can be stored in refrigerator for a month unopened or 2 to 3 weeks once opened.

*To customize your brine: substitute rice vinegar the apple cider vinegar for a sweet and tart flavor. Add crystallized ginger for a sweet and spicy kick. If you prefer just spicy or some heat, add jalapenos or red pepper flakes. Cherries will add more sweetness. Garlic will make the rinds more savory.

AUGUST 2023 37

Connection is Key

Over the past twenty years and counting, Elegant Island Living has firmly established itself as an exclusive must-read publication for anyone living or interested in Golden Isles and South Coastal Georgia region. We love seeing the issues our readers proudly display on cocktail tables and getting requests for copies to hand out to visitors, conference participants, and wedding parties. We’re thrilled to hear you saved copies with your favorite recipes we shared, or that your family has collected every issue

as part of a years-old tradition. But even more than producing a magazine and website that beautifully captures and reflects the spirit of St. Simons Island and the surrounding area, we’re proud to have our thumb on the pulse of this community. We have grown and adapted to meet the needs of our readers and advertisers, finding ways to keep the community informed on a more immediate basis and effectively promote our advertisers’ sales, restaurant specials, and pop-up fundraisers and non-profit events at a moment’s notice.

Our strongest social media platforms are Facebook and Instagram and we have also maintained a presence on Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. Now we’re one of the frontrunners in the Golden Isles on Meta’s new Threads app too, so come join the conversation with us there! And don’t forget we have separate dedicated social media accounts for I’m With the Band to keep up with the Golden Isles live music scene and updated listings for who’s playing where and when. We are active on these accounts daily posting content from our issues, sharing photos of our beautiful surroundings, covering non-profit and community events, and promoting our advertisers’ products, services. and sales. and have even added shopping and subscription purchase options. With more than 16,000 followers on Facebook, and 13,000 followers on Twitter, and a rapidly growing organic following on Threads, our goal is to always be in touch and in tune with what’s going on in our community. This is how we get our story ideas and the info we need to spread the word about important events and other happenings. We also use this powerful tool to promote our advertisers. We encourage you to engage with us on these platforms and share with your family, friends, and visiting guests.

The EIL website (elegantislandliving.net) is updated weekly with content from current issues, including Social Scene photo galleries so you can see who’s out and about having fun. Our digital calendar is loaded with community events so you can make plans. You’ll find the I’m With the Band listings here, as well as a page dedicated to the art exhibits on display at our local galleries each month and any special art events, like Crafts in the Village and Art Under the Oaks. If you love to cook, you’ll find a treasure trove of recipes under our Community Cookbook tab, and local history buffs will love the History Highlights section.

another resource we offer our readers is the EIL Insider. This e-newsletter delivers our digital content and info about current community and advertiser events directly to your inbox each week. Subscribe on our website, it’s free! As the voice of Golden Isles, we strive for community connection 24/7 to keep our thumb on the pulse and to be able to provide you, our readers/viewers, with engaging and informative content in whatever form you choose, be it print, digital media, or social media posts.


AUGUST 2023 39
rea @elegantislandliving @imwiththebandssi Pinterest @elegantislandliving YouTube @elegantislandliving Twi er @elegantislandliving Facebook @elegantislandliving @imwiththebandssi Instagram @elegantislandliving @imwiththebandssi connect with us!


The Golden Isles of Georgia has polished its luster and ranks number one again, according to Travel + Leisure. The world-renowned travel publication has announced the results of its 2023 World’s Best Awards readers survey and the Golden Isles reclaimed the coveted number one spot in the Best Islands in the Continental U.S. category that it previously held in 2020. Every year, readers rank their favorite destinations, hotels, resorts, spas, airlines and more in the publication’s annual survey. Islands are rated according to “their activities and sights, natural attractions and beaches, food, friendliness and overall value.” With over 18,000 islands in the U.S. and more than 900,000 in the world, this category is known to be highly competitive. For each of the past nine years, the Golden Isles has consistently placed as a top 10 contender for the World’s Best Islands.

“I am immensely proud of our CVB team and community; this accolade was certainly well-earned. This award recognizes the Golden Isles as a whole, allowing us to establish this beautiful area as a singular, united destination. This recognition truly belongs to our community, and especially our partners and workforce in the hospitality industry, our residents and all those who work tirelessly to keep this amazing place special.” said Scott McQuade, President and CEO of the Golden Isles Convention & Visitors Bureau.

Tourism is the largest single industry in the Golden Isles, employing over 18,ooo individuals and contributing over $1.6 billion dollars to the local economy. For the past decade, the Golden Isles has experienced sustained growth in tourism, with the CVB reporting a record-breaking 2022 that saw the highest economic impact to date. That positive tourism impact equated to offsets resulting in an average savings of $2,504 in local and state taxes for each Glynn County household, according to the Georgia Department of Economic Development.

“Our partnership with Travel + Leisure has helped us obtain our goal of increasing our reach to travelers across the world while ensuring that this affluent travel audience not only contributes to our local economy but shares the same values that our residents hold dear. We are pleased to have expanded our eco-tourism, culinary and heritage tourism market segments through our marketing efforts with Travel + Leisure,” said Marcie Kicklighter, Senior Director of Marketing and Communications of the Golden Isles CVB.

For more information about the Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards, please visit travelandleisure.com/worldsbest.


Trupp, CCIM founder and former

of Trupp Hodnett Enterprises and e Management Company prior to taking the companies public (NYSE, RZT) in an IPO in 1998 has reentered the real estate business locally through an affiliation with eXp realty. eXp is a cloud based publicly traded (NASDAQ, EXPI) company with more than 96,000 real estate agents in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, Mexico, Portugal, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain and continues to scale internationally.

is internet based high technology company will totally revolutionize the real estate

industry both with relationships of buyers and sellers and the relationship that sales people have with the company. Trend Magazine has described eXp as the Amazon of real estate. eXp realty offers a very unique agent attraction program and Hans has partnered with veteran Atlanta broker John Adams to inform and educate agents throughout the United States about eXp, one of the fastest growing real estate companies in the nation. Adams is well known throughout Georgia for his educational activities on behalf of the Georgia Real Estate Commission, and his regular appearances on Fox 5 Atlanta and CNN. He continues to be a freelance journalist with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution with more than 1,000 articles in print.

anks to the internet, eXp’s state of the art revolutionary cloud based technology and a unique revenue sharing plan Hans and his team are able to offer a performance-based, no risk maximum 4% listing commission on any real estate both residential and commercial. No risk - you can cancel the listing at any time for any reason. Hans would also be pleased to share his broad business knowledge and experience with anyone interested in a free no obligation consultation session with regard to any real estate problem. Call, email or text him if you would like to explore his listing program or if you have any questions with regard to eXp, one of the fastest growing real estate companies in the nation with now over 96,000 agents and growing.

4% Listing Commission
eXp Realty LLC • Hans F. Trupp, CCIM • truppccim@gmail.com • 912.269.7434 Promenade II, 1230 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1900, Atlanta 30309 • 888.959.9461 ext. 123

The RSM Classic O ers Hospitality Venues of All Sizes

The RSM Classic is a valuable resource for growing business relationships. Specializing in creating memorable experiences, e RSM Classic is an exceptional way to entertain and say thank you to your most valued business associates. It is also a wonderful place to spend time with friends and family.

For businesses and individuals seeking hospitality venues, e RSM Classic provides a variety of options. In addition to the larger hospitality areas such as Chalets and the Skybox, the tournament o ers e Seaside Cabanas and e Seaside Terraces which provide a smaller, more intimate hospitality setting.

The Seaside Cabanas

Back by popular demand, e Seaside Cabanas and Terraces combine reserved hospitality space with a shared strolling hospitality experience o ering spectators multiple viewing venues located around the Seaside Course at Sea Island Golf Club. ese custom packages include:

•Reserved open air 10’x20’ tented cabana space located alongside the Par-3 17th Hole on the Seaside Course

•Cabana branded with Company name/logo

•Interior seating and TV, outside seating and drink rail

•Designated bar for Seaside Cabanas platform

•Tickets provide access to a reserved Seaside Cabana at #17, plus the popular Seaside Terraces – Four tented viewing platforms strategically located around the Seaside Course at Sea Island Golf Club

•Complimentary Food and beverages, including daily grab & go menu items and full bar service (Beer, seltzers, wine, spirits)

•VIP Valet Parking Passes provided daily, ursday through Sunday

The Seaside Terraces

e Seaside Terraces is a popular, all-inclusive hospitality o ering which provides a strolling hospitality experience with multiple viewing venues located on the Seaside Course. Grab and Go food selections and full bar service included. is package includes:

•Multiple viewing platforms located in strategic locations on the Seaside Course at Sea Island Golf Club

•Complimentary food and beverages, including daily Grab & Go menu items and beer, wine, and seltzers.

•Flexible ticket packages available, including both daily and weekly options (weekly tickets include VIP Valet Parking).

For more information, visit RSMClassic.com or contact John McKenzie at jmckenzie@dlovefoundation.com or 912.634.3268.

In its first thirteen years, The RSM Classic, hosted by Davis Love III, has raised more than $35 million to support local and national charities. For information, visit rsmclassic.com.


Practicing in the Golden Isles since 1984 Licensed in Georgia & Florida ed@edrowley.com www.edrowley.com Office 912 638-7177 Cell 912 399-7109 3600 Frederica Rd., #8 St. Simons Island, GA 31522 ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL HISTORIC AUGUST 2023 43


Coastal Wildscapes, the St. Simons Land Trust, and 100 Miles are hosting a Film Screening, Discussion, and Book Signing with Urban & Suburban Meadows author/director Catherine Zimmerman on ursday, August 10. is lm is aimed at helping people just say NO to thirsty, pesticide ridden, energy consuming lawns, of which there are more than 48 million acres in the U.S. Zimmerman combines her expertise in photography, storytelling, environmental issues, horticulture and organic practices to o er meadowscaping as a lawn alternative. She weaves her personal journey of changing her own landscaping choices into a guide that demonstrates both the need to change current, de trimental landscaping practices and the practical know how and resources to accomplish that change. Register online today to join the discussion at e Ritz eatre in Brunswick from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Light hors d’oeuvres will be served. $20 for members, $30 for non-members. coastalwildscapes.org.


e Golden Isles Track Club recently presented e Farm at Oatland North with a check for $2,929 representing funds raised from Wesley Shoup’s e Longest Day 100 mile run. Volunteers at e Farm said they also received some direct donations as result of the increased awareness of their nonpro t mission spread by his run, making the total amount raised for the organization more than $3000. Located at 70 Cannons Point Road, e Farm rescues and provides sanctuary for abused, neglected, and abandoned animals, teaching them to trust again and live in a place of peace, comfort, dignity, and love where they have the chance to to thrive. e Farm crew was so appreciative of the donation that even Percy the Goat wanted in on the photo op! Learn more about e Farm, its rescues, events, and ways you can volunteer or donate at thefarmssi.org.


e City of Brunswick Historic Preservation Board and Historic Brunswick Foundation recently presented e Torras Foundation and e Visitors Club Preservation Fund with an award for Excellence in Historic Preservation. ese awards are presented to property owners, businesses, and/or organizations that have contributed excellence in preservation to the community during the 2022-2023 year and were nominated for the honor. Michael Torras of e Torras Foundation credits the forward-thinking leadership of City Manager Regina McDu e for allowing this project to happen and the hard work and incredible generosity of our amazing local business community for the successful follow-through, right up to the pièce de resistance, the original restored weathervane completed by Sea Island Forge. Be sure to stop by and check out this newly polished historical gem at the end of the causeway. Congratulations to all on a job well done!




Plantation Dental SSI recently launched a new website featuring updated branding elements and more user-friendly features. Simple navigation allows patients to learn about the dental services provided by Chase Hopkins, DMD, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, KöR Teeth Whitening, Reveal Clear Aligners, and much more. “We’re continuously focused on improvement in technology, services, and over-all experience,” said Dr. Hopkins. e website also includes patient testimonials and a blog section where patients can stay informed about the latest trends and news in the dental industry. Plantation Dental SSI, which is currently accepting new patients of all ages, is consistently rated ve stars on Google Business reviews. Located in St. Simons Island’s Plantation Village o ce park at 300 Main St. #101, Plantation Dental SSI is a dental care provider for patients throughout the Golden Isles and Brunswick region. Call 912.638.9001 to schedule an appointment or visit plantationdentalssi.com.

Financial solutions rm, Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., recently added David L. Burch of Lighthouse Financial Advisors to their Premier Club, inviting him to attend the annual Premier Club conference in Colorado Springs. is honor is earned by nancial professionals who have demonstrated their commitment to serving their clients while upholding an independent mindset, and adhering to Cambridge’s core values of integrity, commitment, exibility, and kindness. “We are honored to have David L. Burch as a member of our Premier Club,” said Je Vivacqua, President of Growth and Development at Cambridge. “At Cambridge, service is at t he heart of our culture, and David has demonstrated not only his skill as a nancial professional, but his commitment to serving the needs of their investing clients. We take pride in supporting Cambridge’s independent nancial professionals by o ering them opportunities for growth that will help them further develop their talents and hone their skills.” Contact David at 912.634.0055 or david.burch@advisorysouth.com.


Susan Ibanez, DHA, FACHE, CHCIO, CDH-E, has joined Southeast Georgia Health System as Chief Information O cer (CIO). Ibanez o ers more than 25 years of health care information systems/technology experience. She previously served as CIO for Vail Health in Vail, Colorado and as Vice President of ISD Business Solutions for Memorial Hermann Health System in Houston, Texas. In addition to her extensive executive level information systems/technology experience, she excels at strategic planning, operations, IT governance, nancial and project management, and has a successful history of customer and patient satisfaction, building collaborative teams and positive physician relationships. Ibanez earned her bachelor’s degree at Texas A&M –Kingsville University and holds graduate degrees and a doctoral degree in healthcare administration from Walden University. Ibanez has been a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives since 2017. Ibanez also teaches online classes in healthcare administration with Abilene Christian University. sghs.org.

AUGUST 2023 47


e Coastal Georgia Historical Society’s annual Chautauqua Lecture Series will take place August 17 - September 14 (skipping August 31). In celebration of the fth anniversary of the Home Front Museum, the series theme is devoted to “World War II Home Front Experiences Here and Abroad” and features four exceptional speakers who presented popular programs in the past. It will delve into the dramatically di erent wartime experiences in Britain, the United States, and France, and will also examine one of the most signi cant and controversial achievements of the war, the development of the atomic bomb, as seen through the eyes of the brilliant scientist who headed the project. Lectures are ursday evenings at 6:00 p.m. at St. Simons Presbyterian Church and will also be available via live stream. $50 for members and $95 for non-members. To register, visit coastalgeorgiahistory.org.


Get your tickets to enjoy a remarkable dinner bene ting the Boys & Girls Club of Southeast Georgia. is unique fundraiser, aptly called Taste of the Wild, will tantalize your tastebuds with wild game o erings by Halyards Catering. Last year’s menu included blueberry venison sausage and gator burger sliders, and this year’s fare is sure to be just as exciting. e event is scheduled for September 7 at 5:30-9:00 p.m. at Emma’s Driftwood Farm, 1184 Bob Wagner Lane SE, in Darien. Emma’s is located o the inter-coastal waterway and sits on eighty-one acres of picturesque marshland. Adding to the ambiance will be e Pinebox Dwellers performing their blend of “Swampadelic” Americana tunes. e Boys & Girls Club supports Glynn and Mcintosh counties with 12 clubs o ering academic, sports and summer camp programs for our regional youths. P urchase tickets or become a sponsor at bgcsega.com


Wrap up the summer with great music in a perfect setting as Golden Isles Arts & Humanities presents e Land Sharks, the World’s Premier Jimmy Bu ett Tribute Band, in concert on at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, August 27 at Neptune Park on St Simons Island. Bring your chairs, blanket, and a picnic supper (maybe cheeseburgers and boat drinks?) to enjoy a popular selection of trop rock tunes from these fun fellas. You don’t need a change in latitude for a positive change in attitude, the changing tide will provide the breeze to cool you down during the evening concert. Tickets are $15, and children 12 and under are admitted free of charge. Purchase online at goldenislesarts.org.

AUGUST 2023 49
WHILE THERE WERE CELEBRATIONS AT SEVERAL LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE GOLDEN ISLES ON THE 4TH OF JULY, THE ELEGANT ISLAND LIVING CREW CHOSE ST. SIMONS ISLAND AS THIS YEAR’S SPOT TO ENJOY THE FESTIVITIES. As you can see, there was quite a crowd assembled for the golf cart parade in the Village and the evening’s fireworks display. More than 100 vehicles adorned in patriotic decoration participated in the parade this year, raising more than $3,000 for No Kill Glynn County!
THE GOLDEN ISLES ALZHEIMER’S WALK CAMPAIGN GOT OFF TO A GREAT START WITH A KICK-OFF/TAILGATE EVENT AT VILLAGE CREEK LANDING. 2023 Walk Committee member Billy Copelan gave a moving testament, Backbeat Boulevard provided the tunes, and City Market served up delicious seafood. The Walk is scheduled for Saturday, October 21 in Pier Village on St. Simons Island. To see how you can participate or donate, visit gaalz.org.
AUGUST 2023 53
THE ST. SIMONS LAND TRUST RECENTLY HOSTED A CONSERVATION EVENT IN THE BLOODY MARSH BISTRO AT MARSH’S EDGE. This casual gathering gave residents the opportunity to learn more about the work of the Land Trust and to mingle with others who value land preservation on St. Simons Island. Executive Director Emily Ellison and Board Chair Greer Brown spoke at the event.

GLYNN VISUAL ARTS CONTINUED THE CELEBRATION OF ITS 70TH YEAR AS A COMMUNITY ARTS ORGANIZATION WITH AN ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION: THEN & NOW: ART OF THE LOWCOUNTRY. This exhibit, on display through August 4, celebrates artists who were influential in the creation of GVA and those who continue to carry on the legacy. Several artists and patrons of the arts, including Albert Fendig, Kevin Pullen, Ann Marie Dalis, Kevin Bongang, and Millie


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Wilcox, the opening reception. 1. Dani Reinshagen, Millie Wilcox, Elizabeth LaSueur. 2. Sue Cansler, Laura Pullen. 3. Ruth Trudeau, Deborah Shelton. 4. Mary Kline, Bobby Bogt. 5. Albert and Joyce Fendig. 6. K. Joy Peters, Margie Harris, Chrys Graham. 7. Nancy Muldowney, Sandra and Brian Muldowney, Mike Muldowney. 8. Emmy Temples, Patti Sistrunk, Ann Marie Dalis. 9. Ren and Sibby Gruber, Bob and Jennifer Broadus. 10. Anne Ambrose, Linda Bisher. 11. Britney and Kevin Bongang with their pup. 12. Maggie Glennon, Charles Walker. 13. Jenny and Stan Humphries. 14. Nancy and Michael Golderman.
AUGUST 2023 57

THE GOLDEN ISLES DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB RECENTLY HELD THEIR ANNUAL FULL DAY OF CHARITY MATCHES TO BENEFIT THE ALZHEIMER’S FOUNDATION. This is a nationwide event sanctioned by the American Contract Bridge League recognizing “The Longest Day,” the summer solstice, as the dedicated day for fundraising in support of care programs and research for Alzheimer’s Disease. Food was served throughout the day; there were various drawings for prizes and donations were accepted in lieu of table fees. For more information about the Golden Isles Duplicate Bridge Club, visit their Facebook page or bridgewebs.com/goldenisles.

IT WAS A BREEZY EVENING FOR THE PINE BOX DWELLERS CONCERT AT VILLAGE CREEK LANDING. The windy weather didn’t dampen the spirits of the crowd who thoroughly enjoyed the music from the popular “swampadelic” group. This venue never fails to impress with its spectacular marsh views and superb staff.
AUGUST 2023 61 912.571.1137 228 Redfern Village, Saint Simons Island A S S O C I A T E S
in the private and public sector for
years. She teaches private and group lessons for those that want to improve their painting skills or learn how to paint and draw. ANDERSON CONTEMPORARY GALLERY 100 Sylvan Drive, Suite 170, St. Simons Island, GA PRIVATE LESSONS ARE OFFERED BY APPOINTMENT ONLY For Information text or call 843.998.4773 Q @marden.art
Marden Headley holds degrees in Fine Art Education and has taught



gave everyone an opportunity to share favorite stories and show their gratitude and love for

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LIGHTING NEIL NILSSON. This gathering of Neil’s friends and family this longtime member of the Golden Isles theatre community. 1. Donna Nilsson, David Nilsson, Christy Nilsson, Neil Nilsson, Peter Nilsson. 2. Josh Sinyard, Sandra McLeod. 3. Mary Miller, Betty Woodward, Tony Ferri. 4. Joan Scheetz, Neil Nilsson. 5. Richard Watson, Mike MacMillan. 6. Peter Nilsson, David Nilsson, Christy Nilsson. 7. Neil Nilsson, David Butler. 8. Sharing stories. 9. Marjorie Mathieu, Neil Nilsson. 10. Kelly Hunter. 11. Mike MacMillan, Neil Nilsson, Chris Maxwell. 12. Glenn Sellers, Brian Griffin, Leslie Jackson.
AUGUST 2023 63

A CELEBRATION MARKING THE CULMINATION OF SAFE HARBOR’S INAUGURAL CHAMPIONS FOR CHILDREN FUNDRAISER WAS RECENTLY HELD AT QUEEN AND GRANT. Of the community members who “competed” to earn the most money for the non-profit organization, David and Ryanne Carrier were crowned Ultimate Champions for bringing in more than $31,000 of the $137,000 total raised by the campaign. Sorry we missed the coronation! Congrats to EVERYONE who participated for such an awesome

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result! 1. The evening’s entertainers, the American Bombshells. 2. Dominique Penny, Andrea Belton. 3. Nancy Kaufman, Susan Bryant. 4. Hillary Johnston, Leslie Hartman. 5. Adele Tyson, Audrey Gibbons. 6. Mayor Cosby Johnson, Vicki Greene. 7. Ellie Moody, Tori Moody, Lori Hatton. 8. Sarah Sanchez, Paul Christian, Dawn Pantano. 9. Kirsten Mack, Jamie Bessette. 10. Champions for Children Committee Elizabeth Piazza, Bentley Kaufman, Kate Dart. 11. Deborah and David Wright. 12. Jeri Sweeney, Jacob Sweeney. 13. Robin and Kizzi Knight. 14. Matt and Brittany Jenson.
AUGUST 2023 65


of Tom and


at the Ocean Forest

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cello home Linda Heagy with co-hosts Annette Wheeler Dan Kelly. 1. Amy and Chris Bone, Conductor Michelle Merrill. 2. Marjorie Mathieu, Lucy Loehle. 3. Janice Lamattina, Anne Stembler, Host Linda Heagy. 4. Nancy Steele, Dr. Sage Campione, Nathan and Shonda Kohlhoff. 5. Musicians and Audience. 6. Grand Crescendo Hosts Tom Milburn, Dee Wright with party chair Deborah and David Wright. 7. Cellist Brian Magnus; Flutist Les Roettges. 8. John Starr, Al Garrett, Jim Harrell. 9. Becky Hendrix, Sen. Wyche Fowler, Rita Spalding. 10. Victoria and John Simms. 11. Bill Parker, Sibby Gruber, Michael Flores. 12. Tom Heagy and Susan Garrett.
THE TERRY THOMAS FOUNDATION RECENTLY HELD A LUNCHEON AT OCEAN FOREST GOLF CLUB ON SEA ISLAND FOR THIS YEAR’S GRANT RECIPIENTS. Twenty local non-profit organizations received a total of $590,000, bringing the total of grants provided to local charities over the years to more than $6.4 million. What an incredibly legacy of philanthropy continues from a generous woman!
AUGUST 2023 69

THE ISLAND PLAYERS PRODUCTION OF YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN OPENED TO RAVE REVIEWS FROM AUDIENCES AND EIL WAS THERE TO CATCH THE EXCITEMENT AT THEIR FIRST SUNDAY MATINEE. Congratulations to cast and crew for a job well done! We look forward to seeing what magic you have up your sleeves for the 2023-24 season!

AUGUST 2023 71


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Cottage 342, W. Seventeenth Street, Sea Island

Occupying most of the 17th Street block, this prized and revered property extends from Sea Island Drive all the way to the marsh. For families who enjoy staying together and being close to one another, Lune de Miel (Cottage 342) is lovingly placed on the land with the precision of an artist, an apt metaphor given the materials, furnishings and appointments dating from the 17th century. The enchanting grounds contain a moated gazebo with Louis XIII French limestone mantel (circa 1672), alfresco grill, pergola, 3 pools, bath house with laundry room, basketball court, chess court, Dovecote (circa 16th-17th century), circular fire pit, putting green, chipping tee box, Bocce Ball court, shuffleboard and long northwesterly marsh vistas. Twelve bedrooms (9 with fireplaces), each with their own personality, 17 fireplaces, an Irish pub with 17th century Roman carved black slate fireplace. The English Victorian pine front bar has the original mahogany counter top (circa 1849) from a tavern in Birmingham, England. The back bar is from Fritzingers Hotel in Coopersburg, PA (circa 1883). Walk-in cooler. The Game Room/Parlor has an 1886 Brunswick “Jewel” pool table and a Rock-ola maple and hardwood shuffleboard table. Adding to the authenticity of the home’s appointments, a 19th century bronze and ormolu French chandelier adorns the brick lined Wine Cellar. A solid European red oak and hand forged iron door (circa 1850) leads to the Theatre with rare Italian barrel-vaulted ceiling (circa 17th century). The family room limestone fireplace (circa 1600-1750) is from the Chateau Fountain in Sologne, France and belonged to the family of the wife of former French President Jacques Chirac. Indeed, this is a grand residence yet with a warm, comfortable loving ambience. Lune de Miel is the sequel of a couple’s spark of beautiful love where lasting memories were made. $17,995,000

316 Forest Oaks, St. Simons Island Club Perfect island location close to the Village, this stunning, partially furnished, Mediterranean home offers 369 feet of frontage on the 14th and 15th fairways of The Island Club Golf Course. The large sun splashed living room, dining room, family room and chef's kitchen offer amazing entertainment venues for family and friends. An abundance of architectural details, lots of glass walls, high ceilings, stone and wood floors, 3 fireplaces, 5 large bedrooms and baths, an exercise room, a spectacular wine cellar, an arbored terrace with a fountain, a tile roof and a 3-car garage make this a home you want to live in! Rarely can you find a home of this quality on the market. $2,350,000

100 Twelfth Street Amazing location!! Magnificent views over the water towards Jekyll Island and next to The Village, Pier, and Lighthouse. Completely renovated, luxurious home features a panoramic ocean views, multiple outside decks, Thor kitchen appliances, garage and outside decks overlooking the water. $3,200,000

1140 Ocean Blvd Amazing opportunity to own a stunning, NEW construction BEACH COTTAGE in the heart of SSI. Custom built by Flanagan Development. 6BR and 6.5BA home with a large POOL with a large covered patio great for entertaining, elevator that serves all the floors, and several balconies. $2,600,000

300 Carnoustie Elegant all one-level 4 BD, 4.5 BA stucco home with many custom features. Screened-in back porch with a private back patio and yard. Large corner lot within easy walking distance to clubhouse, tennis, pool, and golf course. House is being sold furnished. $1,525,000

110 Circle Drive This 3BR, 4BA, 2445 SF home was built to be low maintenance. Open floor plan, chef's kitchen, living space opens to a screened porch. Primary BR on main floor ensuite w/ walk-in shower, and separate jetted tub. Two guest BRs up, each with a full ensuite bath and large walk-in closets.$995,000

King & Prince North Villas Gorgeous ocean views in these 4th floor, 2 bedroom, 2 bath condos in the King and Prince historic resort! Overlooking one of the three outdoor swimming pools and just a short walk to the beach. #478 $1,175,000 and #477 $1,125,000

1021 Captains Cove Welcome to this lovely, mid-island home in Captains Cove! This spacious 4BR, 3.5BA home offers a primary BR suite on the main floor with the remaining BRs on the 2nd floor. A covered back porch is located off of the living area downstairs and offers a private setting and a low-maintenance yard. $619,000

King & Prince South Villas #358 FABULOUS OCEAN VIEWS in this 3rd floor, 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo in the King and Prince historic resort! Overlooking one of the three outdoor swimming pools and just a short walk to the beach. $990,000

gas tankless water heater. www.oystergrove.com $882,500

150 Ledbetter Ave NEW CONSTRUCTION in Oyster Grove. Twostory, 4BR, 3.5BA. Primary suite on the main. Luxury interior features include hwd flooring, tile flooring in all wet areas, carpet, custom cabinetry, quartz countertops, custom wood closet shelving, and a gas tankless water heater. www.oystergrove.com

955 Champney Coming to the market soon! This home has it all -- four bedrooms, primary on the main, mudroom, screened porch, pool with hot tub, and located on a cul-de-sac. A one bedroom with full bath is located above the detached garage. Breathtaking marsh views! $1,475,000

offers spacious living areas that include a nice eat-in kitchen, living room, dining area and a large laundry room. This home is on a large .69 acre corner lot and a portion of the back yard is fenced and has a shed for storage.

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101 Governors Circle This elegant Mediterranean style stucco home with barrel tile roofing is located in desirable gated Orange Hall subdivision. This home offers 4 BD, 3 BA, family room with high ceiling and gas fireplace, 2 car garage, and detached screened porch. $865,000 174 Highland Park DriveThis charming brick 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch home $298,500 13 Oyster Lane NEW CONSTRUCTION in Oyster Grove. Two-story 4BR, 3.5 BA. Primary suite on main. Luxury interior features include hwd flooring, tile flooring in all wet areas, carpet, custom cabinetry, quartz countertops, custom wood shelving, and a

East Beach - 4217 Seventh Street Amazing 4BR, 3BA family friendly home with pool. Short walk to beach. Sleeps 9.

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115 Circle Drive Blue Heron Cottage Lovely new 2 story beach cottage in the heart of St Simons. 4 BR, 3.5 BA. Private pool. Sleeps 10. 23 Orchard - Stunning new construction beach cottage with easy on and off the island. 4BR, 3.5BA, Sleeps 10. East Beach - 7 Coast Cottage Coastal gem steps away from the best beach on the island. 4BR, 4.5BA. Sleeps 8.
East Beach - Sixteenth St. 5BR, 5.5BA. Breathtaking ocean views. Amazing outdoor kitchen and private pool. Sleeps 10.
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King & Prince - St. Simons Island King and Prince ocean view villas. Call today to check availability! 13 Pearl Lane NEW CONSTRUCTION in Oyster Grove. Two-story, single-family home with 4BR, 3.5BA, and the primary suite on the main floor. Luxury interior features hwd flooring, tile flooring in all wet areas, carpet, custom cabinetry, quartz countertops, custom wood closet shelving, and a gas tankless water heater.
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152 Ledbetter Ave NEW CONSTRUCTION in Oyster Grove. Twostory 4BR, 3.5BA. Primary suite on main. Luxury interior features include hwd flooring, tile flooring in all wet areas, carpet, custom cabinetry, quartz countertops, custom wood shelving, and a gas tankless water heater. www.oystergrove.com


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100 yards to the beach! Main house features 4 bedrooms and 3 baths and a 2 bedroom, 2 bath, two story apartment over the 3 car garage. Two addresses (219 & 221 Olive Way) on 1 parcel of land. The main house features 1 bedroom on main living level and a full bath. Living room, dining room, kitchen and screened in porch make up the balance of the first floor. A gas cook top, stainless appliances and a large L-shaped island are the main highlights of the kitchen. You will also find a large screened in porch on the main living level. Great for coffee in the morning or cocktails in the afternoons. There are 2 bedrooms on the second level. The master bedroom boasts an enclosed porch currently setup with two single beds for when you have larger crowds. Would be a great sitting room for the master as well. An en-suite bath rounds out the master. There is also a spare bedroom on the second level and is served by a hallway bathroom. Go up to the spiral staircase to the 3rd floor and you will find another bedroom with room for two queens. There is also an attic that can be finished out for yet another bedroom or other uses. There is an outdoor shower for washing off after a day at the beach. The garage apartment has a living room, dining room, and kitchen on the main level with a screened in front porch. There are two bedroom and two bath upstairs. The garage apartment averages $40,000 per year in revenue. The main house has never been a rental. Sales price $2,380,000

406 Ocean Blvd. Saint Simons Island, GA | RealEscapesProperties.com Vacation Rentals PRoPeRty ManageMent and Real estate sales Call Now! 800.634.1667 You already have a friend on the Island!
For sale on St Simons Island $2,380,000 100 yards to beach • Main House is 4 bedrooms 3 baths • 3 car garage 2BR, 2BA garage apartment generates $40,000 per year in rental revenue. Call Tully Moye to see this great beach property. 912-996-2378


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1709 Frederica Road SSI, GA 31522 | 912.634.9995 | signaturepropertiesgroup.com
3BR, 2BA.
Love Where You Live
UnderContract UnderContract
2244 Old Jesup Road | Brunswick
2BA. Beautifully updated. $179,000. Margaret Anne Proctor. 912-222-6629. 1000 New Sea Isl Rd #17 | SSI 3BR, 1.5BA. Great investment property. $319,900. Sandra Branch. 912-269-1129. 2509 Demere Rd #8 | St. Simons
2BA. Immaculate condo. Gated. $389,000. Cynthia Brown. 662-694-9235.
Screven Street | Darien
2BA. Stunning Deep Water Condo. $329,000. Sandra Branch. 912-269-1129. 405 Union Street | Brunswick
2BA. Remodeled in Historic Downtown Brunswick. $499,000. Margaret Anne Proctor. 912-222-6629. 638 Johnson Road | St. Simons
Delightful 1 lvl cottage near beach! $1,200,000. Brad Randall. 912-270-8556.
Fiddlers Cove Dr | Kingsland 4BR, 2.5BA. Stunning single family home. $409,900. Kay
Cynthia 662-694-9235. 1064 Sea Palms W | St. Simons 3BR, 2BA. Open Flr Plan in The Enclave $700,000. Marcia Irwin. 678-361-8835. 330 Cinder Hill Dr | Brunswick 3BR. 2.5BA. Spacious plan. Comfortable living. $424,900. Cynthia Brown. 662-694-9235. 1700 Ocean Road | East Beach 5BR, 4BA, 2HBA. Gorgeous Marsh Front. $2,925,000. CeCe Gandy. 404-797-4373.
322 Brockinton Marsh | St. Simons 3BR, 3BA. Meticulously Renovated Condo. $599,000. Sandra Branch. 912-269-1129.
Long-term and Vacation Rentals • Property Management 1709 Frederica Road SSI, GA 31522 Accommodation Excise Tax Cert #111768 Shannon Stafford 912.638.5843 Property Management & Rentals SignatureRentalSSI.com We manage each property as if it were our own!

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Saint Simons Island

5 BR | 4.5 BA | Renovated | $1,400,000

Step into this updated, renovated, and spacious home, situated in Shaw’s Bounty. A showcase of modern design and architecture designed by the noted local architect, Ed Cheshire. The home has been meticulously updated and maintained by the current owners. The kitchen was completely renovated with a timeless and classic look, and the customized primary bedroom suite is situated on the main floor, ensuring the perfect balance between luxury and comfort. Perfect for anyone seeking both practicality and style, this home offers two upstairs bonus areas flanked by three bedrooms, as well as a second bedroom on the main floor, with an en suite bathroom that is ADA compliant.

Listed by Amanda Duffey 912.222.3557


Saint Simons Island

3 BR | 4 BA | Ocean Views | $2,750,000

Iconic St. Simons views of the Atlantic Ocean with Jekyll Island in the distance. Located between the St. Simons Village and the King and Prince Beach, the property offers spacious rooms with high ceilings, deep moldings and quality interior finishes, an elevator, garage and pool. The L-shaped great room with living/dining and kitchen flows out to covered loggias, with fantastic views and breezes. Fireplaces with gas logs are in the living room, master bedroom and in a cozy sitting area near the well-equipped kitchen. The bedrooms are all spacious with ensuite baths and private balconies. Tremendous storage, elevator and a garage that can house your autos, golf cart and beach toys.

Listed by Ann Harrell 912.222.4002


Saint Simons Island

5 BR | 4 BA | Lagoon Front | $1,500,000

Experience coastal luxury in this fully remodeled home in Sea Palms, boasting golf course views and a setting on the Big Lagoon/Lake. This 2023 renovation blends modern design with superior craftsmanship, resulting in a well-protected, lowmaintenance home featuring a new bulkhead, drainage system, and gutters. The open-concept interior houses four bedrooms on the main level, while the second floor offers a private suite with a sitting room, kitchenette, and balcony. With two tankless water heaters, dual HVAC systems with air purifiers, a whole house generator, and a climate-controlled sunroom, comfort is assured in this unique, refined residence.

Listed by Georgia Usry 912.689.9300

DeLoachSIR.com | 912.638.0406 | 2901 Frederica Rd | St. Simons Island, GA ©2023 DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty. All rights reserved.


Saint Simons Island

4 BR | 4 BA | Sea Palms | $1,250,000

This home has been masterfully remodeled by the current owner. Its classic elegance and simple, open lines are incredibly soothing. On the main floor, you'll find the primary bedroom, complete with two walk-in closets and a master bath featuring a walk-in shower and double vanity. Across the back of the house is a beautiful sunroom with new windows which overlook the pool. Outside, the seller has gone above and beyond. There's a covered patio, complete with an outdoor TV for enjoying fall football games. The entire backyard is equipped with a mosquito misting system. The pool has been converted to a saltwater system with new salt and sand filters. Additionally, there's a Rainbird irrigation system, new Zosia grass in the backyard, and a security system with cameras.

Listed by Phoebe Hoaster 912.270.5730


Saint Simons Island

3 BR | 3 BA | Waterfront | $740,000

This luxurious, upscale condo has views of the water, Marshes of Glynn and incredible sunrises making it one of the most sought after locations on Saint Simons Island

This well built complex has post tensioned concrete slabs, steel framing, exterior windows and doors with impact rated glass and Hardie Board Siding and Shakes. The all one level condo has a living room w/gas log fireplace that flows to the balcony w/ tremendous views. The open kitchen and dining area overlook the living area. The primary bedroom has water views and access to the balcony. Well separated guest bedrooms have views of the historic Marshes of Glynn. This unit has newer wide plank, wood flooring, new countertops, new appliances and a 4 year old HVAC system.

Listed by Ann Harrell 912.222.4002


Saint Simons Island

5 BR | 5 BA | Water Front | $2,695,000

Nestled in a tranquil, gated mid-island haven, discover a breathtaking newer home where graceful charm and unparalleled craftsmanship unite; this home embodies tasteful elegance at every turn. The spacious floor plan spans over 4400 sq ft of luxurious comfort, with abundant natural light flooding through oversized windows and sliding glass doors. The home features 5 generously sized bedrooms, each with a private ensuite bathroom, providing ample space and privacy. The gourmet kitchen is a chef's dream; there is an elevator and a 5-car garage with plenty of storage space. Outdoors, the home truly shines with its second level sparkling pool/spa, community dock and private shared dock, complete with electricity and water, perfect for boating enthusiasts.

Listed by Nadia Johnson 912.771.9500

Real Estate Sold by Real Experts

Enchanting Sea Isalnd Cottage 530. Revel in Spacious Grandeur, Bespoke Craftsmanship, and a Lavish Oasis Moments from Exclusive Island Delights. 5115 OGLETHORPE COTTAGE 53O, SEA ISLAND, GEORGIA 6 br | 7.5 ba | 6730SF | $5,990,000 Coming Soon! Sea Island - 7 bedroom, 7 ½ bath Hampton Plantation - 4 bedroom 4 ½ bath deloachsir.com | 912.638.0406 | 2901 Frederica Rd | SSI, GA ©2023 DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty. All Rights Reserved         SUSANIMHOFFSOTHEBYSREALTY.COM


COTTAGE 234, 204 W 30TH ST

Sea Island

5 br | 5 ba | 2 hba | $5,625,000

Stunning renovation, under an oak canopy on a large corner lot, has an open concept plan with wide plank white oak floors, high ceilings, and a fabulous kitchen with a Callacata gold marble waterfall island and top of the line appliances. Heated pool in private, walled back yard.


St. Simons Island

Oceanfront | 3-4 br | 4 ba | $2,750,000

Tremendous oceanfront location between the village and King and Prince beach. Mediterranean townhome w/ oak floors, high ceilings and beautiful moldings. Spacious master flows out to top balcony. Elevator, lots of storage and large garage make this an exceptional property!



St. Simons Island

4 br | 3.5 ba| $1,300,000

This custom, coastal beauty has the master on main and beautiful interior details including oak floors and lovely millwork. Located in gated Hamilton Landing, a favorite Sea Island developed subdivision, the home is on a private lot perfect for family activities.


St. Simons Island, Near Beach

Beach View Lot | $1,700,000

Build your dream home - Ocean view in gated subd. Can be developed with two luxury villas or a single family villa.


St. Simons Island

3 br | 3 ba | $595,000

Hwd floors, high ceilings and a "grand view" make these condos an excellent choice for full or part time living. Gated with salt water pool.


St. Simons Island, The Waterfront

3 br | 3 ba | Furnished | $740,000

Upscale condo located in private bldg 10 at The Waterfront. New flooring, new countertops, and new appliances set this condo above other units. Excellent construction, elevator, parking garage. Fully furnished and equipped.

162 Robertson Circle - Closed 813 Hamilton Landing - Closed 101 Fifty Oaks - Closed 200 Hawkins Island Drive - Closed Love to be of service with your real estate needs!

131 SHORE RUSH DRIVE, Saint Simons Island, 4 BR | 4 BA | Sea Palms | $1,250,000

This home has been masterfully remodeled by the current owner. Its classic elegance and simple, open lines are incredibly soothing. On the main floor, you'll find the primary bedroom, complete with two walk-in closets and a master bath featuring a walk-in shower and double vanity. Across the back of the house is a beautiful sunroom with new windows which overlook the pool. Outside, the seller has gone above and beyond. There's a covered patio, complete with an outdoor TV for enjoying fall football games. The entire backyard is equipped with a mosquito misting system. The pool has been converted to a saltwater system with new salt and sand filters. Additionally, there's a Rainbird irrigation system, new Zosia grass in the backyard, and a security system with cameras.

115 MEADOWS DRIVE, Saint Simons Island, 3 BR | 2.5 BA | Island on a Lake | $1,625,000

This spectacularly unique property is a true one-of-a-kind island oasis! Situated on an island by itself, the contemporary house with soaring avian angles at once enchants and excites as you approach down the private drive. There is also a small connected island perfect for cookouts, a fire pit, or just sitting to enjoy the gorgeous sunsets.. This is the island dream home you’ve longed for – and now it can be yours! There is also an extra buildable lot ( county approval of course) for another home or a pool or family compound, total 2.06 acres, with lots of possibilities.


Saint Simons Island

0.93 Acre | Marshfront


Saint Simons Island

Multiple possibilities!

This is one of the most private lots available on south St. Simons just waiting for you to build the home of your dreams! Lovely pocket marsh views. Last of the marsh lots on the south end.


These are 3 of the last lots on the south end of SSI and a great opportunity to own property near the beach and village. Zoned R-6 Raw Land, .601 acres on Demere Road with the potential to be developed into 3 new home sites.

$350,000 - $400,000

2002 DIXON LANE Saint Simons Island


Seize the rare opportunity to own an exclusive oceanfront lot on St. Simons Island, one of the last of its kind. This package comes with ready-made custom-building plans and site work analysis, making your journey to paradise effortless. Visualize starting your day with the tranquil sounds of the ocean and watching the sunrise from your dream beach house. As evening draws in, enjoy spectacular distant light shows over the gulf stream. Your chance to craft an exceptional beachside lifestyle awaits – welcome to your future home!

7 DUNBAR CREEK POINT Saint Simons Island

3BR | 4BA | 1HBA | 2,596 SF | $1,350,000

Discover the serenity of island living at The Point, a stunning home on St. Simons Island. Enjoy breathtaking views, abundant wildlife, and striking sunsets from a spacious dock, while inside, a versatile living space and two luxurious primary suites await. With its deep-water anchorage, the property offers easy access to local marinas, restaurants, and the secluded beaches of the Golden Isles. The Point – where tranquility meets luxury!

Oyster Grove New custom construction homes built by Flanagan Development in this 23 home neighborhood located mid-south SSI, Ga. Starting in the upper 800's. www.GaCoastRealty.com • 912 - 638 - 1144 105 Main Street • Plantation Village • St. Simons Island, GA www.OysterGrove.com Phase II Coming Soon!

The Ice Famine of 1919

Imagine August in Coastal Georgia without ice. For residents of Brunswick in 1919, the scarcity of ice became a hot-button topic. On August 3, the Brunswick News headline spoke to the gravity of the issue: “Citizens Hold Up Drivers of Glynn Ice Wagon: Ice Procurable at the Muzzle of a Revolver.” Glynn Ice Company was not supplying enough ice for its customers, and the pages of the Brunswick News chronicled the ongoing “ice famine.”

The easiest target was prominent businessman and Glynn Ice Company president F.D.M. Strachan. One letter to the editor claimed that an ice wagon driver had been directed to deliver only to Strachan’s Union Street mansion and his St. Simons Island beach house. Strachan’s nephew William MacPherson responded that the driver had no such orders. Besides, Strachan was at his estate in Oyster Bay, New York. MacPherson assured readers that the ice shortage was caused by a lack of larger capacity equipment that would be delivered and installed by November.

A representative of the Glynn Ice Company directors reported that “the directors gave serious consideration” to the Brunswick News’ suggestion to cut deliveries to non-essentials such as drug stores and cold drink stands. The directors, though, “reached the conclusion that, as many citizens are constantly at their places of business and desire a cold drink it would not be well to deprive them of the privilege of obtaining [the] same.” The newspaper fired back: “Soda water is a luxury…ice in a sick room, or in a family refrigerator in August weather, is a necessity which is at times essential to life itself.”

The situation led to surprising behavior from the citizenry. The newspaper claimed that a “widely practicing physician was obliged to secure ice at the point of a revolver for a sick patient.” In another case, an ice company director drove off with an ice wagon when he thought a group of “a half dozen of the best businessmen in the city were going to loot one of his wagons.”

A committee appointed by the mayor called upon nearby cities for assistance, but they had limited supplies. Local entrepreneurs stepped in, proposing the construction of a second ice factory and the sale of home ice makers. Finally, two

men who hoped to obtain the Coca-Cola bottling franchise in Brunswick brought relief from the “famine” by delivering two trainloads of ice from Savannah.

This month’s image from the Coastal Georgia Historical Society archives is a Glynn Ice Company advertisement that appeared in the October 15, 1926, issue of the Brunswick Pilot. It reminded the reader of the year-round importance of ice. Our thanks to former Society board member Patty Deveau for her contribution to this article.

Coastal Georgia Historical Society presents this article and images from our archives as part of our mission “to connect people to Coastal Georgia’s dynamic history.” The Society operates the iconic St. Simons Lighthouse Museum and the World War II Home Front Museum, housed in the Historic Coast Guard Station at East Beach. To learn more about the Society, its museums, diverse programs, and membership, please visit coastalgeorgiahistory.org.

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