Power Smoothies & Detox Juices by Elegantly Vegan

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Š Copyright 2015 - Veronica Stenberg - Elegantly Vegan All the material in this publication is copyrighted to Veronica Stenberg from Elegantly Vegan. You may not copy, reproduce, sell or use the material from this publication in any other way without written consent from Veronica Stenberg. If you are interested in quoting, borrowing or want to get in contact for any ideas for collaborations or content requests. You may do so at: http://www.elegantlyvegan. com/contact The photos from the vegan cookbook is copyrighted and produced by Sonja Dahlgren.




• Lingonberry juice with a bite

• Blueberry cardamom coconut smoothie

• Carrot and blood orange juice

• Easy green smoothie

• Apple and turmeric juice • Plum and ginger juice

• Sparkly superfood beet juice • Apple juice

• Cacao raspberry almond smoothie • Goji-mango cashew smoothie

• Raw, vegan, raspberry, coconut & cacao

• Orange detox juice

• Watermelon gingerade mocktail

a dvice • How to continue to eat healthy during winter • Juicing - the basics


How to eat healthy and fresh

during winter

healthy winter


hen the darkness descends over the days and the cold gets a firmer grip on the season. I find it easy to huddle up inside, wrap myself up in a blanket and refuse to go outside. I find it increasingly harder and harder to motivate myself to venture out in the cold and go to gym – and I tend to opt for hear tier, heavier meals. It’s also easy to get stuck in a rut with food and the motivation for healthy eating may drop since there may not seem to be loads of fresh fruits and greens ever ywhere. However, there are plenty of vegetables in season now to enjoy, and also nifty ways to keep up your healthy eating regime during the dark and drear y winter months. Let me tell you how with my 10 tips for getting through winter while continuing on a healthy eating path.

Juice – Now is the time to enjoy citrus fruits. Take advantage of them in their prime time. You also need all the vitamin C you can get during winter, plus you save a buck on the price since buying fruits in season are a lot cheaper. Use frozen berries in smoothies – Even if you cannot get fresh berries, opt for the frozen ones. They still consist of hefty amounts of vitamins and minerals. Get your greens on – ensure you get your greens by adding raw green powders to your juices or smoothies. Nettle, dandelion, wheatgrass, chrolella etc works really well with orange juice. Steam – winter vegetables and use in salads. Steaming keeps more of the nutrition alive in vegetables then cooking if you prefer a hot meal. Grow your own herbs in your kitchen window – I have mint, parsley and basil in my window seal in the kitchen. They spruce any dish by being sprinkled on top of any dish and feels like a little luxur y during winter.

Sprout - a great way to get your minerals during winter. Can be used in smoothies as well. This is the season for dates – which means raw candy. I have plenty of easy recipes you can tr y. Such as these crunchy raw walnut bites for example. Make hearty – warm green soups from frozen spinach or fresh, finely chopped kale. Drink loads – of herbal tea instead of water, if you are cold. Make raw, hot chocolate – use a yummy non-dair y milk, raw cacao powder, coconut oil and coconut nectar sugar. Heat up the non-dair y milk in a pot on the stove (stay below 32 degrees C) and mix in the cacao powder, sugar and half a teaspoon of coconut oil to your desired preference. Keeps cravings at bay and minerals on top!


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Lingonberry juice with a bite Serves: 2

1,5 litres of frozen lingonberries, defrosted

6 pcs firm red apples

1 pc lemon

4 cm fresh ginger root

1. Let the lingonberries defrost in your fridge overnight. 2. Prepare all the other ingredients for the juice. 3. Juice and serve immediately with plenty of ice.

Apple a nd Turmeric Juice Serves: 2 •

8 pcs apples

3 pcs turmeric root, approx. 3-4 cm in length each

3 cm ginger

1 pcs lemon

fresh mint

1. Prepare the fruit, cut, slice, peel, etc. 2. Juice. 3. Serve immediately with ice.

Notes Replace the apples with oranges during winter.

Carrot a nd Blood Or a nge Juice Serves: 2 •

8 pcs blood oranges

8 pcs carrots

1 pc lemon

1. Peel the oranges and lemon. 2. Wash and clean the carrots. 3. Juice the ingredients. 4. Serve immediately


Ceatam ditatur, opti aute latetur itisinisquid quam, culles dolorro blaceptatius eos as quistorest adia nonsernam quam nullicit faccatume volor atissin nienimusa corunt, sinctecto ius is sam siminis quo dipsunt. Otaecab oreicaborpor aute pedipsam es es quibusam, cullut andi rem quam fugit aut

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Plum a nd ginger juice Serves: 2 •

12 pcs ripe plums, stone removed

½ pc lemon


1. Pit the plums. 2. Juice and serve immediately.

Sparkly Super food Beet Juice Serves: 2 •

5 pcs carrots

5 pcs stalks celery

4 pcs oranges

1 pc organic lemon, peel included

1 pc fennel

2 pcs large beets

3 cm ginger root

1. Wash, peel and cut fruits and vegetables to fit your juicer 2. Juice the fruits and vegetables and enjoy your juice in a fancy glass or similar

Apple Juice Serves: 2 •

1, 5 kgs organic apples

1 organic lemon

ginger (optional)

1. Cut up the fruit to fit your juice machine. 2. Juice. 3. Serve immediately, with or without nutritional powders.

Or a nge Detox Juice Serves: 2 •

8 pcs oranges

3 pcs large carrots

4 pcs fresh mint twigs

4 cm ginger root

1 pc fennel

1 pc lemon, with skin (organic)

1. Peel oranges, chop any fruits and veggies that don’t fit inside your juicer tube. 2. Juice and drink as is, or blend with nettle or other green nutritional powders.

Watermelon Ginger ade Mocktail Serves: 2 •

1/3 of a large watermelon


1 pc organic lemon


5 cm ginger root

1. Remove the skin from the melon, cut into pieces that fit into your juicer. 2. Leave the skin on, if you are using a organic lemon. 3. Juice all ingredients. 4. Serve with ice and fresh mint.

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legantly Vegan is a delicious, beautiful cookbook for iPad and iPhone. A book where I’ve gathered absolutely scrumptious options to traditional dishes made purely from plant based ingredients. How about a vegan lasagna? or maybe a vegan pizza or two? This book got it all – and the recipes are presented in a modern and very user-friendly format that will help you master vegan cooking in no-time-at-all. 50+ recipes for healthier alternatives to staple dishes made from no-fuzz ingredients.


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Elegantly Vegans recipe sections: • Breakfast’s pleasures • Sunday brunch • Simple soups • Hearty salads • Lovely main dishes • Yummy comfort food • Sophisticated afternoon tea


Jucing the basics

choose juicer


e are still in the midst of the early-in-thenew-glorious-year-health-craze. I thought I’d offer my advice on juicing since I’ve been juicing for about 6-7 years now. Juicing has become a integral par t of my routine of staying healthy and in shape, as juicing has aided me in boosting my immune system, toning my body and detoxing. I’ve been a newbie, and I’ve done some juice cleanses, meaning I’ve sufficed on juice for a couple of days. So I complied a list of what I wished I knew before I star ted out, based on what I’ve leaned along the way:


Depending on what juicer you have, you might want to mix softer veggies/fruits with much firmer veggies/fruits to get all juice out of them, and avoid that they just get slushed.


Some juicers (like the one I currently have, a centrifugal juicer) – I recommend being a bit careful when juicing harder vegetables, like beets. I now chop them up at least into quar-

ters, before putting them in my juicer – even though whole beets fit inside the pipe. Beets can be really hard, and one really hard beet cracked the plastic on my juicer. So I rather be safe then sorr y. 3

If you have an masticating juicer – cut the fruit and veggies in smaller pieces, prior to juicing.


Remove the skin from citrus fruits, there is only one exception for this and this is if you are purposefully juicing organic lemons to reap the benefits of the peel itself.


For creating actual juices I recommend to mix just a few different fruits and veggies. Tr y to hold back at 3 or 4 different ones, if you are using really flavor ful veggies or fruits. (lemon, ginger etc, is not included)


Lemon is great to add as a antioxidant/preser vative but also helps bring the different flavours in a juice together. Calculate one quar ter of a lemon to ever y por tion of juice (2-3 dl / a bit more then a US cup).


Juices can be made in batch, the day before. I like to batch make my juice, add some lemon and store the juices in the fridge in mason jars, if I’m doing a cleanse or similar. I prefer mason jars since I can easily stir in powders

or anything else I want to enhance my juices with. 8

Enhance juices with different raw powders that go together with your juice. I stick to one type of powder for my juices, i.e I never blend in more then one type of powder. Raw powders to add to juices: macca, wheat grass, chlorella, spirulina, kelp, etc. They all have different nutritional proper ties. Choose an cer tified organic and raw source.


Add chia-seeds to your juices if you want a juice that keeps you fuller for longer, or you just want to star t to get into the routine of adding chia-seeds to your diet.


I clean my juice machine par ts from time to time by soaking the por table par ts (NOT THE MACHINE) in hot water and apple cider vinegar. Then I scrub the par ts to really get all fibers etc off the sur faces of the par ts.


I store my fruits in a large bowl in room temperature for a couple of days prior to juicing.

12 You will get the hang of how you like your juice,

once you star t experimenting. I usually use this formula: 2/4 of the veggie/fruit I want as a base, then 1/4 each of the other two ingredients, plus any suppor ting ingredient, like lemon or ginger. 13 Fruit juices are great, but vegetable juices are

even better. I If you want to star t to transition from pure fruit juices to vegetable juices, do it in stages. These are some great combinations for a newbie; •

Apple, carrots and ginger

Apple, carrot, celer y, ginger – star t with one stalk celer y, and work your way up

Grapefruit, ginger and beet – star t with half a beet, then work your way up to 1-2 (to many beets take over the juice, also it may cause dizziness, be careful)

Blueberry Ca rda mom Coconut Smoothie Serves: 2 •

2,5 dl blueberries, frozen

2 pc bananas, ripe

2 dl coconut rice milk

0,5 tsp cardamom powder

1 tsp reishi mushroom powder

Cacao R aspberry Almond Smoothie Serves: 2 •

2,5 dl almond milk, unsweetened

2 dl raspberries, frozen

2 pc dates

2 pc bananas, ripe

1,5 tbsp raw chocolate powder

0,5 tsp cinnamon powder

1. Put all the ingredients in a blender, mix until smooth. 2. Serve immediately.

Easy Green Smoothie Serves: 2 •

2,5 dl soybased yogurt

1,5 dl fresh spinach (in quantity and use more if you like)

1,5 dl mango, frozen

1. Add all ingredients to a blender, mix throughly. 2. Serve immediately.

Notes Let the mango defrost slightly before you make the smoothie for easy mixing.

Goji-m a ngo cashew smoothie Serves: 1 •

4 tbsp goji berries, soaked overnight

3 tbsp raw cashew nuts, soaked overnight

0,5 dl frozen mango

1. Soak goji berries and raw cashews in water overnight. 2. Keep the water from the goji berries and use as a base for the smoothie. 3. Rinse off the cashews and add to a blender. 4. Pour in the goji berries and the water, add frozen mango. 5. Blend until smooth and serve in pretty glasses.

r aw, vega n, r aspberry, coconut & cacao smoothie Serves: 2 •

1 fresh coconut and coconut water

3 dl of frozen raspberries

1 dl of raw cacao nibs

1. Open your coconut, pour out the water in a glass jar, through a strainer 2. Remove the flesh from the coconut, and clean it from bits and bobs that usually follow with it from the shell 3. Add your cacao nibs to the jar 4. Add your raspberries 5. Mix well with a hand-blender 6. Serve in a beautiful glass and enjoy!

Hi I’m Veronica

- the vegan foodie, recipe developer and cookbook author behind Elegantly Vegan (available in AppStore worldwide). I gather inspiration from all over the world and remake classic dishes as well as developing new interesting recipes purely made from plant-based ingredients. I blog on Elegantly Vegan and write frequently for magazines and websites focusing on a vegan lifestyle. Find Elegantly Vegan on Facebook, Twitter and App Store Happy New Healthy Year! Veronica

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