Elemental Magick February 2014 Issue # 19
3 Simple Steps to Awaken The Divine Within Us All
A Day For The Queen Of Heaven; Celebrating the Goddess Brigid
Gardening by the Moon
By Angie Skelhorn
Customs and Rituals Of IMBOLC
The Astrological Moon;
Harmony Hearth Brooms And Faancy Hats Handmade Besoms Sacred to the Goddess and the God. Represents the Element of Water. The Broom or Besom is a purifying and protective instrument, used to cleanse the area for magick or to guard a home by laying it across the threshold, under the bed, in windowsills or on doors.
Handmade Witch Hats Time to conjure up a new look for the stylish witch that you are! Let your spirit take flight in one of these handmade magical adornments. Boost your supernatural presence with one of these haute hats. For more information and pricing please contact Anne at HarmonyHearthBrooms@yahoo.com
Gensha Publishing Maxine Byers Lazy Witch CraftyWitch Karen Charboneau-Harrison Gertrude Moon Keith Park PhD Edain McCoy Angie Skelhorn
Eleazar Rex Laurie Brown Johnathan Young Lady Ti-Eagle Alena Orrison Doreen Motheral Ingrid Jeffries
Crafty Witch Maxine Byers Janie Bass
Cover artwork by, http://spells-witchcraft.org/Imbolc.htm
Bright Blessings dear Readers, and Blessed Imbolc! February marks the impending Return of spring and the end of winter. In this sense, Imbolc may be seen as a spiritual alternative to the secular celebration of New Year's Eve. Soon the cold barren days of winter will be gone and the warm new growth of spring will be upon us. Although I must confess that I myself am a ‘snowbird’ and spend the winter months in sunny Arizona, I still look forward to the ‘green’ of the earth as she renews herself each year. Think of Imbolc as a time to renew yourself as well, out with the ‘old’ you and in with the new. What would you like to change about you? Any old habits you want to get rid of? Now is a great time to speak with the God/dess and ask for help in ridding yourself of unwanted people, places or things. The same goes for bringing in new things into your life, new attitudes, new habits and new ways of looking at the world you live in. Again, ask the God/dess for help in making your desires come to fulfillment. For me, this year will bring many changes and that will cause a trickle down affect to this Elemental Magazine. It is with great sorrow that I am announcing that starting with the March/April issue Elemental Magick Magazine will now be published only 6 times per year. Jan/Feb, March/April, May/June, July/Aug, Sept/Oct, and Nov/Dec. Here at EM we are self-published by a very small handful of great folks who donate an enormous amount of time and effort to get this magazine out every month and after 19 issues it has simply proved to be to much. Our hope is that if we can get a few more writers and contributers, and perhaps a better publishing program…. We will in the future be able to return to a monthly issue. I hope you will ride out this storm with us. With Love and Blessings, The EM Staff Maxine Byers Editor and Publisher
2 Imbolc 2 Candlemas - Christian 2 Four Chaplains Sunday- Interfaith 2 Presentation of Christ in the Temple - Anglican Christian 2 Lammas or Lughnasadh (Southern Hemisphere) 3 Setsubun-sai - Shinto 4 Vasant Panchami ** - Hindu 12 Death of Gerald Gardner in 1964 14 Valentine's Day 14 Full moon -- Quickening Moon at 6:53 pm 14 Saint Valentine's Day - Christian 15 Nirvana Day ** - Buddhist - Jain 15 Lupercalia 16 Triodion begins - Christian 17 Celtic Tree Month of Rowan ends 18 Celtic Tree Month of Ash begins 21 Birthday of author Patricia Telesco 22 Birthday of author Sybil Leek 26 ~ 3/1 Intercalary Days * - Baha'i 28 Maha Shivaratri ** - Hindu
Metaphysical Research Society 2nd Thursday of month, 7:30 pm Center for Spiritual Living, 33rd & Regal, Spokane, WA PO Box 4061, Spokane WA 99220 PUBLIC INVITED. 509-838-8155 Membership $25 per year, first visit FREE Or $5.00 each meeting
What is Imbolc ? Imbolc Celebration Imbolc is a Celtic fire festival celebrated annually on February 2nd, and is one of the pagan sabbats on the wheel of the year. But just what is Imbolc exactly? Here you will learn all about the origins of Imbolc, as well as Imbolc rituals, traditions, recipes and more. Celebrating the Celtic goddess Brighid and the forthcoming spring, Imbolc is the original Candlemas. Learn about this beautiful festival and how you can integrate it into your own life to help you live closer to Mother Earth and her turning wheel of seasons The Origins of Imbolc Imbolc Ewe and Lamb. Photo copyright of the author In the northern hemisphere, Imbolc is generally celebrated on 2nd February. However, this can vary. Some celebrate Imbolc on February 1st, others on the 2nd, while author Cassandra Eason states in her book, The Modern-Day Druidess, that "Imbolc is celebrated from sunset on 31st January to sunset on 2nd February." Others shy away from the Gregorian calendar altogether, choosing to celebrate when the first signs of spring appear, such as the first snowdrops peeping through in the United Kingdom. In the southern hemisphere, Imbolc falls on July 31st. Imbolc is primarily a pagan festival, celebrating both the goddess Brighid and the promise of forthcoming spring. It holds transformative power, with traditional rituals including cleaning the house, making changes and dedicating oneself to new magical goals for the coming year. This is where the concept of 'spring cleaning' came from! Imbolc, pronounced "Imm-aulk", literally translates as "in the belly of the mother", while its Celtic name, Oimelc, means "ewe's milk". It marks the first signs of spring, when the ewes would start lactating for their newborn young. This was a significant event in past times, as it meant dairy products returning to the diet of village folk. The new agricultural season begins, and the Crone of winter starts to give way to the Maiden of spring. However, there are still several weeks of winter to go, so many Imbolc rituals often focus on keeping that promise of spring alive in our thoughts, so as to keep spirits high. Imbolc, Festival of Brighid Imbolc is also known as Brighid's Day. Brighid, pronounced "Bree-ed", is a Celtic goddess, often considered a Triple goddess. This is because of her three aspects as goddess of
healing, goddess of smithcraft, and goddess of inspiration and divination, rather than the usual Maiden, Mother and Crone aspects. She is a fire goddess associated with both sun and moon, and her sacred flame was tended at her healing well in Kildare, Ireland by nineteen priestesses, until this became a Christianised shrine to St. Brigid, later tended by nuns. Brighid is thought to be one of the Tuatha De Danann, and is half-sister to the god Aengus. There are many myths and legends surrounding Brighid, and you can read about some of them in the article Who is Brighid?, such as the tale of her hanging her cloak on the sun's rays, her connection with Archangel Michael, and her associations both as Celtic sun goddess, and later, patron saint of Ireland. There is also much to be learned from the animals, birds and trees associated with Brighid, such as the symbolism of her four sacred animals - the bird of prey, the cow, and snake and the wolf. The article link discusses these and numerous other animals, birds and trees that are connected to Brighid, and their meaning. Imbolc - The Origins of Candlemas, How a Celtic Goddess became a Saint When the church Christianised the pagan festivals and deities, Brighid was merged with the real Christian figure of Saint Brigid, and her festival became Candlemas. Saint Brigid lived from the mid 5th century until 525AD. Various legends tell of her being the daughter of a druid, and midwife to the Virgin Mary. As with Brighid, she is associated with healing wells, and when Pope Gregory declared monasteries to be built upon pagan sites, Brighid's sacred place at Kildare was turned into a community of nuns, who guarded the sacred flame for centuries, never letting it burn out. Many offerings are placed at the shrine of St Brigid's Well, and it is unsurprising to find she is also known as "Mary of the Gael", as statues such as this one below are very reminiscent of Mother Mary.
Candlemas was introduced to the eastern Church in 542AD, and is celebrated on February 2nd. It commemorates the purification of Mary in the Temple of Jerusalem, exactly 40 days after the birth of Jesus. In Biblical times, Jewish women were only permitted to return to the Temple 40 days after giving birth to a boy, and 80 days after giving birth to a girl, where they would then be purified of sin, and the child presented to the congregation. The Church procession that takes place today at Candlemas is representative of Christ's entry into the temple. Priests bless all the candles that will be used during the coming year, and some are handed out to the congregation. Many people also bring their own candles to be blessed. Some of these candles are then lit and carried in a procession. It is also tradition to light candles in house windows on this day. Imbolc is also associated with weather lore, and it is interesting to note this traditional rhyme of Candlemas, which continues to borrow from its pagan origins by offering a prophecy on the weather conditions of the remaining winter. If Candlemas be fair and bright Winter has another flight If Candlemas brings clouds and rain Winter will not come again So in other words, a fair-weather Candlemas is bad news for the rest of winter!
Imbolc Traditions Imbolc Candle Because of the association with Brighid and women, Imbolc would often see the women of the house taking part in rituals or meditations, while the men of the house had to sleep elsewhere for the night. On the eve of February 1st, folk put out a piece of cloth, material or ribbon for Brighid to bless, for it is says that she walks amongst the towns and villages on this night. If the cloth is marked in the morning, it means she has blessed the household. A traditional Imbolc custom is to light white candles and invoke Brighid for her healing and wisdom. Another is to make a Brighid's cross Other traditions associated with Imbolc include the initiation of new witches or druids into their Craft. Many would choose Brighid as their goddess guide. Cleaning the home physically, and spiritually in the form of house blessings, are commonplace events. Use the power of Imbolc to clean and bless your home, dedicate yourself to new goals, and sweep out the old energy you wish to be rid of! As with all pagan festivals, cooking seasonal foods associated with the particular celebration is commonplace. Traditional Imbolc foods include bread, milk, apples, garden produce that has been stored over winter, and oats.
IMBOLC So the skies rumbled and the snows came, And everywhere down through the centuries of this gray night, Came women gathering to pray, And to sink their hands into the dark earth. They gathered seeds and prepared them for planting, They meditated in the icy darkness, And they celebrated the lambing of the first ewe, To hasten spring. And when through the earth they felt the stirring, They sang songs encouraging the tiny seeds to grow. In the dark, wet soil you can smell their work still; They are digging along beside us. Listen! The north wind carries their song across the snow, This Imbolc night. As the Earth prepares for Spring, Wise women gather in circles to await the promise of new life, And to sing praises for the green earth. And so do we, here now, This year, and every year. Welcome Imbolc! by: Jill Yarnall
ABOUT YOUR SIGN.. Aquarians basically possess strong and attractive personalities. They fall into two principle types: one shy, sensitive, gentle and patient; the other exuberant, lively and exhibitionist, sometimes hiding the considerable depths of their character under a cloak of frivolity. Both types are strong willed and forceful in their different ways and have strong convictions, though as they seek truth above all things, they are usually honest enough to change their opinions, however firmly held, if evidence comes to light which persuades them that they have been mistaken. They have a breadth of vision that brings diverse factors into a whole, and can see both sides of an argument without shilly-shallying as to which side to take. Consequently they are unprejudiced and tolerant of other points of view. This is because they can see the validity of the argument, even if they do not accept it themselves. They obey the Quaker exhortation to "Be open to truth, from whatever source it comes," and are prepared to learn from everyone. Both types are humane, frank, serious minded, genial, refined, sometimes ethereal, and idealistic, though this last quality is tempered with a sensible practicality. They are quick, active and persevering without being self-assertive, and express themselves with reason, moderation and sometimes, a dry humor. They are nearly always intelligent, concise, clear and logical. Many are strongly imaginative and psychically intuitive, so that the Age of Aquarius, which is about to begin, is much anticipated by psychic circles as an age in which mankind will experience a great spiritual awakening. The Aquarian philosophical and spiritual bent may be dangerous in that it can drive the subjects into an ivory-tower existence where they meditate on abstractions that bear little relevance to life. On the other hand it can help the many who have scientific leanings to combine these with the Aquarian yearning for the universal recognition of the brotherhood of man, and to embark on scientific research to fulfill their philanthropic ideals of benefiting mankind. When some cause or work of this nature inspires them, they are capable of such devotion to it that they may drive themselves to the point of exhaustion and even risk injuring their health. Both types need to retire from the world at times and to become temporary loners. They appreciate opportunities for meditation or, if they are religious, of retreats. Even in company they are fiercely independent, refusing to follow the crowd. They dislike interference by others, however helpfully intended, and will accept it only on their own terms. Normally they have good taste in drama, music and art, and are also gifted in the arts, especially drama.
In spite of the often intensely magnetic, forthcoming and open personality of the more extrovert kind of Aquarian, and of their desire to help humanity, neither type makes friends easily. They sometimes appear to condescend to others and take too little trouble to cultivate the acquaintance of people who do not particularly appeal to them. They do not give themselves easily - perhaps their judgment of human nature is too good for that - and are sometimes accounted cold. But once they decide that someone is worthy of their friendship or love, they can exert an almost hypnotic and irresistible mental attraction on them and will themselves become tenacious friends or lovers, ready to sacrifice everything for their partners and be faithful to them for life. However, they are sometimes disappointed emotionally because their own high personal ideals cause them to demand more of others than is reasonable. And if they are deceived their anger is terrible. If disillusioned, they do not forgive. Aquarians work best in group projects, provided that they are recognized as having a leading part in them. They have a feeling of unity with nature and a desire for knowledge and truth that makes them admirable scientists, especially astronomers and natural historians. They may excel in photography, radiography, electronics - anything connected with the electrical and radio industries - aviation and everything technical. On the arts and humanities side their progressive tendencies can be expressed in writing, especially poetry, and broadcasting, or as welfare workers and teachers. Some have gifts as entertainers and make good character actors (having an ability to mimic) and musicians. The more psychic among them possess healing gifts, especially in curing the mentally sick. Among the faults to which they are liable are fanatical eccentricity, wayward egotism, excessive detachment and an inclination to retreat from life and society, and a tendency to be extremely dogmatic in their opinions. Aquarians can be a threat to all they survey or a great boon for humanity in general. Circumstances - for example, continuous opposition to a cause they hold dear - may cause the atrophy of the openness of mind that is one of the Aquarian's most attractive traits. They may express a lack of integrity in broken promises, secretiveness or cunning. Simmering anger and resentment, rudeness or, worse, a tense, threatening silence which may suddenly burst out in eruptions of extreme temper, these are all part of the negative side of the Aquarian. This can also reveal itself in a sustained hatred for enemies that is capable of enlarging itself into a misanthropy toward the whole of mankind.
About Your Sign.. Pisces and Independence: Pisces needs a dominant partner of role model in their life or they will very easily fall into a pit of self-pity and self-undoing. When they are independent and inspired by life's events, their creativity comes shining through but they are unable to be on their own for long before they start dreaming in their imaginary world of happy people and happy endings. They need other people to keep them grounded and on the right track. Pisces and Friendship: Pisces will go out of their way to help a friend. They are extremely sensitive and loyal. They will take a friend's problem and make it their own and suffer with them. This is the weak spot of Pisces but any friend of this zodiac sign should know that although they are attracted to people with severe problems who desperately need help, this actually does more harm them good. Even though Pisces will offer to make everything right, do not allow them to take on all your problems because they will lose their identity in your situation. They need a strong positive friend to make them strong. Pisces like adventure, new situation and social events. A Pisces friend will always have something exciting in mind and it is a very fulfilling, long lasting friendship. Pisces and Business: Pisces does not take well to a position of leadership or high business person, they are too sensitive and lacking in selfdiscipline and lacking self-confidence for a positions such as that. What they are good at it is writing, acting, poetry, or being musicians. Pisces are excellent at anything that tugs at the heart strings and mystical/spiritual. They are extremely creative and can use their skills of creativity and their understanding of people to inspire others. Unfortunately, most Pisces take the easy way out in life and never attain the degree of fame that they possibly could, they have to stop self-doubting themselves because they are capable of being good role models and leaders to others, people do look up to them. Pisces and Temperament: The Pisces personality is hard to pin down, it is very mysterious and elusive. Pisces are molded by their surroundings; they incorporate their experiences and surroundings into themselves. They have extreme compassion and they feel the pain of others. If something is wrong in the world that affects them, it affects them deeply; they take it to heart and feel extreme feelings regarding the matter. When they are happy, they are extremely happy and when they are sad, they are extremely depressed. Pisces is the zodiac sign of self-undoing. People born under this zodiac sign are not susceptible to bad luck and unfortunate events; they bring them on themselves by overindulging, laziness and a knack for picking poorly suited partners and friends.
They want people in their life who stir their emotions because this helps them to practice emotional stability. The inner conflict of Pisces is extremes of temperament and conflicting emotions. They are trying to pinpoint themselves on the real world while their spiritual world can cloud their vision, they will try to escape or avoid a situation instead of confronting it. Pisces eternal struggle is to learn to use their powers and their imagination in a positive, productive way and vying for emotional stability by not giving away their emotions to everyone else, they need to help themselves. Pisces in a Nutshell: Pisces is the sign of mysticism, mystery and the spiritual unknown. Pisces live in two worlds, the real world and the spiritual or mystical world where they interpret what they see into what they want. They do this to avoid all the realities of pain and suffering in the world. They have extremes of emotions and feel both good and bad intensively. Pisces have formidable intuitive ability. Most Pisces are somehow involved with occult or spiritualism. Pisces are very good at understanding people for they have the ability to delve into the psyche and see behind a person's motivations. Pisces are prone to drug addiction and indulging lifestyles because of their eternal search for themselves and their fear of confrontation and having to change a situation, also they justify drug use by allowing it to get closer with their 'spiritual selves'. Once they aware this is why they are doing it; it will be easier to kick the habit. Pisces are not the pushovers that they may seem, in fact they have strength of character and will stand up for what they believe in and they can do hard work for something they believe in. They can be very lazy but only in matters that they do not care about. Pisces is the most sensitive of all zodiac signs.
Letters To The Editor
Dear Sarafina9976 Thank you! We will try to add witch ‘crafting’ in every issue. We love learning something new as much as our readers do! EM
Dear Lady Ti-Fan Club, We agree! Lady Ti-Eagle’s stories always touch our hearts, make us stop to think, or even just give us a chuckle.. She is defiantly a KEEPER EM
Dear Eager, YES, YES, and YES…. We would LOVE to see your work, any and ALL that you can send us! We are desperate for all kinds of subject matter. If it has anything at ALL to do with the metaphysical, spiritual, or otherworldly subject matter we would love to publish it in our magazine. Poetry and artwork is always welcome and this month we do have a short story written by author Angie Skelhorn, PLEASE, do not hesitate to send us your work, if it is witch ‘Crafts’ or just something you want to share, we encourage you to send it in. E.mail you articles, stories, poetry and artwork to;
elementalmagick@hotmail.com Hope to hear from you soon! EM
A Day for the Queen of Heaven by Jonathan Young
Joseph Campbell believed that mythic stories draw us into accord with nature. We tend to forget that we are still animals on a fragile planet. The tales remind us of our place in the natural order. The oral tradition had rich reflections on the changes of the seasons. In the Celtic calendar, the first of the four fire festivals of the year is Imbolc. It is celebrated on the second day of February.
The divinity acknowledged in these early Spring rites is the goddess Brigid, the queen of heaven. She is the greatest of the Celtic divinities and is closely associated with the land. She is the protector of the wells and springs. She is the guardian of nature, and therefore agriculture. She is specifically associated with livestock. As a fertility goddess, Brigid is also the patron of the poets, artists, and others who create. Hence, her name is invoked at childbirth. When Brigid slipped into the world, a tower of flame rose from the top of her head to the heavens. Her fire aspect means she is the goddess of the hearth, and the forge. She is the guardian of those who worked with metal. By extension, she is the goddess of the machine. If we have difficulties with our cars or computers, our pleas for divine intercession might be properly addressed to Brigid. The various historical details have contemporary psychological implications. We can think of the deities as symbols of inner mystery. If we ponder the images in the stories as if they had appeared in our dreams, we will discover many valuable insights. Joseph Campbell thought myths were much like dreams. Guidance through life’s difficulties could be drawn from their symbolism. The symbolism of wells and springs reflects the connection to the waters of life that emerge from unseen sources. In psychological terms, this could signify the wisdom of the unconscious that flows from mysterious origins. The key is developing a practice of receptivity. For example, contemplating our dreams can open us to an awareness greater than our conscious knowing. Brigid’s protection of agriculture and poetry underscores the need to tend our inner fertility. Tending our forms of creativity is crucial to a fulfilling life. The ancients believed that gifts of expression were only on loan. We are reminded to remain grateful, and to be good custodians of artistic talents.
Her association with fire also pertains to the creative life. Finding passion in our work is a major achievement. Handling our energies well requires maturity. It takes effort to find a balance where we have vitality without being consumed. The plume of fire radiating from her head connects her to the life of the mind. She is the patron of scholars and colleges. One implication is that learning is a form of service to the divinities. She is also the protector of travelers. This applies to both those who explore new terrains and those seekers who are on inner journeys. Brigid is said to have invented the fervent Irish mourning wail called keening. Part of her presence resides in the faerie spirit whose keening can be heard at night in times of grief. This link reminds us to respect our losses. Experiences of renewal often include bereavement. We continually suffer losses, especially in the moments of passage. Claiming our wholeness includes valuing the sorrow for that which is no more. One traditional practice on her day was to put baked goods out on the doorstep. They were called cakes for the queen of heaven. These offerings were often eaten by hungry travelers in her name. We might honor this custom by giving money to the homeless for something to eat on Imbolc. The idea is to find a way to share the boon. Those who have been blessed in life are called upon to develop some practice of service to others. Down through the years, mythic stories continue to enchant. On close inspection, the images have much to say about modern life. Joseph Campbell said the ability to see the metaphors in the old tales opens us to the richness of everything around us. The whole world turns into a holy picture. We can become aware of a dimension of significance in the ordinary that is nothing short of radiant. So, let us honor the Great Mother, the Queen of Heaven. May we be open to her many gifts of inspiration in this season of renewal.
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Hello Children, Sisters and Brothers! I certainly hope you all have been staying warm. I know that at the time of this writing, most of our readers in the Midwest to Eastern United States are suffering through another very cold and snowy weekend. I hope you are all staying very safe and comfortable in your homes, doing some reading, matching a movie or two and, hopefully, doing some studying that you are transferring into your Book of Shadows (BoS). WARNING: THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR NORMAL MEDICAL CARE. ALWAYS CONSULT A QUALIFIED MEDICAL DOCTOR FOR PROPER HEALTH CARE INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING ALL ILLNESSES AND DISEASES. These procedures should be used ONLY in conjunction with traditional medical care. Since we are in the midst of flu and cold season as well as snow injury season, I thought we'd talk a little about making something that will assist in healing and making a sick or injured individual more comfortable using magick. Now, I don't want a lot of you getting upset with me because of my methods. They really do work and I'm not asking you to perform any negative form of magick. We going to discuss using healing figures or dolls to focus you attention and energy on a particular given area to aid in the recovery of an ill or injured person. If you are planning to use this figure soon, be sure to use that person's name on the figure as you are cleaning, forming or cutting it. First, let's talk about what we need to use poppets a figure, doll or stuffed animal (I find that teddy bears really do work best for small children). This is really a wide open area. I will give you several possible ideas and you might even come up with some of your own. I do recommend using an object that can be properly washed, sanitized and dried, just in case. I often use what I call "Street" Barbies (used Barbies I've purchased from thrift stores that I've scrubbed and cleansed with Epsom Salts and allowed to dry totally and completely by hanging them upside down after being washed. I usually have several ready to be used as I use them for other things as well). Use a female figure for a girl or woman and a male figure (Ken, GI Joe, etc) for a boy or man. These dolls are really good for adults and since you don't have to give the doll to the individual for it to work, they can be cleansed and used over and over again. If you are good at sculpting, you could form a figure out of candle wax (this could be fresh, unused wax OR spent candle wax that has been placed in a plastic bag of salt, sea salt or Epsom Salts for a few days to remove all it's energies, both negative and positive). The wax needs to be warmed and softened to touch but not so hot as to melt and burn your
hands. When it is pliable, form your figure. Again, when the illness has run it's course you may bury it or place it into your salt mixture to nuteralize it so you melt it down and use it again. For those of you who, like me, can't sculpt, you can also hot wax melted and poured into an oiled/petroleum jelly schmirred, high-sided cookie tray or large baking dish. Allow the wax to set up to a soft but firm state and using a gingerbread man cookie cutter, cut out your healing figure. The figure needs to be of a size that you can work with easily. Depending upon how large your wax sheet and the size of your cutter, you should be able to cut several figures which, after they have harden and you can store them for later use. NOTE: Wax figures and cutouts are really nice as you can use either colored wax or scented wax or add herbs and spices to your wax for additional healing energy punch! And yes, you can use these figures for lots and lots of things besides healing! The are great for all kinds of spell work. Another substance also pliable that could be used is air drying clay (Crayola makes a fairly inexpensive type, also there are different types of children's play dough. If you search around on line you can find recipes for both homemade corn starch play dough and children's flour based clay). Again you can color these with food coloring or kool aid as well as add scents and herbs for healing. You could always make a paper doll cutout or even a picture of either the person to be healed or one cut out of a magazine. If using a magazine picture make sure the figure is of the correct sex and about the same age as the person you are wanting to heal. With ink, write the person's name on the front of the figure. Another way to form a healing figure is with socks. These are particularly good for body illnesses but not to good for anything dealing with arms and legs. Take a pair of socks, preferably ones belonging to the ill person. Stuff one sock inside the other OR use a wash cloth stuffed in the sock. Tie a string, yarn or ribbon part way down the stuffed sock to form a head. With WASHABLE or WATER SOLUBALE markers make a face on the figure. This isn't necessary but I find it helps focus my energy better. Also tie the bottom of the sock so the stuffing won't fall out. You can add healing herbs and fragrance to the stuffing as well. NOTE: To increase the strength of your spell use the unwashed socks of the individual. An incredibly powerful figure to use to heal a child is one of their very favorite stuffed animals. I probably wouldn't use their very most favorite animal unless you can do your spell WHILE the child is asleep so the child isn't disturbed by it's absence. After preforming your spell the animal should be
placed in bed with the child even if it's at the foot of the bed. For this reason, I suggest you NOT as any fragrance to the animal as it could hinder the child's breathing. You could also use a stuffed animal for an older girl or teenager as they usually have kept one of their favorite around for comfort. (Many boys do as well). I've even heard of using a bed or body pillow for an adult in much the same was as the sock figure. OKAY, we've pretty well gone through the figure and talked briefly about colors and scents. Use colors and scents prescribed for healings of whatever type necessary that match with your magickal practices. Though what you've done so far should be potent enough, you can take it one step further. NOTE: PRIOR TO BEGINNING THIS PORTION OF YOUR SPELL, MAKE CERTAIN YOU ARE HEALTHY AND WELL GROUNDED SO YOU DO NOT ABSORB ANY OF THE PAINS OR SYMPTOMS OF THE INDIVIDUAL YOU ARE WORKING ON INTO YOUR OWN BODY! Be prepared to perform your healing on the figure a couple times at least depending upon the severity of the ailment. Be sure you know the individual's infirmity. Place your dominate hand or both hands upon the portion of the individual's body that needs healing. If you can't ask the ill individual directly for their permission to preform this healing, ask the individual's Higher Self. The Higher Self will allow whatever amount healing is necessary and the body can tolerate. The Higher Self may also determine to reject your healing practices at this time. 1) If the individual is having headaches, gently lay your fingers or hand on the figure's head and neck and gently focus on warmth and gently massage the area, focusing your intent to make the pain to leave the person's body. 2) If the problem is the lungs and respiration, do the same, focusing on clearing the lung area of congestion and pain. 3) For flu symptoms, focus on what the pains and problems of the individual are and gently rub your fingers and hands over those area focusing on driving those symptoms out of the body. Flu usually has several symptoms all over the body so be certain you work on both upper and lower body as well as the front and back of the body. Begin at what would be the head and shoulder line and work downward, pushing the negative energy/pain/sickness out the bottom of the body. These figures can be used for almost any medical problems and if you intend to give the figure to the sick adult always check to see if the sick individual is allergic to any herbs or fragrances. If not add these to either the inside of the figure or as an anointing oil or herbal rub to the outside of the figure. Herbs and fragrance usually will assist in relaxation of the body and many of the other physical systems that individuals have problems with particularly in the winter.
On last thing, if a family friend or relative is currently battling some form of cancer, there are many hand-made stuffed animal and doll patterns available. Never underestimate the power and energy you give to something you hand-craft yourself for someone who is ill. As a Witch, Wiccan or Pagan implant the intent of shrinking the cancerous mass and eliminating it completely for the individual's body WHILE you craft the item you are making. Incorporate within the fabrics, threads, yarns and stuffings used the herbs and oils you have determined to be useful. One effective way to do this is by placing these threads, fabrics, etc, in a large zip-lock bag in which you placed your herbs or a few cotton balls with the fragrance on them. This way you are not placing these items directly into the stuffed creature, just the smell. If you don't or can't make your "healthy" creature, perhaps you have a friend who can make it for you after you treat the materials. If that's not possible, fine an appropriate stuffed animal or doll to treat. If you have a little one who will be hospitalized and you will not be able to stay with them, use a little "Momma" or "Grandma" Magick and touch a couple drops of your personal fragrance on the item. Go very, very easy with the fragrance so as not to overdo it. Children rest easier when they have the smell of Momma, Daddy, Gran or their regular much loved care giver with them. Take care of yourselves and your families Love, Hugs and Many Blessings Gertrude Moon, CC
3 Simple Steps to Awaken the Divine by Keith Park PhD
Serenity At certain rare moments—sometimes when in quiet reflection or relaxing in nature—we may discover an often surprising yet pleasant experience of temporarily losing our individual perspective and seeing the world from a larger, more encompassing perspective. I had such an experience coming back from the Southern California desert one late afternoon. My line of sight was open along the horizon and I could see clearly the setting sun, the rising moon, and the flow of traffic curving towards the sun. It was then that it hit me. In a moment's flash, I was catapulted to a God's-eye view and could instantly "see" all three celestial bodies (the earth, sun, and moon) in relation to each other, including the earth rotating slowly on its axis, along with a feeling of oneness with everything. The experience was intense—blissful even—but fleeting. As quick as it came, it vanished, and I was back observing from my usual perspective as I drove along the highway. Yet, the sense of awe and peace that came over me remained for hours. This experience was not something I imagined in my mind's eye, or even the feeling of actually traveling out of my body per se, but a very visceral and instantaneous sense of the oneness of everything. Many others have reported similar experiences. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell reported one such experience as he peered at the earth enveloped in sparkling black velvet through the window of the Apollo 14. Mystics call this sense of oneness "unity consciousness." According to Hinduism, Atman (individual consciousness) merges with Brahman (universal consciousness), leading to the realization that there is only one consciousness, Brahman. What is required for union is the suppression of thoughts that generate the sense of an individual self; this then results in a state of direct or pure awareness (called "samadhi," or selfless thought) where one sees the true nature of things. In the West, this ecstatic union is described as the "peace of God that surpasses all understanding." So, it seems, my relaxed and "empty" mind that late afternoon led to a direct awareness of things and a defaulting to a state of unity consciousness. If you have ever experienced this state, it can be quite liberating, awe-inspiring, and blissful. One often loses much of the feeling of fear and isolation that comes from seeing oneself as just a finite, physical body separated from others and the rest of the world. In its place is a great feeling of being connected to something larger and a broader sense of purpose and meaning
to the universe. It can be a great renewal for the spirit. Unfortunately, as a result of our modern, busy lives, we may at times get so caught up in the demands of each day—including work, family, and basic living responsibilities— that we lose sight of this broader existence. The result can be life as drudgery. What is needed at these times then is a balance between our survival and spiritual needs. The ancients knew this going back millennia and wrote about it. Hindu and Buddhist texts speak about our "normal," everyday state of mind as one of illusion. The true Self—that of pure, unbounded consciousness—is bound in illusion, or "Maya." Maya is seeing only with the external senses and only what is physically evident. When immersed in this illusion much of greater reality and the true Self are obscured. Several passages of the Katha Upanishad, an ancient Hindu text written about 800 B.C.E., point to this notion of illusion: "Hidden in the heart of every creature exists the Self, subtler than the subtlest, greater than the greatest. They go beyond all sorrow who extinguish their self-will and behold the glory of the Self…The immature run after sense pleasures…But the wise, knowing the Self as deathless seek not the changeless in the world of change. The Supreme Self is beyond name and form, beyond the senses, inexhaustible, without beginning, without end, beyond time, space and causality, eternal, and immutable." Maya as external illusion is not exclusive to Eastern texts. In Luke 17:20-21, NIV, of the New Testament, Jesus rebuffs his challengers by saying: "…the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is in your midst." Both Eastern and Western sources seem to indicate that the Divine Self or Source is subtle to detect by the senses, and may go unnoticed if we are not fully present to it. There is the risk, then, that a prolonged narrow and external focus may increase the probability that we lose sight of our broader, underlying connection and start to fall under the trap of Maya. That is, we may start to see our physical existence as the only existence, and ourselves as separate and isolated from one another and the Source. If so, we may start to feel more alone, incomplete, stressed, and in competition with each other. So, how do we stay connected and avoid the trap of Maya? In
my book, The Serenity Solution: How So, how do we stay connected and avoid the trap of Maya? In my book, The Serenity Solution: How to Use Quiet Contemplation to Solve Life's Problems, I offer a variety of practical tips and exercises for harnessing a calm focus not only as a way to see past everyday challenges but as a way to renew access to our broader, spiritual connection. What is a calm focus? We've all experienced it. It is the optimal state of mind we find ourselves when we are meditating or praying, relaxing in nature, attuned to others and our environment, or experiencing a flash of insight or intuition. In this state, we are alert yet relaxed, our thoughts are clear, and we are fully present. A key factor of calm focus is that common distractions of the mind are less, and so, we may easier experience a state of pure awareness. For this reason, meditators and spiritual seekers throughout time have honed this state to liberate themselves from Maya and become enlightened to the true nature of Self. In modern times, psychologists, athletes, and artists have come to describe calm focus as being "in the zone" or "in the flow." It is where thoughts and performance are most flexible and fluid. However, one does not have to spend years on a mountain top or in a monastery to develop a bit of this calm, open state of mind. Anyone of us can begin practicing it in our daily lives. For example, we can get in the habit of simply monitoring our focus (and what we are thinking about) from time to time, especially when we are faced with a difficult challenge. Then, this regular monitoring allows us the ability to notice when we are emotionally caught up in a troubling situation, so we may step out of it, and see other options we may have not noticed. Moreover, in this open state of mind, we are more likely to see evidence of the Divine working around us, including in the assistance and goodness of others, our own resourceful thoughts and actions, and in the beauty and order of nature. This should restore some of the balance to our lives and loosen the narrow grip of Maya. There are three things you can do to begin experiencing this useful state in your daily life. 1.Observe your body reactions during the day. Get in the habit of observing your body reactions throughout the day, especially when you encounter challenging situations; this may be when you are rushing to work, stuck in traffic, trying to meet a deadline, overloaded with work, worrying about finances, or dealing with difficult people. Pay attention to habitual reaction points. These are areas where you normally hold tension. For most of us, these areas include the neck, back, shoulders, and stomach, but are not exclusive these areas. You may find that you hold tension in other areas. See where they are for you. Notice also at what point during the situation you begin to notice these reactions. Describe each reaction to yourself. Is it a churning sensation? A knotted sensation? Hot? Cold? Burning? A tingling sensation? This should help you become more aware of the reaction when it occurs. See if you can notice its subtle effects earlier in each difficulty you find yourself.
2.Disengage narrow focus at critical times. Before you react as usual, use these initial, subtle reactions as cues to stop and observe. To help, imagine a big red stop sign in your mind's eye and take a deep breath and release it. Tell yourself to slow down at these times and also release your body tension. You might imagine the release as tight rubber bands unwinding or steam coming off a kettle. Next, observe what you are focusing on and saying to yourself about your present circumstance. There is always internal commentary to what is going on. Simply observe without getting caught up in these thoughts. 3.Broaden focus and be mindful of your surroundings. Now, it is time to "de-focus" and break from these limiting thoughts and see a broader perspective. Be aware of the separation of you from your thoughts. You are the awareness observing the thoughts and not the thoughts. Then ask yourself next: "What is another way to look at this situation?" Or, alternately: "What is needed most in this situation? What can I do now to improve things?" Then, explore some possibilities and act on the situation. To help, notice things as an outside observer would. See the situation from different angles or as others might. Keep in mind that at times not responding is also an appropriate action. After dealing mindfully and flexibility to the situation, spend some extra time noticing what is going on around you. Observe without judging and see if you can notice anything new about your surroundings, other people, or the situation itself. Dont just focus on the bad or what's missing. See also what is good and present around you, especially what you created with a change in your thoughts and actions. Think of how you could expand on these thoughts and actions to deal with similar situations in the future. Broaden out further and notice anything pleasant about your natural surroundings. For example, you might notice rolling hills, leaves rustling in the trees, a blue sky, white fluffy clouds, stars twinkling at night, a full moon, a cool breeze, birds singing, or the pleasant aroma of flowers. Try to see beneath the differences and apparent chaos of the world to the deeper order and intelligence underneath. Feel your place in this whole spectrum of life. Or, just simply observe with silent detachment at all that is around you. With time and practice, you should notice greater moments of peace and clarity. For more information and exercises on how to use calm focus in other ways, check out The Serenity Solution. It is both practical and inspirational.
This article is a re-print from The Llewellyn Journal and can be found at; http://www.llewellyn.com/journal/article/2411 This article was written by Keith Park PhD posted under Self-Help
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How we see each other I know a beautiful woman and I see her quite often. Whenever we come across each other, she always pays me a lot of compliments and even more of these pleasant words I heard from her when our second daughter was born. I have always admired her beauty, her lovely personality and a classy style. Recently, I told her about it, and I was so surprised when it turned out that she sees herself in a completely different way. Are there many of us like this? It turned out that she thought of me as positively as I did about her, however, none of us felt that way about ourselves. What is it? Lack of self-confidence and self-esteem maybe? Other people are always better in our opinion, more attractive, and far more successful, have better homes and generally are thousand times greater than us. Does it seem to be a rule somehow….? And a lot of us are stuck in those situations. In my opinion it doesn’t really make sense. Why, then, compare yourself to anyone and compete with one another. I know it’s easier said than done, but I believe the systematic work on ourselves can change it. By observing our thoughts, we can eliminate those which shouldn’t be on our minds. Let them fly off. Ladies, let’s look at each other with total acceptance the way we are without any comparisons to anybody else. Desiring to be somebody else leads to nowhere and we certainly only lose our energy. Let’s smile to ourselves in the mirror and to one another.
Welcome to Feminine Creations online boutique Each item of jewellery is hand sewn using the soutache technique, with high quality European materials and threads. All items are handcrafted with care and attention to detail to ensure a high quality product that we are able to sell with pride. We feel the time it takes us to produce our soutache style jewellery is worth the effort. Our existing customers agree, and hopefully you will too. It is no wonder that soutache style jewellery has captivated European shoppers with its unique look, vibrant colours, and light weight. We hope you will enjoy browsing. There is much to see in our galleries - necklaces, bracelets, earrings, pendants, hair clips - all original and hand-made with designs inspired by soutache creations from Europe. Light in weight and comfortable to wear, this style of accessories are new to Australia, and very unique. Our clients regularly receive compliments when wearing their pieces. Designs can be varied to suit specific requests, so do take time to peruse our gallery and online store. We look forward to your feedback, or to discuss your design requests.
A white cloth left outside on the Eve of Imbolc may be brought inside in the morning having been blessed by the Goddess. Lighting many white candles to celebrate the strengthening light of the season. Suitable Wiccan Incenses to burn at Imbolc include lavender, cinnamon, basil, frankincense and myrrh. Open windows for a few minutes to air the home, and then allow the fragrant smoke to permeate the home. The cleansing smoke will quicken the mood of all those that experience it, and this atmosphere of renewal will remain long after the smoke has dispersed. Drinking fresh milk from a magical chalice. Traditionally animals began to provide much needed fresh milk around Imbolc, a very welcome and practical sign of the renewal of the wheel of the year! 22
 Spring clean the home, focusing especially on sacred and special spaces such as a Wiccan Home Altar.  As well as tidying home, it is a good time to sort out any outstanding matters such as returning borrowed items, replying to neglected friends and family members and offering simple acts of kindness.  Imbolc is a good time to begin inner spiritual work, perhaps by beginning a program of meditation or learning new magical skills.
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God Name: Eheieh Gods: Ptah, Ra, Zeus, Isis, Gaia, Nuit Archangel: Metatron Titles: Hidden Intelligence, Ancient of Days, Lux Occulta Virtue: Attainment and completion of the Great Work Vice: None Planet: All planets are represented in Kether Stone: Diamond Animals: Swan, Hawk Scents: Ambergris, Gum Mastic Experience: Union with and Knowledge of the All Symbols: Lamp, Point, Crown, Swastika KETHER is the absolute beginning point when AIN (nothing) becomes conscious of itself. AIN is not on the Tree, but is considered to be the original source of all things. Ain is thought to be incomprehensible and primordial. It has no form but we can try to comprehend the idea of Ain by considering a few symbols associated with it. Symbols of Ain are the Ouroboros B the serpent in a circle with its tail in its mouth whose name is Ananta. The Ouroboros represents the alpha/omega B beginning without end, spiraling forever. Another symbol is the Egyptian Goddess, Nuit, as she represents the universe with all stars and planets spraying out in the milk of her breasts. In Qabalistic philosophy there are Three Planes of the Unmanifest, or Negative Existence. AIN: Negativity, AIN SOPH: The Limitless, and AIN SOPH AUR: Limitless Light. AIN SOPH AUR is a circle whose center is everywhere, and whose circumference is nowhere. These are the Three Veils of Negative Existence from which Kether is born. To attempt to comprehend this idea we must utilize symbols, the masks of Transcendent realities. Being Unmanifest we cannot think of them in terms of anything we know in a conscious fashion. Though perhaps outside the sphere of our mental understanding, Kether is often shown with its roots in this Unmanifest, drawing energy and life from the Unmanifest into the Manifest. We may use the negative veils behind Ain for meditation to try to get beyond conscious mind limitations. Through meditation on symbols we may proceed into something of an understanding of the Unmanifest, because as Dion Fortune said, symbols are to the mind as tools are to the hand, and extended application of its powers. KETHER is Pure being - "latency one degree removed from the Unmanifest" There is no division in Kether. Kether is The One. It is a state of existence. Kether is imagined as a Blinding White Light, undifferentiated, yet containing the Potentialities of all things. Kether is formlessness and timelessness. If our myths speak of Creation from space Kether would be seen as the Sky God. If Creation originated in Water, it would be the Primordial Ocean. Another allegory for Kether is the Acorn 24which contains the Oak.
Kether is The Beginning. It is the first Sephira in the Supernal Triad and is the first impulse toward the manifestation of form. Kether is the prototype of all things, the cause of all things. Its Yesiratic title is 'The Hidden Intelligence' because Kether is what is behind everything and yet can never be seen. Kether, then, is the One, and existed before there was any reflection of itself to serve it for an image in consciousness and set up the fields of polarity or opposites. It transcends all known laws of manifestation by existing alone, without reaction. When we speak of Kether it must be remembered that we do not mean a person or thing but a state of existence and this state of existing substance is utterly inert, pure being without activity, until activity begins with the emanating of Chokmah from Kether. This affirmation of pure being with no form and no time, eternal, unchanging without attributes or activities which underlies, maintains and conditions all is the primary formula of all magickal working. It is only when the mind is imbued with the realization of this endless unchanging being of the utmost concentration and intensity that it can have any realization of limitless power. The operations of the magickian which aim at the concentrating of energy (and what operations do not?) always start with Kether, because here we touch the upwelling force arising from the great Unmanifest, the reservoir of limitless power. By beginning in Kether, the magickian is drawing unmanifested force into manifestation; s/he is adding to the manifest resources of the universe and provided s/he keeps the forces in equilibrium, the result will be balanced. This is a point of practical importance. Students have been taught that the three Supernals, Kether, Chokmah and Binah are beyond the range of practical working so long as we are incarnated (in physical bodies). True, they are beyond the range of physical brain linear consciousness, but they are the essential basis of all magickal calculations and if we do not work from this basis we have no cosmic foundation but are poised between heaven and earth finding no place of place of rest or security but must always be working to maintain the magickal stresses that keep the astral forms in physical being. Kether is concerned simply and solely with the handling of forces and ultimately the bringing of them through into manifestation in form, but Kether does not care what form the forces may assume, for if the magickian concentrates on the result without trying to dictate what form the result comes in, the forces will assume the form that is most consistent with their nature and thus be truer to cosmic law than any design which our limited human knowledge and understanding could assign to them. This is the key to all successful magickal operations. Symbols of Kether attempt to convey its essence - the Lamp which is the light of creativity. This is the same lamp held by the Tarot arcana, the Hermit, as he poises on the mountain top, alone and seeking wisdom or light. Kether is also the Point, the first potential of existence. The Swastika is also a symbol of
Kether, but one must look beyond the corruption of this symbol by the Third Reich. The Swastika is one of our most ancient symbols, with its earlier depictions found on Paleolithic carvings on mammoth ivory for the Ukraine, dated around 10,000 bce. (Barbara Walker, Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets). Its four swirling arms represent the swirlings of energy which will eventually find their way into existence. Kether is the first swirlings of force coming out of Negative, Unmanifested existence. To try to comprehend this, the Occultist uses symbols, because the mind is not equipped to understand Kether in a conscious linear mind fashion. Just as the mind cannot see music still it can hear and appreciate it. However far we go back to find the beginnings of manifestation, we find a preceding existence, so the Negative veils behind Kether and Ain are more of a philosophical convention, in effect we draw a line here behind Kether, as the First Cause of Manifestation. This as far as our minds may go in trying to comprehend it.
The Qabalist starts with Kether the One and moves backward, rather than with the Absolute, but this is a just a start, for otherwise there is no conception whatsoever. Kether is Ehieh, the Highest God Name, meaning "I AM," or Self-existing One or Pure Being. Kether is the One that contains all, and from MacGregor Mathers we have the statement "Kether is the Malkuth of the Unmanifest", the Limitless Ocean of Negative Light does not proceed from a center, for it is centerless, but it concentrates a center which is the number One of the manifested Sephiroth - Kether, the Crown, the First Sephira." In trying to comprehend Kether and what is beyond this Sephira, you can expect to find many contradictions and paradoxes as the mind tries to wrap itself around the concepts like "Negative Light". To access the concepts, just allow the images to sink in as you consider them and let them play in your subconscious for a while. Eventually you'll be surprised by that "A - ha!" moment.
The rowan tree has a long magickal history, at least in northern Europe and the Celtic areas. Native to Europe and Asia, it has spread to the North American continent and naturalized here. Many people believe it to be a native plant to the Pacific Northwest, so well has it integrated itself into the landscape. The rowan tree aka mountain ash is Sorbus acuparia, not to be confused with the true ash of the Fraxinus genus. Related to the rose and the apple, the blossom ends of the red berries are marked with a five pointed star. Aligned with the sun and fire, the rowan is connected to Brigid, Thor, and Mary. Rowan is a very strong protector. Planted near the house it will protect it, or you can use either the ripe berries or wood over the doors. If you use the berries, let them fully ripen but don’t leave them on the tree too long or the birds will eat them.
String them on red thread right after picking so the berries don’t have time to harden up, and then hang the string berries over each entry to your house. If there are no ripe berries at the time you need protection, look under the tree for fallen branches- even twigs; thank the tree; then wrap a few turns of red thread or yarn around the branch and place it over the entry. The branches/twigs can also be tied into either a star or a cross to put over the door. Given that fruit and branch are both protective, I’m pondering using the fallen leaves next autumn to create protective boundaries around my garden!
The rowan is also known to increase psychic powers. The wood makes a great wand or dowsing rod. The hard wood was traditionally used to make spindles and tool handles, and is good for carvings both magical and mundane. When doing a healing or divination, the leaves and berries can be burnt. Add either of these things to sachets for power, success and luck blends. If you wish to become more attuned to nature- say when meditating outdoors- carry the berries or leaves. While rowan berries are high in vitamin C, do not consume them raw. They contain a chemical that destroys the vitamin C; when dried or cooked (as in jam), however, this chemical is inactivated and they are safe to eat. Don’t over do it, though- they can be mildly purgative when taken in quantity, not a desirable quality in food.
The rowan tree is very each to grow. It prefers a fertile, slightly acidic soil. Hardy to USA zone 3, this small (20’40’) tree can take a lot of punishment. Normally growing with multiple trunks, rowan can be used as a specimen tree or as a large shrub under taller treesalthough not in full shade. The compound leaves give the tree a lacy look; in late spring it carries cymes of cream white flowers (which, sadly, aren’t good for cut flowers as they smell slightly unpleasant); come autumn the berries turn red; the gray-brown bark is frequently attractively spotted. It’s a tree for all seasons! The berries germinate easily and the tiny trees transplant easily. This means that if you find an existing tree, you are apt to find baby trees under it and even a good distance away, as birds will eat the berries and poop the seeds out. This is how it’s spread throughout the Pacific Northwest. All but one of my rowans have been ‘volunteers’; the fact that they were free makes them extra special to me! While the rowan has naturalized itself and grows with only what nature provides, it will establish itself faster if kept watered at least its first couple of years and given a balanced fertilizer in late spring/early summer. It doesn’t want to sit in standing water, so avoid planting in very low spots, but after it’s established it can tolerate mild droughts. I love this tree for several reasons; it’s beautiful all year, it provides food and shelter for birds, and of course its magical uses.
With the coming of February comes the Sun. It is growing stronger with each day. We also now honor the Irish goddess Brigid who holds the eternal flame of inspiration, transformation, and personal sovereignty.
WHAT YOU NEED: To ignite Brigid's eternal flame within yourself, you will need a white candle, preferably a large one with a firm foundation. You'll also need matches and an item that reminds you of a specific goal you want to achieve in the coming spring and summer. DIRECTIONS Sit on a chair or on the floor, placing the unlit candle in front of you. Take time to center yourself, focusing on connecting with Brigid's powers, while you also visualize her fire rising within you. When you are ready, light the candle and say:
Blessed Brigid of the golden flame, Hear me as I call your name; I invoke your spirit to burn in me, All I will, precious Lady, so it must be. Keep your eyes open and gaze into the hazy yellow color of the flame's aura. (If you're sitting too close to the candle, gazing into the flame itself can harm your eyes.) Visualize the powers of inspiration, transformation, and personal sovereignty burning within you. When you feel you've been successful, offer your thanks to Brigid and extinguish the candle. Keep it covered and in a safe place so you can enact this spell whenever you feel you need the power of Brigid in your life.
Protection Spell Out with the Bad and in with the Good.. Keeping your Home Safe and Secure
Directions: Sage Censer Bell Perform this spell during a Waxing Moon. Put some sage in your incense burner (censer). Walk around your home with the censer. Circle your home three times (always clockwise), then in each room of the house. Pay special attention to doors and windows and let the smoke filter into the crevices and openings. As you walk, recite a prayer you improvise, or write one ahead of time. Say or write what you feel. This has to come from deep inside you. It does not have to rhyme, nor be a great piece of literature. An example would be Three times around, three times about The world within, the world without. In home and possessions, may good spirits abound Evil and problems will not stay around.
Ring the bell each time a circle, and prayer is completed. When you are finished inside and out, place the incense in the doorway. Open all doors for a few minutes and let the smoke drift through your home, washing it clean. 28
Welcome We believe that you are created with sacred worth. We welcome you and seek to serve you in spiritually uplifting and emotionally caring ways.
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Calendar for February 2014 Feb 1 08:00 PM AA New Soil, New Roots Feb 2 12:30 PM Guided Meditation Feb 3 09:00 AM Morning Light 07:00 PM Attitudinal Healing Peer Support Group Feb 4 09:00 AM Morning Light 06:45 PM A Course in Miracles Study Group Feb 5 09:00 AM Morning Light 04:45 PM Weight Watchers 05:45 PM Community Dinner 07:00 PM Wednesday Night Program Feb 6 09:00 AM Morning Light 12:00 PM Al-Anon Serenity Seekers 07:00 PM AA New Soil, New Roots 07:00 PM Dances of Universal Peace 07:00 PM Unity Choir Feb 8 08:00 PM AA New Soil, New Roots Feb 9 12:30 PM Annual Meeting 12:30 PM Guided Meditation Feb 10 09:00 AM Morning Light 07:00 PM Attitudinal Healing Peer Support Group Feb 11 09:00 AM Morning Light 06:45 PM A Course in Miracles Study Group Feb 12 09:00 AM Morning Light 04:45 PM Weight Watchers 05:45 PM Community Dinner 07:00 PM Wednesday Night Program Feb 13 09:00 AM Morning Light 12:00 PM Al-Anon Serenity Seekers 07:00 PM AA New Soil, New Roots 07:00 PM Unity Choir Feb 15 08:00 PM AA New Soil, New Roots Feb 16 12:30 PM Guided Meditation 12:30 PM Oneness (Deeksha) Blessing
Feb 17 08:00 AM Men of Unity Breakfast of Champions 09:00 AM Morning Light 07:00 PM Attitudinal Healing Peer Support Group Feb 18 09:00 AM Morning Light 06:45 PM A Course in Miracles Study Group Feb 19 09:00 AM Morning Light 04:45 PM Weight Watchers 05:45 PM Community Dinner 07:00 PM Wednesday Night Program Feb 20 09:00 AM Morning Light 12:00 PM Al-Anon Serenity Seekers 07:00 PM AA New Soil, New Roots 07:00 PM Dances of Universal Peace 07:00 PM Unity Choir Feb 22 10:00 AM Outrageous Wild Women of Unity 08:00 PM AA New Soil, New Roots Feb 23 12:30 PM Guided Meditation Feb 24 09:00 AM Morning Light 07:00 PM Attitudinal Healing Peer Support Group Feb 25 09:00 AM Morning Light 06:45 PM A Course in Miracles Study Group Feb 26 09:00 AM Morning Light 04:45 PM Weight Watchers 05:45 PM Community Dinner 07:00 PM Wednesday Night Program Feb 27 09:00 AM Morning Light 12:00 PM Al-Anon Serenity Seekers 07:00 PM AA New Soil, New Roots 07:00 PM Unity Choir Feb 28 05:30 PM Crosswalk
RECAPTURING JOY Do you remember when you first found a different path and how excited you were and how everything was new and fresh. As time went on things were not quite as exciting and does not bring you as much joy as when you first started your path to enlightenment. . Joy is the starting word. But how does a person find true joy. Sometimes it just requires us to go back to the basics. Start with Journaling. Take a new approach. Maybe start out with affirmations and gratitude. Then pick a key word like sisterhood and brotherhood and write what flows through your mind. You can use the small angle cards to do this if you have them. Draw 3 cards and see how they relate to you at this time. What areas of your life are they pointing to and think of way to address them this day. In using them each day you have a moving target and do not get bogged down in trying to change yourself all at once or over and over. The Next thing that can bring a renewed energy is meditation. Go back to the basics. Pretend you are just a beginner again and refresh your memory as what is meditation. When is the best time to practice and know it only takes up a small part of your day? Just think of nothingness first thing in morning or last thing at night. You can do it on a bus, your lunch hour or in a park. It does not matter where if you have 5 minutes you can clear you mind and relive the stress.
Taking time to center ourselves is another thing that will help you renew your energy and connect with our higher self. The morning shower is a great time for this. Imagine the water flowing over you washing out any negative thoughts and attune to your awareness to your higher thoughts and create joyful images in your mind. This can then set the tone of your day. Then for a few minutes start truly to listen to what is going on within ourselves What is your inner child saying and what is your higher self trying to tell you. If something is off or not right we will be able to ask our bodies and our mind to find out what really is the problem. More than anything remember to bring out the good in yourself and focus on bringing out the good in other people seeing their beauty and speaking to them what you love about them. Then take a few moments and see your beauty and speak to your inner soul and tell it what you love about yourself. This will help you reconnect with the joy you once felt when first starting on your path. Catch you next month with a great visualization exercise to find hidden issues in loving ourselves.
Laughing Woman
Mama Em's Bell Book & Candle (also known as Mama Em's World of Magick)
113 Rice St Carson City, NV 89706 (775)790-4488 http://www.mamaemsworld.com/main.sc Welcome to Mama Em's World! I have been a self-practicing Pagan and Witch for 16 years. I do things my own way, and I love to make my own products. I'm here to help bring new and unusual items to everyone, and to provide metaphysical supplies at prices we can all actually afford. If you're looking for something in particular and you can't find it, please contact me with what you need and I'd be happy to get it for you! To stay up to date on new products, contests, and weekly giveaways, like us on Facebook here: www.facebook.com/mamaemsworld and view my Youtube videos here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0RiNRgad4PjHOjOuXHvApg Follow me on Twitter: @MagickByMamaEm - Check out my blog on all things from advice to personal issues here: www.askmamaem.blogspot.com and last but certainly not least, check me out as one of the admins of this amazing group: www.facebook.com/thepaganmama
Bast or Bastet Candle Holder Statue Words can barely describe the awesome beauty of this Bast/Bastet candle holder. She holds two tapered pillar candles, or cone incense. Absolutely stunning cold cast resin. Black with gold accents including hyroglyphics around the base. Approximately 8" high by 5" wide.
Gorgeous Amber Resin Scent Pendant This small, beautifully sculpted brass ornament contains 5 grams of amber resin, to create a delightful piece of jewelry that will leave you perfumed with the sweet scent of amber. I cannot tell you how lovely this smells. It's subtle and airy, and simply intoxicating. Sure to get you a lot of attention! If you'd like this pendant blessed with spellwork to attract a lover, or to enrich your existing relationship, just ask! I'd be happy to do that for you, free of charge. Pendant comes on a black cotton cord, but can easily be transferred to a chain of your choice. I wear one of these myself and am quite smitten with it! XoXo Mama Em
Celtic Pentagram with Crystal This intricate pewter pentagram is set within a sculpted, ropelike circle with a Celtic knot work backdrop. Has cord. 1 1/4� - See more at: http://www.azuregreen.net/prodinfo.asp?number=JCELP#sthash.fVJMceaM.dpuf
Celtic Sealing Wax Kit Customize invitations, greeting cards, spells, rituals, and more with enchanting wax stamps. Boxed kit (3 1/8 x 4 1/2) includes natural wax and a metal seal.
Planting by the phases of the moon is an ancient method of planting, working and harvesting the garden in tune with nature. Plants have evolved natural growth cycles that correspond to the position of the sun and moon. When we encourage seeds and transplants by following these cycles we give nature a hand in its influence on our gardens. The moon rotates through a complete sequence of phase every 29 days, this constitutes a lunar month. For moon gardening purposes, this cycle is divided into four quarters or moon phases with each phase affecting plant growth in a positive or negative way.
Full Moon This is the time for harvesting your crops. During this phase of the moon mature plants are at their best for picking and will maintain their freshness longer. The full moon is also a time of balance, in the garden, and newly sown seeds will begin to germinate now.
Second Quarter Moon This moon phase favors the planting of above ground crops. All plants that yield their bounty above the soil benefit from planting during this moon phase. The growing brightness of the moon encourages newly planted seeds to take hold and maximum germination occurs.
Third Quarter Moon Plant below ground crops now. During this time of decreasing moonlight the root systems of below ground crops establish themselves and are more apt to take hold. The third quarter moon allows the above ground portion of new plants to rest as growth continues beneath the soil.
New Moon During the new moon the lunar influence on growing things enters a state of rest and equilibrium. Plant growth is steady and stable at this time. Plant immune systems are fortified and any plant damage is repaired during this time of balanced growth.
Fruitful Signs Cancer - Most favorable planting time for all leafy crops bearing fruit above ground. Prune to encourage growth in Cancer.
Scorpio - Second only to Cancer, a Scorpion Moon promises good germination and swift growth. In Scorpio, prune for bud development.
Pisces - Planting in the last of the Watery Triad is especially effective for root growth. Taurus - The best time to plant root crops is when the Moon is in the sign of the Bull. Capricorn - The Earthy Goat Moon promotes the growth of rhizomes, bulbs, roots, tubers and stalks. Prune now to strengthen branches.
Libra - Airy Libra may be the least beneficial of the Fruitful Signs, but is excellent for planting flowers and vines.
BARREN SIGNS Leo - Foremost of the Barren Signs, the Lion Moon is the best time to effectively destroy weeds and pests. Cultivate and till the soil.
Gemini - Harvest in the Airy Twins; gather herbs and roots. Reap when the Moon is in a sign of Air or Fire to assure best storage.
Virgo - Plow, cultivate, and control weeds and pests when the moon is in Virgo. Sagittarius - Plow and cultivate the soil or harvest under the Archer Moon. Prune now to discourage growth. Aquarius - This dry sign of Air is perfect for ground cultivation, reaping crops, gathering roots and herbs. It is a good time to destroy weeds and pests.
Aries - Cultivate, weed and prune to lessen growth. Gather herbs and roots for storage.
Brighid Lore for Imbolc by Doreen Motheral http://www.ecauldron.net/brighidlore.php
The goddess Brighid (also known as Brigit, Bride, Biddy and other names throughout Europe) is a goddess who is near and dear to my heart for many reasons. I like the fact that she is associated with both water (her wells in Kildare and other parts of Ireland) and fire (her fire pit in Kildare). I like the fact that she spans both the pagan and Christian worlds and some of her traditions are still celebrated today. Since the festival of Imbolc (also called Óimelc) is this weekend I thought I'd write a few thoughts for those who aren't familiar with her (and perhaps renew an acquaintance for those who already were). Imbolc is the time of the year that the ewes lactated, and the successful timing of this event was approximate, so the exact date of Imbolc could vary from region to region and from year to year depending on the climate. Production of this milk supply was very important to both man and animal. From the milk comes butter and cheese. Newly calved cows were also put under Brighid's protection. Here's an old saying: Samhain Eve without food, Christmas night without bread, St. Brighid's Eve without butter, That is a sorry complaint. Cormac mac Cuillenàin, who lived in the 9th century said, "Brighid i.e. a learned woman, daughter of the Dagda. That is Brighid of learning, i.e. a goddess who filid worshipped. For her protecting care was very great and very wonderful. So they call her a goddess of poets. Her sisters were Brighid woman of healing, and Brighid woman of smithcraft, daughters of the Dagda, from whose names among all the Irish a goddess used to be called Brighid" In this writing, Cormac mentions her triple aspect of three sisters, common among the Celts. I often call on one or more of her aspects of
creativity, writing and healing, but she is much more than that.
The Christian aspects of Brighid and the pagan aspects often overlap, so it's difficult to figure out which stories have pre-Christian beginnings. I think there is a seed of paganism in many of the later stories associated with her. We'll never know for sure, but in my own private practice I take many of her current customs and use them for my own worship of her – and I don't worry about the pre-Christian aspect of the story or not. Your mileage may vary, of course. On the eve of Imbolc, a piece of linen, other cloth or ribbons is placed outside (some folks put them on their window sill). This piece of cloth is called Brighid's Brat or Brighid's Mantle. It is said that Brighid travels all over the land on Imbolc eve and if she sees this cloth, she will bless it and give it healing powers. Some folks in Ireland say that the older your brat is, the more powerful it is. Mugwort Grove (the grove to which I belong) destroys ours from year to year. We put out a whole piece of linen and tear it into strips for members of the Grove during our Imbolc ritual. People take the strips home to use for healing and some are kept on personal altars throughout the year. Other folklore says that if the mantle gets bigger overnight, you will be especially blessed. It's a nice tradition, especially if you have a lot of illness to overcome for the following year, and a brat is nice to have for healing rituals later in the year. Brighid's fiery aspect makes her the perfect goddess of the hearth – in fact, my hearth at home is dedicated to Brighid. There are many hearth prayers dedicated to Brighid, especially concerning smooring. Ashes and embers were often deposited in the fields. Also, indoor activity associated with Imbolc often took place near the
hearth, and if there was a feast, an extra place was set for Brighid. It is also considered bad luck to do any type of spinning on Brighid's Day.
Last but not least one of the other interesting aspects of Brighid is a prayer attributed to her from the 11th century which goes like this:
There is also the custom of Brighid's Bed. A small bed is made near the hearth and a doll (called a Brídeog), often made from a sheaf of corn and made into the likeness of a woman and is sometimes placed in the bed. In Ireland the doll was often made from a churn dash decorated in clothing (associations t milk again). Sometimes the doll was carried around town to visit houses in the neighborhood. Songs, music and dances are performed – then prayers are said to St. Brighid for blessings upon the house (this is similar to wassailing in other countries around Christmas). Then the family is asked to contribute a donation – which used to be bread and butter (there's that dairy again!) but now it's often money (sometimes given to charity).
I would like a great lake of ale, for the King of the Kings I would like the angels of Heaven to be among us. I would like an abundance of peace. I would like full vessels of charity. I would like rich treasures of mercy. I would like cheerfulness to preside over all. I would like Jesus to be present. I would like the three Marys of illustrious renown to be with us. I would like the friends of Heaven to be gathered around us from all parts. I would like myself to be a rent payer to the Lord; that I should suffer distress, that he would bestow a good blessing upon me. I would like a great lake of beer for the King of Kings. I would like to be watching Heaven's family drinking it through all eternity.
There is much, much more about Brighid I could share, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. A bit of trivia – Brighid is so loved by the Irish people that in 1942 a survey was taken on "The Feast of St. Brighid". The replies about the customs run to 2,435 manuscript pages. A great book, if you can find it, is The Festival of Brighid Celtic Goddess and Holy Woman by Séamas Ó Catháin. There are many really cool stories and legends about her.
Drink up!
Directions to the Shop 313 W Davidson is located in a residential area between Lincoln and Government Way just south the Kootenai Medical Center. Davidson is the second left turn off Lincoln after you cross Ironwood. Then a left turn on Pansy. eclecticworldgems@gmail.com
May We Never Hunger‌ By Alena Orrison Brigit Soup This is a very tasty soup taken from Circle Round (pg 145). It’s simple to prepare so have the family help. Serve with fresh bread for a filling feast. Or make it extra special and serve with grilled cheese sandwiches.
Ingredients: 1 1/2 tsp olive oil 1 medium red onion, chopped fine 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 carrot, finely chopped or grated 1/2 to 3/4 cup finely chopped red pepper 6 cups broth (beef, chicken or vegetable) 2 cups (3/4 lb) red lentils or yellow split peas 1 16 oz can of chopped tomatoes, juice included 1/2 tsp cumin 1/4 tsp ground coriander 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice salt and pepper to taste
Directions: In a large pot, heat the oil and add the onion, garlic, carrot and red pepper until they are soft. Add the rest of the ingredients, except the lemon juice, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil then reduce and simmer, skimming any brown foam that may have formed. Cover and simmer for 1 1/2 hours. Squeeze in the lemon juice and season to taste with the salt and pepper.
Lemon Poppy Seed Bread This bread makes a tasty side to breakfast or as a quick snack. Ingredients: 3 cups flour 3 tablespoons poppy seeds 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup butter 1 1/4 cups sugar 1 1/4 cups milk 1/3 cup lemon juice 2 eggs 2 tablespoons lemon zest
Glaze: 3/4 cup powdered sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon lemon zest Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl, combine flour, poppy seeds, baking powder and salt. Set aside. Cream together butter and sugar. Add in milk, lemon juice, eggs and lemon zest. Mix until combined. Add in flour mixture, and stir just until moistened. Do not over mix. Pour into lightly greased loaf pan. Bake for 1 hour 15 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Allow to cool 10 minutes in pan, and then remove bread. While still warm, pour glaze over top of bread, allowing it to run down sides. Cool completely before slicing.
Works Cited Baker, Diane, and Anne Hill. "Brigit." Circle round: raising children in goddess traditions. New York: Bantam Books, 1998. 124-147. Print. "Mother Wheel: LDS Families Celebrating the Seasons: Celebrating Candlemas at Our Home." Mother Wheel: LDS Families Celebrating the Seasons: Celebrating Candlemas at Our Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. <http://motherwheel.blogspot.com/2011/01/celebrating-candlemas-at-our-home.html>. "Thread: Imbolc Recipes From Soup to Nuts." Imbolc Recipes From Soup to Nuts. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. <http://www.cauldronliving.com/showthread.php?t=7269>.
By Robert McDowell •
Dear Gertrude DEAR GERTRUDE Hello Everyone, Recently I had an interesting discussion with my Hubby, a man who has been studying the metaphysical nearly as long as I and has read many, many more books on the a broad range of topics dealing with Pagan beliefs and practices. He asked a most interesting question that really took me aback: "What makes magick in a spell work?" Needless to say, I was floored. Floored because of all the people I know I just couldn't believe he would or need to ask this questions. He was reading love spells (hence the connection to February) and trying to figure out why and how a person could MAKE one person change another person's mind to favor the first person over another OR to make one person leave another person. I asked if there was something I should know about or something that had changed. He's response was no, he was just curious how, with magick, you could get someone to change their mind, particularly but not necessarily, when it comes to love. I was totally amazed, you see. Hubby had been on personal path to study Physics at University in his younger years as well as having a very scientific mind about many things, so to ask such a question really baffled me. I will let you know that our discussion went on for several more evenings and I'm not certain I ever fully or completely answered his question but here goes. ALL things in our world and universe are comprised of energy. Our thoughts and desires are comprised of energy. It takes energy to move things, to preform tasks of all kinds, even to sit and enjoy a sunset. A spell of any kind is personal desire either for yourself or for someone else. Wishing on a star FOCUSES that desire or wish upon a universal energy mass, usually for just a short time, a fleeting second, but it is a deliberate focus of one form of energy upon another. Children make star wishes all the time, some come true while others do not. We also make wishes on wishbones, four-leaf clovers, good luck charms, the Tooth Fairy, the list goes on and on. Each of these items and thousands more are all made of universal matter and, thus, energy. Witches, practiced Witches, have learned to focus their spells (energies) directly upon a particular INTENT. It is that intent coupled with the ability to totally believe not only in the intent but also the OUTCOME with absolutely no disbelief in the desire. In other words the intent and it's outcome is so totally believed that only the desired outcome is possible. Did I loose you on this? If so, I am sorry and I'll try to state it another way. As children we were encouraged to believe in miracles be it from wishing on stars, pulling wishbones or looking for four-leaf clovers, we are taught over and over again that miracles can and do happen.
At some point though, we are told to look at and believe in only what we see. Oh yes we can wish but don't expect your wishes and dreams to come true. There is only one miracle most of us were told to continue to believe in and that came from our Christian up-bringing. For many children this conundrum really messes with the mind but we'll not go there at this time. Anyway, we were and still are told over and over again that we shouldn't expect the impossible to happen after all we aren't really worthy of a miracle. WRONG!!! We each and everyone of us are worthy of our own miracles if we can truly and honestly believe within our very heart and being that we each deserve those miracles. Miracles (magick) comes from a total belief within ourselves with no "ifs, ands or buts". If we don't totally and absolutely believe in our wishes/spells, they will rarely come to fruition, how can they as we are splitting our mental energies between what we WANT/DESIRE to happen and what we feel we REALLY deserve. The slightest doubt puts a wave, so to speak, in the energy wave continuum. The stronger the doubt the less likely you'll get any positive reaction on your spell and could easily cause the complete downfall in all your work making you feel even worse than before, "knowing" that you can't do magick and that it really isn't worth trying. This is one reason that so many individuals go to "Spell Providers" to do their spells for them. We won't go down this road at this time either. Self-doubt in any portion of ones life can be uncomfortable at best and disastrous at worst. All too often after being told over and over again we are worthless by those we love, we begin to believe it. Everyone of us is worthy of only the very best in our lives and we deserve to live in only the very best of worlds. There is one other thing I always do my best to take into account when I am doing a spell of any kind. That is how will the outcome of my spell effect others it will touch including myself. This is one of the reasons I rarely jump directly into a spell. I know that the expenditure of any energy to change what is going on around me will change the lives that touch my own. EXAMPLE: If you want get a job but have real doubts about it, but it has more prestige but if you don't like it for the long term and if you don't like it you'll jump on to a different job with a different company in six months because you really don't like this company, really. Sue on the other hand loves
this company and she would really do a good job with the move up and could use that extra dollar an hour. Yes, I know in our current economy a dollar an hour is nothing to sneeze at but do you really want the hassle of supervising a bunch of people who don't want to work and only complain. Do you see what I'm saying about all the lives your spell would touch and why you really need to think out not only the spell itself but also the final outcome. There's yourself (and family if any), Sue (and her family), your boss, his boss, the company owners, those people you'd be supervising and their families. I'm not saying that you are responsible for each and every one of them but what I am saying is what you decide to do with your spell work does effect many, many other people's lives so stop and think before doing most of your magick work. Of course, there will come a time when you will instantly pull a magick spell out of your hat, so to speak, without any forethought of any kind. It will come at the very height of your emotions caused by something so prophetically strong in you that it just erupts from the very depth of your soul. It will jump out of your mouth, down all the parts of your body and into the Universe so strong that it explodes like the loudest thunder ever heard. This will be the strongest spell you'll ever do, with all the energy you have and it will come to an almost instantaneous response from the world around you exactly the way you want it to happen. Hopefully it will be a positive spell but more than likely it will be stated in a negative way and you'll spend the next several days, weeks or months doing your very best to correct anything bad or adverse you produced. We all do it. It's normal. Corrective spells do work but it's really better not to have to do them. Just remember Energy not only builds but it destroys. Be careful with your spell energy, where you send it and how you use it. WOW! What a mind-expanding thought.
This is where Spell Crafting or the writing of your spell is so very, very important. I feel that the crafting of a spell is even more important than the time of day or moon cycle, what herbs and candles you use or what color you wish to wear. We know words are vital. Words ARE energy. They convey energy into the lives of others. After all, aren't we constantly telling our children to take care in what they say to others. Think back upon all the major important times of your life and think about what was said to you by someone else and the energy you received from those words. Anyway, when we set our INTENT and clearly FOCUS on what we want to happen our energy is sent in a straight line to those "ends". Use blinders if you must so you see no other direction or end, just the one you desire. Know that in your mind that no other choice is possible. One other thing to keep in mind. The Universe/Goddess looks at what we send out. What we may ask for is not necessarily what we need. We may get our desire in bits and pieces instead of one lump sum. Nature unfolds her response much like a flower opening it's petals in the Spring - a little at a time. We must be observant in our own lives to recognize the Goddess'/Universe's response to what we've "spelled" for. If you don't respond to what is being given to you, you may miss everything that is sent your way. That's the way spells work most of the time. Many small answers to make up one miracle. So you see, Magick, Witch's Magick is actually Witch's Energy focused totally upon a Witch's Intent to produce only one ABSOLUTE OUTCOME. That is what makes Witch's Spells work. Now you know! Many Blessings and much love to you all Gertrude Moon, CC
Gothic/ hippy style jewellery with a pagan twist Handmade Jewellery at very affordable prices. A wide range of earrings, Bracelets, Necklaces and Anklets
All the items are all handmade, I am an Australian witch who just loves creating. Prices average just $10.00 for necklaces’ plus $3.00 Shipping and Handling. I have many 'albums' in the photo section of my facebook page. To Order just message me through Facebook and tell me what you want to wear to feel BEAUTIFULL!
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Who is THAT ???? By Lady Ti-Eagle
I was with Chris and Bonnie on Sue's property in Arizona. Sue was fixing dinner, Bonnie's kids were playing and Chris was off doing his own thing. Bonnie had gone to the edge of the little mesa and was sitting quietly and I went over to sit with her for a few minutes. We talked a bit and she seemed sad. Something caught her eye and she looked up to the sky saying "wow, see that light? It's so beautiful. I want to go into the light". A bit of the background here, Bonnie and Chris often "channeled" and I wasn't sure they weren't making it all up. So when she said she wanted to go to the light, my reaction was "then go". I began to regret those words, though. Suddenly Bonnie was gone. Her body was there but Bonnie wasn't. She had been sitting with her knees up, feet next to her seat and arms resting on her knees. When she "left" she relaxed her head onto her arms and quit moving. I wasn't really sure she wasn't faking so I didn't touch her nor talk to her. After a few minutes I needed to move. I went to Sue and explained that I needed a blanket to cover Bonnie and someone needed to sit with her body as it was possible that she wasn't actually there. Of course that got her attention and we returned to Bonnie with blankets in hand. We put one blanket behind her then carefully laid her down and covered her with another blanket. There was no resistance! It was as though we were working with a manican. her eyes were wide open and staring off into nothingness. It was spooky! i carefully closed her eyes and there was no resistance. I checked her heartbeat and breathing and both were normal. I was beginning tBonnie's daughter came to see what was going on. She had been told by Bonnie what to do in case this ever happened. She retrieved an eagle claw from Bonnie's things and as instructed, pressed the point into her thumb as hard as she could. The physical pain was supposed to bring her back to her body but this time it wasn't working.
After a few long minutes, Bonnie began to speak but it was obvious that it wasn't Bonnie. We listened a few minutes to what she had to say then I had the opportunity to ask "Who are you?" She replied "I'm the Lady of the Moon". It was a full moon night and the moon was directly in front of us. We listened to her a few more minutes then noticed a strange cloud formation in front of us, to one side of the moon. From our perspective it was about five times longer than the diameter of the moon and a fairly accurate full body profile of a female facing the moon. I asked "Who's that?" "Oh, that's Bonnie." "Ok. Is she coming back?" "That's up her her." Now I was beginning to be concerned. Bonnie's daughter continued to press the point of the claw into Bonnie's thumb with no reaction. I was continuously reminding the Lady of the Moon to keep Bonnie's eyes closed as she kept opening them without blinking. Finally, after an hour or so, the Lady of the Moon said that Bonnie was ready to come back. She bid us farewell and there was silence again. Soon Bonnie began to move and with our help she was able to sit up. The first thing she did was put her hands to her eyes and said that they were burning and she had a headache. Unfortunately she didn't remember anything of her journey. Was that great acting or did it really happen? With her limp body, unmoving gaze and no resistance nor help when I closed her eyes, I doubt it was an act, AND when she came back into her body, the cloud formation was GONE. Blessings, Lady Ti-Eagle ladyti_eagle@aol.com
Katrina stood alone at the widow, watching the stormy night rage outside. Not a shiny star shone as the rain poured, hitting the earth hard. She flinched at the sound of the raging thunder, and then moments later, flashes of lightning overpowered the moonless sky. Anxious, her thoughts dwelled on the task at hand. She hoped her most recent training would support that which needed to be done, but she had her doubts. She looked at a woman and man walked through the entrance, holding hands. The female wore a black short-sleeve shirt with a sweetheart collar and black pants. She appeared anxious. She glanced at the male in basic five-pocket jeans and button up the front black shirt, stood close to her. "Katrina, I welcome and appreciate your participation in neutralizing the negative chain of events that have been created,” Gwyneth announced, walking through the entrance, dressed in rich mid-night blue ritual garb. “Camilla and Seth need protection against a wicked sorceress, Ursula, and her faithful apprentice, Eve, controlling and vindictive behaviour. Both show their ignorance in the ways of witchcraft. Both serve their own wants," She glanced at Camilla. “Please explain to her what horrible ordeal you've experienced from those meddlesome two.” "Ursula and Eve torment my dream time," she said wearily. "While I sleep the evil pair repeatedly attacks me from behind. When I wake my fists are clenched and sore from trying to defend myself. A few months back an invisible source with incredible force lifted me from the floor tossing me down a flight of stairs. I know I did not trip over my own feet. When I fell I heard a sound of a sharp cackle." "I met Eve and we dated for a year,” Seth said, shuffling his feet back and forth. He put his hands in his pants pockets. "A day later the relationship ended. She tried to control my every move. I told her I was leaving, with no desire to return, Eve cursed me till I broke those words I dared to speak. She spelled-craft a rhythm toward any woman who dare win my heart." Seth looked at the floorboards. "Eve said that whoever did so would regret their choice. And, so far she has kept her word."
Gwyneth walked, lighting the candles and incense. The room filled with candle light and the aroma of jasmine. "Come stand in a circle and hold hands." she said. She cleared her throat and called the Goddess, God, Elements, Spirit Guides and requested they attend and support their goal. Gwyneth looked at the couple. "Camilla, open your mind to the day you first met Seth, Seth, open your mind to the day you first met Camilla knowing somehow there is a connection between you. Those first moments when you were strangers but felt someone special had entered your life. The first stolen glance locked momentarily, released, only to want to look again. Open your emotions to the moment you met, wearing your heart on your sleeve. The instant you took the other's heart and pledge yours forever." Katrina shivered. She sensed the build of human emotion alter the electrochemical balance in the room. She listened to the couple's pledge that Gwyneth requested to hear. Camilla and Seth stared into each other's eyes. A peacefulness replaced their space that once held great stress. "I pledge my heart, mind, soul, and body to you. You and you alone have my vow to honour, respect, and cherish your free will, compromising when the need calls. I am yours." The two drew each other close, placing a tender kiss upon their lips. Katrina smiled to herself as Gwyneth stated in a gentle tone, "The promise made is given freely, may each year bring eternal happiness." The bright halos of candle flames illuminated the room. The air, the scent of jasmine, warm and soothing waffled. Gwyneth made a subtle gesture with her left hand toward the candle, burning bright in the east. She asked the couple to concentrate on the radiant glow. She snapped her fingers. Katrina's eyes widen. A smaller form of the couple stood together beside the burning candle. The flame waved high above their heads. Upon the floor lay many different sizes of solid stone and mortar. "Build a wall with the supplies given, concentrating on your pledge to one another," Gwyneth commanded. Camilla and Seth did as they had been told. Their miniature selves gathered, lifted, and applied the mortar with sweat and tears. The two worked hard to make the
Fortress strong. Time passed when Camilla let out a loud cry, "Can you see the two glowing figures, darting up and down, back and forth?" The room chilled. A shiver ran along Katrina's spine spotting the two red glowing figures try to find a crack in the structure, attempting to squeeze the stones apart. Her heart pounded, listening to Gwyneth chant. "Love is the law, love is the bond, and only love shall emerge; only love shall enter." The chant started slow, increasing in tempo. The flame of the candle, resting east center inside the stone wall shot straight upward to the ceiling and burned a marvellous shade of blue. Electric sparks streamed outward from the base of the wick into the air in every direction. The two red glowing figures frantically moved around the wall. In a clear and decisive voice Gwyneth spoke. â&#x20AC;?May Camilla and Seth be protected. Release the curse from the past, allow their love to rise. Remove all negative intruders from Camilla and Seth's lives-return Ursula and Eve to their rightful place. Nothing but love has any hold on Camilla and Seth from this day forth. This is our will...So Mote it Be." Katrina covered her ears, looking on in amazement. The two red glowing figures moved in complete panic. They attempted to conceal themselves, but with nowhere to hide their efforts were in vain. The pair released a deafening squeal, and then with a blinding spark, the two disappeared.
The wall and miniature Camilla and Seth faded. All that remained was the diminishing flicker of flames. Gwyneth's magic worked. The curse that had been placed on the couple, even though it hadn't gone away quietly, Katrina knew the negative influence had been neutralized. Gwyneth said farewell to the Goddess, God, Elements, and Spirit Guides. She gave thanks for their presence and hope that they would remain close. Katrina stood behind Gwyneth. Excitement raced through her entire being. "That was amazing! I was sceptical till I saw magic happen with my own two eyes." Gwyneth turned and spoke. "Without your open heart and imagination that which we willed would not be. The belief that magic is real is not an easy idea to grasp. No one can really comprehend what might happen. Magic can be bent depending on the intent of the sender." Katrina kept her head high, eyes focused on Gwyneth, listening. "We are all part of a universe filled with changing, constant, and everlasting energy. Together we stimulated the invisible lines of energy-powerful currents that pass and meet to affect other energy patterns. Movement flowed through the unique energy atmosphere and because our intent is for the good of all our vibration reached out and connected and drew positive to us." Katrina's outlook on magic had changed. She had found a whole new understanding of how to define the workings of magic. Personal energy has the power to affect the all, and true magic intent must come from an open heart and mind-"Do what you will, harm none."
Celebrating a Family Imbolc By Alena Orrison
I like to start out our Imbolc celebration (really, all of our celebrations) with a story. There are lots of stories out there about the deities, origins and symbols of each holiday. To keep it interesting, I try to choose different ones each year, and rotate through a few favorites because as my children get older, their understanding increases. One of our favorite Imbolc stories is The Well and the Flame (Baker 128132). It is about two children who are getting tired of winter and being visited by Brigit. It teaches about serving others as well as how spring lies in wait at Imbolc. During December, we are bombarded by requests for donations for various charities. Help the homeless, help the poor, help the animals… a lot of us only give to others during this time. What about the rest of the year, though? Don’t people and animals have needs all year round? Beginning in January, my family and I start to purge our home of items we no longer use, clothes that we no longer like or have outgrown. We sort them - broken toys and torn clothes go to recycling - and donate them to a shelter or thrift store that supports the community. Old towels and blankets usually go to the animal shelter. We also donate a set amount of money each month to the animal shelter. On Imbolc, after our story, we talk about how it feels to give our overflow to others who have less. We also talk about doing simple services for others all the time. My boys know they are to always open and hold the door for others, especially women and elders, and help our neighbors with labor such as shoveling snow or stacking wood. My daughters know they are to help where they can; my little one visits the nursing home down the street from us every month and reads to the elderly while my oldest takes shelter dogs for walks. Imbolc is about growth and renewal, and starting over. How better to celebrate than by cleansing your home of clutter and then by blessing it? That is the next part of our celebration. We go to all the rooms of our home smudging with sage and saying a little blessing. My children usually tell me if I “missed” a spot. This is also a good time to renew any protection charms you have on your house. I have protection sachets over the doors and during Imbolc I freshen them with new herbs and say the charm again. My youngest is starting to help with the charms while the boys remain largely uninterested. After our home blessing, we have a short, simple ritual than eat dinner. While I try to keep to traditional foods and make it a celebration with a large meal, sometimes it ends up just being simple soup and sandwiches as in my May We Never Hunger column. Sometime around Imbolc, depending on weather and schedules, we like to take a walk and look for signs of spring. Sometimes they are obvious such as small shoots of green poking up or early return of the robins. Sometimes they are harder to spot such as change in the direction of the wind or tiny buds on the hardier trees. The walk helps to connect us as a family and reinforce that during Imbolc, the earth is just starting to wake up a little from her deep winter sleep.
However you celebrate, enjoy the time with your family! Our Home Blessing (while smudging) “May our home be filled with love, happiness and peace.” Protection Sachets and Charm I fill a small white cloth with garlic, sage and tobacco and tie with with a red ribbon. The charm is adapted from one my good friend years ago wrote. “Goddess bright, may this house be surrounded in loving light. Keep us from harm, guard our home both day and night. So Mote It Be.”
Our Imbolc ritual is borrowed from A Simple Life Inspired Items needed: Symbol of the season such as white flowers Symbol of the deity you honor (we use Brighid) white and green candles cakes and ale (cookies and juice for us) Cast your circle and call the quarters and request the presence of the Goddess as you usually do. Light the white candle and say: The Wheel turns over as in yore, and the Earth grows warm just as before. As the Sun King’s rays stronger grow, The Maid yearns his gift of life to know. Using the white candle, light your green candle and say: Behold the Sun King and his Bride Renewing the Earth with great pride Once again the Earth is blessed New life inside joyfully professed For this is the Promise, the Cycle of Life That is born of the love They share, man and wife. You can now do any other spell work or meditation. Once done, have your cakes and ale and close your circle as usual. Works Cited ".Inspired by Life: A Family Imbolc Ritual." .Inspired by Life: A Family Imbolc Ritual. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. <http://asimplelifeinspired.blogspot.com/2011/01/family-imbolc-ritual.html>. Baker, Diane, and Anne Hill. "Brigit." Circle round: raising children in goddess traditions. New York: Bantam Books, 1998. 128-132. Print.
Pitch Glue Part 2; Crafting with pitch glue Greetings all, back again with my sticky mess. I mentioned at the end of the previous part that I thought I had added too much charcoal. So with that in mind I reheated my little makeshift cauldron and added a bit more pitch to it. Previously the hardened mixture seemed a little too brittle and glassy appearing when it cooled. After adding enough pitch to bring it up to roughly 2 parts pitch and 1 part charcoal (by volume) I let it start cooling off. I used a couple more sticks for dipping, building up a fair glob of the glue on each stick. After it cooled, I found that I like the results much better. It isn’t quite pliable, and has a very firm waxy texture with a really nice deep brown color to it, and rather than feeling brittle and glassy it is very tough when hardened. I tried twisting it off the sticks with no success at all. ‘ My next step was gathering my materials together, a few select stones and a wonderful piece of driftwood that I found shortly after seriously injuring my foot while hiking. I am not sure whether I dislocated most of the bones or if I actually broke something and it was altogether unpleasant. I was really concerned for a moment as I wander more than a bit off the beaten path. I hike fairly prepared for minor emergencies and I wondered if I would end up having to camp out or splint my foot up. I paused and called for healing and felt completely relieved as my entire foot realigned and I was able to put weight on it. I hobbled down the mountain to a stream near where I parked and was soaking my swollen foot and looked down and there was this stick that said “I heal” all over it. I have always preferred if possible to use what nature gives to me or what I specifically request the source and make an offering for.
Using a candle is enough to heat the glue up. You definitely want a work surface because the glue will drip until you get used to how much heat to use. I found that the glue will start sticking as soon as it gets soft and when objects are pressed together, it will take a quick hold right away. I tested the first little bond and found that it was strong enough to work with and slowly started dabbing more glue on until I had a good bit built up for support. I did use a little rubbing alcohol to clean finger oils from the stones before I applied the glue. I also found using a nut pick worked really well, better than the sticks themselves for this smaller task. I could scrape up some of the soft glue and dab it into place and using the pick as it cooled, I could get a nice smooth surface. I could also heat the pick directly and keep using the remaining glue on it until I built up a secure bond between the stick and the stones.
My first placement was the crystal tip, and I built up the glue around the base and let it cool. I did not have to shape the wood in this case. I found a crystal in my small stash that resonated with the stick and that mated almost perfectly with the natural lines at the tip of the stick. Once it cooled, I gave the crystal point a good hard wiggle. The joint, even though not entirely cool; is perfectly firm and feels quite strong and secure. I would definitely guess it is as firm as any hot glue that I have encountered. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t plan on using this wand to poke dragons or engage in Potteresque flourishes, swirls or duels; and so I believe it will last a very long time indeed. I continued to mount the stones I had selected in the various little spaces that they fit in naturally. I tested each one as I went and found that the glue works well, even on fairly flat surfaces without having to build up a large amount to firmly hold the stones in place. I found that I really enjoyed this experiment. The materials used naturally invoke the life blood of trees, the life force inherent in tree sap and through the addition of charcoal, also adds an element of transformation. Combined together with the natural properties of the stones, the wood and the glue, I found that the stick fairly hums with energy and I have yet to cleanse, bless or empower it for its work. From a metaphysical standpoint, I can not think of a better way to join magickal materials together than with pitch glue and am going to count this a complete success. The wand is not quite finished and I have some ideas in mind for wrapping it and adding a few elements that should enhance its hum and flow even more. For now though, I will bring this experiment to a close and start to consider where my next urge of curiosity will lead me. Blessed Be. Eleazar Rex
The Astrological Moon North Star Astrology By: Ingrid Jeffries AAFA
Ingrid Jeffries is a counseling astrologer, writer, teacher, and retreat facilitator working in the Denver, Colorado metropolitan area. She's provided individual, relationship and career counseling for over 20 years. She teaches classes on Astrology, Tarot, Dream Interpretation and Carolyn Myssâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Sacred Contracts. She offers phone and in office sessions. For more information on her classes or sessions go to: IngridJeffries@NorthStarAstrology.net
Astrology of February
February's Key Thoughts for the Signs
We are at a time when imagination and preparation can align with the web of power, personally and /or socially, to manifest significant enduring change. Each of us has a unique soul mission, and the Sun’s passage through the sign of Aquarius is the time to connect with the people, symbols, projects, and visions that support your distinctive journey. Due to the presence of the planetary cardinal cross, between Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto, each of us is learning lessons in cooperation and compromise. At times this may feel challenging and difficult but this is also when we become most aware of our true value in the lives of others. Loving action is an important aspect of cooperation, as is knowing what is negotiable in the process of compromise; success in these areas depends on self knowledge and realistic assessment of the task or goal at hand. February opens with the New Moon in Aquarius, the time of the Chinese New Year. This is the sign of originality, independence, and open-mindedness. The evolutionary intent of this sign is to form relationships that support individuality and freedom of self expression. Venus, the planet of love, partnership, and money, has just moved into forward motion in the sign of Capricorn. Any relationship or financial matters that have felt ‘stalled’ since last December will now be able to gain momentum, with likely resolutions occurring by March 1st. From 2/6-2/28 Mercury the planet associated with communication, travel, legal and contractual matters, will be in apparent retrograde, meaning from our earthly perspective he is moving counterclockwise in the zodiac. This is a good time to focus on slowing down, catching up on previously initiated projects, and reconnecting with old friends. It does not favor signing contracts, buying a new car or computer, initiating new projects that require sales, negotiating, and legal commitments. The Leo / Aquarius Full Moon on Valentine’s Day 2/14 has the planet of commitment Saturn in a challenging aspect. The good news is that whether you can commit to a love will be imminently clear. This Full Moon is more serious, definitely free of ‘romantic illusions’ and grounded in the work at hand, nice aspects for buying a boat, but for not so great for hearing choirs of angels when your guy or girl walks into the room. It is a fantastic time for committed couples to review some of their shared ambitions, to plan a vacation, or to recommit in a significant way to one another. On 2/19 the nodal axis of the Moon changes into the signs of Libra and Aries, where they will reside until December 2015. These two signs will now dominate the New and Full Moon eclipse cycles. Aries and Libra share the theme of interdependence. The evolutionary intent of these signs is to form relationships that support diplomacy, courage, and peaceful sustainability. They also the signs most likely to fight about what that is…ironic. February is the month to evaluate long term goals and reconnect with the vision that supports your unique soul mission. Enjoy whatever stillness and rest you can obtain. Take time to be with the people who honor your contribution and individuality. March and April will be key months for Humanity's evolutionary mission, the planetary dynamics arising will demand that each of us operate with clear intent and skillful means.
Aries: Conversations with friends and colleagues could become convoluted and open to misunderstanding. Personal relationships must be in balance with your need for freedom. Be extra thorough when dealing with long term objectives, especially when signing papers. Professional projects will gain forward momentum. Taurus: Any classes, travel plans, speaking engagements you have had on hold will have a chance to manifest beautifully. Professional matters may experience the element of ‘hurry up and wait.” It may be frustrating but know that it is all working in your favor. Gemini: This is not the best month for travel or legal affairs. Losses and delays could disrupt your normally affable nature. Where you have been aligning your resources with another could begin to pay off. A loan you made may come back to you. Cancer: It is all about partnership for you… where to commit and where to let go. Your luck and magnetism is high. Financially you need to go it alone now. Investment information can be faulty, nor is this the time to file your taxes, wait until after March 1st. Leo: A new health regimen can bring lasting and visible rewards. Community activities provide perspective and new possibilities for fun. Revisiting past negotiations personally or professionally is more likely now. This time does not favor signing legal contracts. Virgo: An improvement project could face a snafu. Matters regarding health are subject to misinformation and could be more costly than originally planned. A love affair or new romance will take a more serious turn but that’s okay. Libra: Finally some of your pet projects will get back on track. This is a good time to reconnect with your creative side. An old love may contact you. You decide whether or not you have the energy for revisiting the past. Scorpio: Domestic or family matters could face complications; try not to react until you have all the information. This is not a good time to move or buy appliances. Travel, education, community affairs provide relief from draining responsibilities. Sagittarius: Gossip could be a problem, be circumspect in what you choose to reveal. Financial matters are improving and an unexpected benefit could light up your life this month. This is not a good time to buy a car or sign a contract, wait until next month. Capricorn: This is a wonderful time for social affairs with the likelihood of finding a lasting love that can transform your life. Financial matters are prone to misunderstandings or some kind of confusion. Be careful of theft. Aquarius: You will make a decision regarding love, creativity, and commitment. Give yourself the gift of time to make up your mind. You have a lot to think about. Taking a risk and playing the pioneer can pay off for you. Pisces: This can be a creatively successful month if you give yourself the space to drift and dream. Yours is the ‘visionary’ sign and as such needs time out to recharge. Business matters are aligning with the future you had projected. Financial or other rewards are imminent.
SPOKANE PAGAN VILLAGE COMMONS http://www.spokanepagans.com/index.html January 31 - Inland Empire Pagan Guild - Brighid - Feast of Flame / Imbolc & Potluck Honoring Brighid with a Feast of Flames Ritual, including an optional dedication/re-dedication ceremony. Potluck is snacks only. Location and Time: 6:00 p.m. Unitarian Universalist Church, 4340 W Fort George Wright Dr, Spokane , WA February 8 - Spokane Witches Meetup - Monthly Meeting Location and Time: Riverpark Square, Kress Gallery 808 West Main Avenue, Spokane, WA 12:00 p.m. February 8 - Inland Empire Pagan Guild - Community Stone Soup and Salad Potluck This Month our topic of discussion will be about stones and crystal so if you would like to bring and share your stones that would be great or if you just would like to know more about them then come on in and join us. We are asking that everyone brings a soup or salad to this potluck event and that you will come and join in with some good conversation and get to know some like minded members in our community and just have fun. Location and Time: 12:00 p.m. Unitarian Universalist Church, 4340 W Fort George Wright Dr, Spokane , WA February 9 - Squirrelly Productions - 3rd Annual Imbolc Celebration - Welcoming the Sun Ritual and Potluck at Greyhaven. This year we have a slightly different template in order to acknowledge the year of the Sidhe. Location and Time: Greyhaven, 4372 Gardenspot Road, Clayton WA. 2:00 p.m. February 11 - Inland Empire Pagan Guild - Tarot Spreads/ Layouts/ GamesWe'll be exploring various spreads & layouts. Along with how to create your own layouts and spreads and the meaning for them. You'll walk away with several spreads and how to use them. We'll also play a few tarot games! Location and Time: Riverpark Square, Kress Gallery 808 West Main Avenue, Spokane, WA 6:30 p.m. February 12 - Spokane Pagan Meetup Monthly Meetup Location and Time: Riverpark Square, Kress Gallery 808 West Main Avenue, Spokane, WA 6:00 p.m. February 13 - Spokane Pagan Meetup February Full Moon Ritual Location and Time: 327 N. Stanley Street, Medical Lake, WA 4:00 p.m February 22 - Squirrelly Productions - Dream Dabbling with Shade Grown Coffee Come in and have a latte and discuss and interpret dreams! Location & Time: Reboot Cafe, 501 South Thor, Spokane 11:00 a.m. February 22 - Spokane Pagan Meetup Reiki & Potluck Dinner Potluck dinner for those who wish to bring something to share. Reiki available to whomever is in need of healing. Location & Time: 327 N. Stanley Street, Medical Lake, WA 4:30 p.m.
Metaphysical Research Society 2nd Thursday of month, 7:30 pm Center for Spiritual Living, 33rd & Regal, Spokane, WA PO Box 4061, Spokane WA 99220 PUBLIC INVITED. 509-838-8155 Membership $25 per year, first visit FREE Or $5.00 each meeting
February 2014 Quick Reference Full Moon: February 14
New Moon: January 30 & March 1
Sabbat or Esbat: Imbolc on February 2nd Meanings: re-birth of the Sun, prepare for growth and renewal Symbols/Decorations: white flowers, Brighidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cross, ploughs, candles, besoms Plants/Herbs: basil, laurel, angelica, blackberry, coltsfoot, iris, heather, tansy, violets, celandine Incense and Oils:bay, wisteria, cinnamon, basil, violet, myrrh, vanilla Colors: white, pink, red, yellow, light green, brown Stones: amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, onyx, turquoise Food/Beverages: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, poppyseed cakes, all dairy products, peppers, onions, garlic, raisins, spiced wines and herbal teas
Animals/Mythical Beasts: robins, sheep, lambs, deer, badgers, groundhogs, phoenix, and dragons Activities: candle lighting, stone gathering, searching for signs of spring, relight hearth fire, making Brighidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Crosses Spell/Ritual Work: house blessing, protection charms, releasing of blocked energy Deities: Brighid, Aphrodite, Bast, Aradia, Aenghus Og, Ceres, Cerridwen, Eros, Gaia, Hestia, Faunus, Pan, Venus, Vesta