DkIT Student Handbook 2010

Page 1

ENTRY 2010

Student Handbook

Living. Learning. Growing. Be part of it!


Contents Section 1

Our Institute Useful Telephone Numbers Running DkIT Institute Calendar Campus Map Academic Queries

1 2 3 4 5 6

Section 2

Administration Services Student Grants Examinations

7 8 10

Section 3

Student Support Services Student Health Unit Student Counselling Service Chaplaincy Service Access Disability & Student Quality Office Student Learning & Development Centre Careers Service Sports & Societies Student Support Services International Office Student Union Community Watch

11 12 14 15 16 16 17 18 20 22 23 24 25


For more info:

Section 4

Library Computing Services College Services Canteen Services Banking

26 28 30 31 32

Section 5

Your Rights and Responsibilities Policies and Procedures Code of Conduct DkIT Regulations for the Conduct of Examinations Overview of Institute Policies and Procedures

34 35 37 48 51


Our Institute President’s Welcome I am delighted that you have chosen Dundalk Institute of Technology as the place to start the next phase of your career. Going to college for the first time can be an unsettling experience but our academic and student services staff will help you to make the transition from secondary to third level as smooth as possible for you. At DkIT we pride ourselves on providing a learning experience that is unique. You will learn in small groups with excellent support from your lecturers and other learning support staff and your assessment will not be based solely on end of semester examinations but on a combination of work undertaken through the semester as well as end of semester examinations. You will find that your Programme lecturers are your main point of contact with the Institute. They are there to help guide your academic studies during your time here with us. Please do not hesitate to contact them if you have any concerns about any aspects of your studies. The Institute also provides a range of pastoral supports for you. These include the medical service, the careers service, the counselling service, the access service and the chaplaincy service. You will find them all very approachable and all are confidential. If you

need their help or advice you should contact them. Contact details for these and other Institute services are available in this handbook. Going to college is not just about following a programme of study and gaining qualifications, it is also about your own personal development. With this in mind, I strongly encourage you to participate in all aspects of college life, including attending social events organised by the Students Union or joining some of our many clubs and societies. Once again you will find details of these in this handbook. Although you may be starting out your studies with many people who initially are strangers to you, in time your classmates will become good friends and you will without doubt, make friends here at DkIT that will become lifelong friends to you. I wish you every success in your studies here at DkIT and in your future career.

Denis Cummins, M.Sc., President. 1

The purpose of this student handbook is to give you an introduction to Dundalk Institute of Technology, to detail the support services that are available to you and provide you with contact details which you may need during your first year in DkIT. It is important to note, once you become a DkIT registered student you are bound by the DkIT Code of Conduct. Details of this code and other DkIT policies are available in the Policies Section of this booklet. Further information on all our services is available on our website under Student Life Section.

Useful Telephone Numbers DkIT Direct Main Reception 042 9370200 Registrar’s Office 042 9370204 Admissions 042 9370232 Academic Administration Office 042 9370230 Examinations Office 042 9370238 Student Services Office 042 9370240 Access Office 042 9370236 Careers Office 042 9370243 Chaplaincy 042 9370246 (Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Church of Ireland) Counselling 042 9370247/8 Disability & Student Quality Office 042 9370237 Health Unit 042 9370245 Student Learning & Development Centre 042 9370320 Sports & Societies 042 9370244

Students’ Union 042 9370390 Institute Shop 042 9370384 Institute Restaurant 042 9370200 AIB Bank 042 9370200 Caretaking Staff 042 9370200 Local Direct Gardai Siochana 042 9335577 The Samaratians 1850 609 090 Dundalk Rape Crisis Centre 042 9339491

The contents of this handbook are correct at time of going to press, while every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, the Institute reserves the right to make reasonable amendments to details and cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies or omissions. It is your responsibility to keep yourself informed as to the regulations relating to your situation at any given time. 2

For more info:

Joanna Gardiner Chairperson of Governing Body

Governing Body


The Governing Body is the main governing structure of the Institute. Consisting of nineteen members, including the Chairperson, the President of the Institute, representatives of local authorities and VECs, regional industry, ICTU, students, academic and non-academic staff, the Governing Body generally meets once a month to co-ordinate Institute policy. Two Student Representatives, (one male and one female) are elected to this Body each April, to act on behalf of students’ interests.

Day-to-day responsibility for running the Institute falls to the President, Denis Cummins.

Running DkIT

Running DkIT

Executive Board

Denis Cummins President

The President in conjunction with the Registrar, the Secretary/Financial Controller, the Head of Development, the Heads of School are responsible for the management of the running of the Institute.

Academic Council The Academic Council is a statutory body established under the Regional Technical Colleges Act (1992) and has responsibility for maintaining academic standards and the development of Academic Regulations. The Academic Council makes recommendations to the Governing Body, and its Secretary is the Registrar. The Academic Council has a membership of thirty three, including two student representatives.


Institute Calendar 2010/2011 Term 1: 2010 06 September

Term 2: 2011 Monday

Term Starts for 3rd & 4th Year Students (excluding Informatics & Creative Arts)

08-10 September Wednesday-Friday 13 September Monday

1st Year Registration Term Starts for 1st & 2nd Year Students (including Informatics & Creative Arts)

14 September


20 September 27 September 14 October 15 October 13 October 29-30 October 11 December 23 December

Monday Monday Thursday Friday Wednesday Friday-Saturday Saturday Thursday

Part-Time Courses Information Evening Apprentice Courses Begin Part-Time Courses Begin Open Evening Open Day Gradireland Graduate Careers Fair Conferring Semester 1 Examinations Begin * Semester 1 Examinations End *

04 January 12 January (year long) 17 January 31 January 04 April 15 April

Monday Monday

Apprentice Courses Begin Part-time Courses recommence

Monday Monday Monday Friday

Semester 2 Begins 5/10 week part-time courses begin Apprentice courses commence Term 2 Ends

Institute Closes Half Day 21st April 2011. Re-opens 27th April 2011.

Term 3: 2011 03 May 09 May 21 May 18-31 August

Tuesday Monday Friday Thursday

Term 3 Begins Examinations Begin Examinations End Repeat Examinations

Institute Closes Half Day 23rd December 2010. Re-Opens Tuesday 4th January 2011

FĂ S programs may run on a different timetable. In certain cases, where work placement is involved, these dates may vary. If in doubt students should contact their department. Details are correct at going to press. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, the Institute reserves the right to make reasonable amendments to details and cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies or omissions.


* Note: In the event of delays with the move of the School of Informatics & Creative Arts to the Carroll’s Building Semester 1 examinations may need to be re-scheduled to January for students in this School. For more info:



Campus Guide

Campus Map


Academic Queries Contacting your School/Department As a registered student of the Institute you will be associated with one of the Academic Schools. The contact details for the Schools are as follows:

School of Business & Humanities School of Informatics & Creative Arts Bob McKiernan Head of School of Informatics and Creative Arts

Head of Department of Music & Creative Media Adele Commins/Caroline O’Sullivan Head of Department of Computing & Mathematics Christian Horne Contact 042 9370280

Cathal Kearney Head of School of Business and Humanities

Head of Department of Business Studies Head of Department of Humanities David Getty Head of Department of Management & Financial Studies Shane Hill Hospitality Section Brainain Erraught Contact 042 9370250

School of Engineering

Eugene Roe Head of School of Engineering 6

For more info:

Head of Department of Electronic & Mechanical Engineering Dan O’Brien Head of Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Pat McCormick Head of Department of Construction & Surveying Noel Mc Kenna Head of Department of Engineering Trades John Carolan Contact 042 9370270

School of Health & Science Edel Healy Head of School of Health and Science

Head of Department of Applied Sciences Breda Brennan Head of Department of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Studies Myles Hackett Head of Midwifery Section Jill Atkinson Contact 042 9370260

Academic Administration Office


The Academic Administration office is where your student records are kept and is the first point of contact for any queries you may have relating to your registration status, grants and fees. The office is located in the ground floor of the TK Whitaker building. To contact this office you can call in person or alternatively, you can contact the office by calling 042 9370230 or 042 9370233, or by email at

Once you have accepted your offer of a place at DkIT and paid the appropriate fee you will be registered on a DkIT programme. (If you are in receipt of grant assistance you will not be charged). You must be registered to attend your classes, to use the institute’s computers, to access course notes through moodle, to use the library, to receive your student ID card and email details. If you have a query about registration please go to the Academic Administration Office.

Administration Services

Administration Services

Contact Details tel 042 9370230 or tel 042 9370233 email

Fergal Smyth Admissions Officer 7

Student Grants Third Level Maintenance Grant Scheme

Scholarships/Higher Education Grants

This grant is available to registered students attending approved Higher Certificate or Ordinary Degree programmes that fulfil the eligibility requirements set out by your local V.E.C. If you are awarded a grant you must provide your grant letter to the Academic Administration Office with your bank account details. The grant is paid in arrears on a four week cycle directly into your bank account.

VEC Scholarships and Higher Education Grants are available to students attending Honours degree programmes that fulfil the eligibility requirements set out by your Local Authority or V.E.C. If you are awarded a grant you must provide your grant letter to the Academic Administration Office for processing. These grants are paid by cheque in three instalments over the academic year. If you need information about other sources of assistance please see or This website also provides further information on course fees, details on eligibility requirements for free fees and other details of funding for students, such as the Fund for Students with Disabilities, the Back to Education Allowance and the Student Assistance Fund.

The Back to Education Allowance The Back to Education Allowance is a scheme for unemployed people, lone parents, and people with disabilities who are getting certain payments from the Department of Social and Family Affairs. Further details are available at


For more info:

Student Card & Identification

Completion of Forms

A Student Card is issued to each student following registration. If your card is lost, stolen or destroyed, you must report this to the Academic Administration Office, and a duplicate card obtained on payment of â‚Ź5. You may be asked to produce your card at anytime on campus so keep it with you at all times. The card remains the property of DkIT.

You may require forms to be validated by the institute for example Letters of Registration, Letters for Grant Authorities, or Social Welfare forms. For this service please call into the Academic Administration Office, the Student Services Centre or your School Office and ensure you have your valid ID card with you.

Administration Services

Administration Services continued. . .

Leaving your Course Early Student E-mail An e-mail account will be issued to you at registration. Your e-mail username will also be printed on your student card. Important information will be forwarded to you via this e-mail account during the course of the year, including examination timetables and results, changes to timetables and Programme Information. You should also regularly check the Institute website for news and information.

You may decide that you have made the wrong choice for any number of reasons. i.e accepting a job offer, applying for a different course next year, etc. If you are considering withdrawing from your course you should discuss this with someone who can help you: your Head of Department and the Careers Office are available to advise. Please note if you decide to leave the Institute you must cancel your registration by completing a Course Withdrawal form available from your School Office.

SMS Service Please ensure the Academic Administration Office has your current mobile number on record as the Institute sends important information via text. 9

Examinations Examinations The Examinations Office is located in The TK Whitaker Building behind the Whitaker Theatre. Examinations deal with timetabling examinations, issuing examination results, and Academic Appeals. Before taking an examination at the Institute, you need to familiarise yourself with the Regulations for the Conduct of Examinations, detailed in the Policies section of this booklet, or at If you have an examination query you can email call in to the office in person or phone 042 9370238.

Contact Details

European Diploma Supplement The European Diploma Supplement (EDS) is issued to all graduates of Higher Education Institutions in Europe in addition to their degree or certificate parchment. It provides additional information regarding the award which is not available on the official parchment such as modules studied and the results obtained. It will be posted to you once you graduate.


For more info:

tel 042 9370238 email

Olly Keegan Examinations Officer

Student Support Services The Student Services Unit is here to support you . . . Student Services, which operates under the umbrella of the Registrar’s Office,is the section of the Institute which deals explicitly with non-academic support for students. Linda Murphy, Academic Administration and Student Affairs Manager, is responsible for the administration of Student Services, including Admissions, Registration, Examinations and Student Support services. Staff in Student Services work closely with all other areas of the Institute, including the Students' Union, to ensure that the welfare of students is paramount. Student Services also aim to assist students in planning their futures and in progressing to employment or further studies. The Student Services Centre located in the Padraig Faulkner Building provides a range of personal support to students attending the Institute and aims to provide both advice and practical supports in a wide variety of circumstances. Appointments for all Student Support Services can be made through this office.

Contact Details

Contact Details

tel 042 9381783 email

tel 042 9370242 email

Linda Murphy

Sinead Dunne

Academic Administration & Student Affairs Manager

Student Services Officer 11

Student Health Unit The Student Health Unit

Accidents in DkIT

The Student Health Unit is located upstairs in the Padraig Faulkner building next to the Fitness Suite. All full-time students of DkIT are treated free of charge at the Unit. There is one full-time and one part-time nurse available to see students daily, no appointment is necessary. A doctor is in attendance each day in the Student Health Unit. Students needing to see the doctor must be referred by the nurse, and should come to the Unit as early as possible on the morning of the surgery to make an appointment as there are a limited number of places available. You must bring your student ID card along when attending the Student Health Unit.

If you have an accident in DkIT, please notify a member of staff immediately or contact the Student Health Unit. Then inform your Head of Department. All departments and the Students’ Union have First Aid Kits. Where necessary, students can be referred to the Casualty Unit at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda, by the Institute Doctor or Nurse. You will not have to pay a casualty charge in these cases. However DkIT is not liable for any transport costs associated with referrals. Please ensure you always have emergency funds available to defray costs.

Doctor surgery times will be posted up in the Student Health Unit at the start of term and will be available on the Institute website. Students are advised to notify the Health Unit if they suffer from conditions requiring special attention, e.g. Epilepsy, Diabetes, etc.


For more info:

Student Support Services

Student Health Unit continued. . . Medical Cards Medical Card application forms may be obtained from the Student Health Unit. Entitlement to a Medical Card is on the basis of the financial circumstances of your family if you are under 25 years of age. If your parents have Medical Cards you may be entitled to a card of your own. Over 25’s may be assessed independently of their parents. Please call in to the Student Health Unit for further information or details regarding medical entitlements. Remember, your visit to the Student Doctor is free. If you don’t have a Medical Card you must pay for anything prescribed. A number of local pharmacies in Dundalk have agreed to give a reduction of 10% on normal prescription charges if you bring your current Student ID card with you. Please see for further information.

Contact Details

Contact Details

tel 042 9370245 email

tel 042 9370245 email

Breige Rust

Patricia Smyth

Institute Nurse

Institute Nurse

For further information contact the Student Health Unit tel

042 9370245


Student Counselling Service Student Counselling Service The counselling service is operated by one fulltime and one part-time counsellor who are both fully trained counselling psychologists. The counsellors are trained in the art of listening and will encourage and support you to explore the issues and find the best options for you. The kinds of issues students often look for help with include:

The counselling service is confidential & free. It can also provide referral to other services if appropriate. The service provides one to one counselling sessions, group counselling and workshops on study skills; examinations techniques etc. It is located upstairs in the Student Services Building, beside the Student Health Unit. You can make an appointment by phoning the service direct on 042 9370247 or 042 9370248 by calling to the Student Services Centre, or by email or You will be offered an initial appointment as soon as possible and generally within 48 hours of contact.

• • • • • • • • •

Isolation Relationship difficulties Loneliness Sexuality / sexual identity

If you have any questions about counselling and whether it is right for you please email us. The service also has a range of reading materials, which it recommends; you can access this list through the library or by email.

Sexual abuse Depression Family breakdown Bereavement Study problems, concentration difficulties

Contact Details tel 042 9370247 email

Gertie Raftery Student Counsellor


For more info:

The Chaplaincy provides pastoral care and responds to the personal needs of students in providing a faith presence in the Institute. Chaplaincy offers a space for quiet reflection, mediation and prayer. The service is provided by a Roman Catholic Chaplain and visiting Church of Ireland and Presbyterian Ministers. The Chaplaincy Office is located in the Student Services Centre. Mass is provided daily in the Institute Quiet Room located near to the Student Health Unit.

Student Support Services

Chaplaincy Service

For further information contact

Roman Catholic Chaplain

Church of Ireland


Fr. Clemant McManus

Rev. Sandra Pragnal M.A.,B.Th.Rector

Rev. Stanley Millen

mob 087 7500 466 email

tel 042 9321402 email


042 9321520 15

Access & Disability Services Access

Disability & Student Quality Office

The Access Officer promotes access to the Institute and co-ordinates support for groups that are under represented in third level education. These groups include students from a background of socio-economic disadvantage, mature students, students from the traveller community and ethnic minorities, etc.

The Institute provides supports and advocates on behalf of any student with a physical, sensory or learning difficulty, or has a mental health condition that interferes with the learning process.

The Access office is also responsible for the coordination of the Institute’s scholarships and bursaries programmes.

The Disability and Student Quality Office works with you to ensure that disability does not hinder you from achieving your full academic potential.

For more information contact the Access office or through the Student Services centre.

Contact Details Contact Details

tel 042 9370237 email or call into the office which is located in Room L211 (1st Floor, Whitaker Building - near Library)

tel 042 9381883 email

Eileen Lynch 16

Access Officer For more info:

Gerard Mc Hugh Disability and Student Quality Officer

Student Learning & Development Centre Student Learning & Development Centre The centre provides support for individuals or groups, with individual consultations, small group consultations, and workshops for all students, on a range of academic and study-related skills. The Centre will assist in both easing the transition from second to third level study, while improving retention rates. Free tutorials include, IT skills, Academic Writing Skills and English as a second language. In addition incoming mature students are invited to attend a week of mathematic and IT tutorials prior to the start of the academic year.

Contact Details tel 042 9370200 email

Ita Mc Guigan Academic Development Tutor 17

Careers Service Careers

The Careers Service supports all students and recent graduates of the Institute in exploring their career interests in evaluating and assessing their career opportunities and in effectively implementing their career or further study sessions.

Taking Control of your Future' workshops for final year students

• • •

Graduate Talks and Further Studies Options

The Careers Service supports you in realising your career aspirations. The following are some of the activities, resources and services available to you from the Careers Service.

Contact Details tel 042 9370243 email

Harriet Andrews Careers Officer


For more info:

Company Presentations and interviews Access to The Graduate Careers Fair and to the Post Graduate Studies Fair held annually in the RDS

One to one guidance and support if you are concerned about programme choice

Careers Information Area - contains invaluable resources on further study, vacancies, and general career information

Careers Awareness Days for different disciplines / vocational areas

• • •

C.V. preparation and Interview skills seminars

Careers Website including our Careers Newsletter featuring current job vacancies;

Help with job applications Research skills - exploring career options and opportunities on the Internet

The Careers Service is located in the Student Services Centre. A consultation with Careers Adviser is by appointment only at set periods during the week. Appointments can be made through the Student Services Centre reception. For further information check out the Careers section on or our notice boards located around the college for closing dates and general careers information. To contact DkIT Careers, email or telephone 042 9370243

Dundalk Institute of Technology Alumni Association The DkIT Alumni Association was established to enable graduates to keep in touch with the Institute and with each other. Some of you may think that graduation day is the end of your relationship with the Institute. We would like to think of it as a new beginning. Please see our website, for further information.


Sports & Societies Sports and Societies Office The Sports and Societies Office can be found in the Student Services Centre and plays a pivotal role in the life of the Institute, assisting students in the set-up, organisation and running of Sports Clubs and Societies and recreational activities within the College. The Sports and Societies office offers a wide range of student based activities. Your time as a student in DkIT gives you some of the best opportunities you will ever have to indulge your interests and try out new activities. Hundreds of students are involved in clubs as diverse as Hip Hop, Fencing, Rugby, Film Making, Ice Hockey, D.J’ing or Basketball. Other students choose to join more relaxing pursuits such as Traditional Music Society, Irish dancing, Hill-Walking or the Environmental Society. Special interest activities and course based societies such as Martial Arts, Computing and Marketing prove very popular every year and are an ideal way to further your interest in an informal setting.

Students are encouraged to become actively involved in all aspects of clubs and societies from administration to participation. Students have the opportunity to represent the Institute nationally and internationally in their chosen field. If you don’t see a club or society of interest to you, you can always help to set one up? Information on all events are displayed on the various Sports and Societies notice boards and also sent out by email. It is now your chance to become part of the DkIT Student experience, so get active get involved.

Contact Details tel mob email or email

Diarmuid Cahill Sports and Societies Officer


For more info:

042 9370244 087 6755 094

Sports Facilities

Outdoor Playing Facilities

Multi-Purpose-Centre (MPC) The Multi-Purpose-Centre (MPC) is the centre for indoor activity used primarilyfor class purposes, Community and Sports Leadership and Health Promotion and Physical Activity classes. Outside those formal classes it is used both by registered clubs and societies complimented by student use either on an individual or class basis.

The multi-functional playing fields cater for all the main sports, Gaelic Football, Hurling, Soccer, Rugby and Athletics. A jogging lane, a facility much used by both students and staff alike,is on the perimeter of the playing areas.

Student Support Services

Sports & Societies continued. . .

As well as catering for all indoor games the MPC has a seating capacity for 250 spectators, and hosts various competitions and shows throughout the year.

Institute Fitness Suite The Fitness Suite is situated just above the MPC and adjacent to the Student Health Unit. The facility is open to all students from 12.00 noon to 20.30 daily. You can avail of the opportunity of working on a specialised programme, which can be designed and planned around your needs by our fitness consultant. Students are charged a small membership fee for use of the fitness suite. 21

Student Support Services Student Assistance Fund

Hardship Fund

As part of an ongoing funding initiative to tackle educational disadvantage in the third-level sector, an E.S.F-aided Student Assistance Fund is administered by the Institute on behalf of the H.E.A. The Fund is intended to tackle educational disadvantage by providing financial support to disadvantaged students who require additional support to enable them to fully benefit from their third-level studies.

The Hardship Fund is available to assist students who face a crisis or an emergency and need immediate financial assistance. The Hardship Fund is administered by the Chaplaincy. The Fund is limited and is only available in exceptional circumstances. In many cases, assistance is provided in the form of a loan. The Hardship Fund is provided jointly by the Department of Education and Science and Institute funds.

All registered students of the Institute are eligible to apply for assistance from the Fund. It is important to note that, as the Fund is limited, students are not automatically entitled to assistance based on their circumstances. It is a matter for the Institute to target the Fund’s resources at those disadvantaged students most in need. Application forms for this fund are available from the Student Services Centre.


For more info:

The International Office We are pleased to welcome International and Erasmus students on campus and actively encourage Irish students to avail of opportunities to study abroad at one of our 28 Partner Colleges located throughout Europe. Studying in another country broadens understanding and tolerance between people and provides young people with new friends, new skills and new opportunities. Students from countries as far afield as China, India, Nepal and Nigeria join students from Denmark, Finland, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Lithuania and Estonia on the DkIT campus, where they are assured of a warm welcome from Irish students.

Students on full-time courses in Business Studies, Computing, Engineering, Science or Humanities have the opportunity to study at one of our European partner colleges for up to a year. This experience enhances qualifications and normally increases fluency in another European language.

The Erasmus Programme (Student Exchange) The Erasmus programme is co-ordinated by Noreen Carney and administered by Adele Nordon who are both available in the office every morning Monday-Friday.

The International Office for NonEuropean Students The International Office deals with all nonEuropean students and is co-ordinated by Michael

Stewart and administered by Jane Daly who are available in the office every day Monday-Friday. Call in and talk to us we will: • Provide information and assistance to all International students on campus

International Office

International Office

Provide information and assistance to all students who wish to study abroad, under the terms of the Erasmus Programme

Maintain contact with students while abroad

Provide information on accommodation for all incoming International / Erasmus students

Provide assistance with visa requirements for all students

The International Office is located in Room L220 on the ground floor of the Library.

For further information contact the International Students & International Studies Office tel

042 9370499


042 9381782


Noreen Carney

Adele Nordon

Jane Daly

Michael Stewart

Summer Wu

Erasmus Co-ordinator



International Marketing Office



The Student Union Office Students’ Union The role of the Students’ Union is to represent students within the Institute, and to ensure that all students are treated fairly. Remember, the Students’ Union is your union, and we are here to support you. So call in any time - we’re always on hand if you need help! What We Do • Representation of Students

Student Welfare

Organisation of Events

Initiation of Student-related Policy

Representing USI


Student Travel & Discount Cards

J1 Visas

Student Accommodation

Geraldine Byrne

James Clarke

David Brannigan

Student’s Union Secretary

Union President

Union Vice-President

Contact Details

The S.U. Office Ground Floor Padraig Faulkner Building Open 09.00 - 17.00 Monday – Friday tel mob email web


For more info:

042 9370390 086 8223861

Community Watch A Community Garda visits the Institute at specific times every week, and are available to meet students in confidence. Among the services they will be offering on Campus will be stamping passport forms, and giving advice about personal safety and security of property. Details of when the GardaĂ­ will be on Campus will be publicised at the start of term.


The Library Finding information on your Library






Inter-Library Loan

Subject Guides

Use your OPAC (Online Catalogue) to search for items within the Library. The OPAC will let you know where an item is located, if it is available, and let you reserve it if it’s not.

The Library has over 50,000 books available for you to borrow. We also have DVDs and Cds which you can borrow for free.

Databases are online collections of journals, specialist magazines and book chapters. The Library has access to a range of databases covering subject areas for all courses.

As well as our online databases we have magazines, newspapers and over 120 different journals in the Library.

If a book or journal article is not in our Library, we can request it for you from another Library. For more information email:

Library staff has compiled a select list of books, journals, databases and websites aimed specifically for your course. Go to the OPAC for the direct link for Subject Guides.

The Library

Info Skills

Library Staff

Opening Hours

We offer informational skills tutorials to help you identify, locate and evaluate information for your studies. These tutorials can be booked through your lecturer.

We are here if you need help using any of our services.

During semester

Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday

08.30 - 21.00 08.30 - 17.00 10.00 - 16.00

Out of semester


09.00 - 17.00

See for any changes

We look forward to working with you over the coming year.

Contact Details tel email fax web

Lorna O’Connor Librarian

042 9370310 042 9338313 27

Computing Services Computing Services

Student User Accounts

Computing Services provide IT support services across campus to all staff and students. This includes user IT support, lab and network management support services. Computer services manage the DkIT web services for our Internet/Intranet sites. This also includes the elearning Moodle system. Our information pages are at

Students are provided with a user account and home directory for file storage to operate / use the IT services available on campus. These services include e-mail, wireless access, Moodle, file and print services. Students' e-mail/ user accounts details are available at registration, and in the academic administration office post-registration. Please keep your user account/password information private as it is your key to all the college IT services. You, as a member of the User community, are responsible for managing your user account and any actions that maybe linked to it should anything occur.

Usage As with any technology, we ask you to use the facilities responsibly in order to ensure the maximum benefit to all users on campus. Facilities are provided for educational purposes and any abuse will be penalised under the Code of Conduct. The ICT Policy can be viewed at * Note: By using the Institute's computer equipment/facilities you are bound by the Institute Acceptable Usage Policy as found in the ICT Policies document. This agreement is reproduced on the following pages: Acceptable Usage Policy (reproduced from ICT Policy document 28

For more info:

User account Self Service A password self service is available to students. You can set up user details that will allow you to administer your own password details. Details are available on the following link: Remember if you forget/lose your user account details there is an administration fee of â‚Ź5 to reset your account password. This service is available at the Library front desk. As part of our annual maintenance routine we reinitialize all

student home directories, please ensure that you have removed your data before the first of July to secure your data.

Software available for home use Computer Services have negotiated license agreements with certain software suppliers that allow students to use course based software on their home PCs. For further information check out our webpage at

Public Access PCs There are 110 PCs available to the general student population in the Library. Public access kiosks are available in open areas.

Wireless Access Laptop users can access the Internet using a wireless access facility in many public areas on campus e.g. Library and Restaurant. Further locations & details are available on the Computer Services Webpage User access is controlled by email username & password. Check out the mobile computing policy document at

You may use USB data sticks for class use only to secure your data, All other USB attached devices are not allowed. With this in mind please note (as per IT policy) that you cannot use the Institutes’ equipment for copyright infringement or other activity that may bring the institute into disrepute. Institute IT services / equipment are provided for the Academic and administration activities of the institute.

IT Support Desk The IT Support Desk is available to deal with any IT related problems you may have on Campus. If you have any problems reading / accessing your USD data stick, call down IT user support room E122 for assistance. We will scan the USB data disk for any faults etc to restore data. Remember you should ensure that you have data store on your network drive to secure the work that you have done already.

service. Further information is available on This service is managed by College Services.

The DkIT website The Dundalk Institute of Technology’s’ award winning website (golden spider) provides a comprehensive introduction to the Institute for students. Through our Web pages we hope to provide all the necessary information about the Institute – including up-to-date news and announcements, full and part-time course listings, staff contact information, information on facilities, faculties, student services, job vacancies and international student programmes, in addition to important information about student life at DkIT.

It is also hoped that we will be able to assist students to identify possible career opportunities as well as providing detailed course information. The site is intended to be simple to navigate, and the information, including links to other Irish and European third-level institutes, will be continually updated throughout the year. If you have any queries or information relating to the website please contact the School / Department secretaries.

For further information contact Support Desk

Pay Print Service A pay print service is available to student’s campus wide. You can, if you wish, print from any public PC (e.g. Library), Laptop or lab PC to this print

Computing Services

Use of Mobile devices, iPOD, MP3 Players, USB attached devices

James McCahill IT Manager

Room E122 tel 042 9370300 email web 29

College Services All your stationery and study requirements are provided by College Services. All profits generated go towards improving the service as a whole. The main facilities are: Campus Shop You can get your stationery, text books, class manuals, newspapers (all at student rate), mobile top-up's, past exam papers here.

Student Lockers Secure lockers are available for short-term rental, and are located on the ground floor near the library. The long-term rental of lockers can be arranged through the Campus Shop. These are located throughout the campus.

Opening Hours Monday - Thursday 08.45 – 16.30 Friday 08.45 – 15.00

Photocopying The students printing and photocopying service has been completely upgraded. These self service machines are located throughout the campus, including the library where you can print / copy in both black and white and in colour. This cardless system offers a faster, better quality print by using a more reliable, fully maintained printers. Binding Presentation material, as well as a binding service is also available in the Shop. Here you can also avail of a laminating service.


For more info:

For further information contact College Services Padraig Faulkner Building tel 042 9370384 email

Donal Kieran Manager of College Services

Trish Ahern Project Manager Catering Services

Institute Catering Becoming a student can mean that you have to look after yourself more than ever before. That isn’t always easy, but we want to help. It’s important to remember that a healthy diet is crucial for a healthy, enjoyable life. Institute Catering ensures that nutritious food choices are readily available at all times. We have six catering outlets on campus, offering students an excellent range of quality food at prices to suit all pockets. Opening Hours Main Restaurant Monday-Thursday Friday Ext. 3797 Coffee Dock Monday-Thursday Friday Ext. 2206

08.00 - 17.00 08.00 - 14.00

The Well Monday-Thursday Friday Nursing Foyer Monday-Thursday Friday Ext. 3790

08.00 - 16.15 08.00 - 14.30

Canteen Services

Canteen Services

08.00 - 16.00 08.00 - 14.30

Development Centre Monday-Friday 10.00 - 14.00 Starbucks: PJ Carrolls Building (Opening Sept 2010) Monday-Thursday 08.30 - 18.00 Friday 08.30 - 15.30

08.00 - 16.30 08.00 - 15.45


Banking Banking on Campus AIB Bank provides a wide range of banking facilities in the Institute for staff and students alike. Aoife Mackie is the Bank’s Student Officer and she will be happy to advise you on all relevant financial matters.

Aoife Mackie Student Officer

Opening Hours Bank Monday, Tuesday & Thursday Wednesday Friday

10.30 - 16.00 11.00 - 16.00 10.30 - 15.00

Closed 12.30 - 13.30 each day. An ATM (Banklink machine) is available for cash services at any time during the day. Please note that cash can only be obtained from the Campus Bank by using this machine. Branches of the other main banks are located in the town.


For more info:

Services available for students: • Student Plus Account

• • • • • • • •

Maintenance & Transaction Free Banking Reduced Rate Overdraft Reduced Rate Loans 24 Hour Phone & Internet Banking Commission Free Foreign Exchange Credit Interest AIB Debit Card Student Mastercard

Graduate Package also available, for more details contact Aoife in the campus AIB branch.


Your Rights and Responsibilities Rights and Responsibilities

Your responsibilities

• This section sets out your rights and responsibilities as a DkIT student, and the conduct expected of you as a member of the Institute and local community. All students registered on the Institute must agree to abide by the Institute’s regulations. This is a requirement for valid • registration. This booklet details the Student Code of Conduct and the Regulations for the Conduct of Examinations. All other required regulations are listed in this section; further details are available on the DkIT website as detailed at the end of • this section. Your rights As a student of the Institute, you are entitled to:

Be treated solely on the basis of your merits, abilities and potential and not to be unfairly discriminated against

Fair and just procedures, including appropriate appeals procedures, in all matters of the academic regulations and complaints process


For more info:

Prompt access and accurate information relating to your studies including the right to clear assessment guidelines throughout your programme Tuition of professional standard on the programme for which you are registered and reasonable education and support facilities consistent with the resources available to the Institute Impartial guidance and a range of support services in an environment that provides for personal and social development Democratic representation at all levels and to have the opportunity to participate in student associations

As a student of the Institute, we expect that you will:

follow and conform to Health and Safety regulations and related codes of practice

take responsibility for your learning and attend classes regularly and punctually and follow your programme of study

accept and observe the Institutes codes of standards and in particular, observe the Institutes Code of Student Conduct

The Institute recognises the right to dignity of every individual associated with it, and it expects that each of them will be treated with consideration, courtesy and respect, without harassment, or physical or verbal abuse. Every member shall refrain from conduct liable to infringe the rights of others. DkIT Code of Conduct does not reduce your legal rights. Its goal is to maintain a suitable academic environment for all in the Institute and to ensure that your rights as a student member will not be less than the rights of other members of the Institute. A Discipline Committee appointed by the Academic Council will oversee all matters of student discipline.

Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures

Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Statement DkIT affirms its commitment to the prohibition of racism, in any form, and to the positive promotion of ethnic and cultural diversity, in all its policies and procedures. To harm, malign, harass and or purposely disrespect any person on the grounds of their ethnic background goes against DkIT’s core ethos of parity of esteem and will therefore be treated with utmost seriousness. This commitment requires every member of the DkIT community to ensure that the principles of these ideals be mirrored in their attitude and behaviours.


Policies & Procedures

continued. . .

DkIT Code of Conduct Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures Staff members are bound by the Staff Discipline Code. As a student member, you must observe the Student Code of Conduct. You need to inform yourself about the regulations that concern the use of particular Institute facilities, laboratories, procedures (including those relating to examinations and assessment) and equipment. Authorised members of the Institute can enforce these regulations under this Code. Contents 1 Introduction to Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures

2 3 4 5

General Principles Student Identity Card Breaches of Code of Discipline Reporting Offences

Appendix A Major Offences, Procedures & Penalties Appendix B The Discipline Committee Appendix C Appeals


For more info:


Introduction to the Code of Conduct

1.1 Dundalk Institute of Technology is an institution established by the Regional Technical Colleges Act, 1992. 1.2 The members of the Institute are a b c d e f

the members of the Governing Body the members of the Academic Council the members of staff the registered students the graduates such other persons as the Governing Body may appoint as members.

1.3 The President is the Chief Officer of the Institute. The President, the Governing Body and the Academic Council perform the functions prescribed by the 1992 Act, and as may be directed by the Minister from time to time. 1.4 The Governing Body has overall responsibility for the regulation of Institute affairs. The Academic Council is responsible, subject to the approval of the Governing Body, for making the Academic Regulations of the

Institute. The responsibility for controlling and directing the activities of the Institute and controlling the conduct and actions of the students rests with the President and with the Institute's delegated officers. These include the Registrar, Heads of School, Heads of Department, Librarian, Academic Administration & Student Affairs Manager, Computer Services Manager, Restaurant Manager and other duly authorised persons.

1.6 Copies of this Code are published annually and are available from the Academic Administration Office. You get a copy at registration and it will be on view in the Library, in School/Departmental Offices and at the Students' Union.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

1.5 The Code of Conduct consists of the code published in this document and its appendices and any detailed regulations that relate to, or are published for specific areas or activities, for example, examinations, laboratories, workshops and the library. The Code also includes the regulations of HETAC and other relevant awarding authorities. When the Institute makes changes to the Code, they are approved by the Academic Council. Changes to other regulations are notified to the Academic Quality Sub-Committee and published in notices to students.


Code of Conduct 2

continued. . .

General Principles

2.1 All members and committees of the Institute shall observe natural justice and fair procedures in respect of this Code of Conduct, and no penalty will be imposed on you as a member of the Student Body except in accordance with this Code. 2.2 You should act in accordance with this Code of Conduct and with the published regulations of the Institute, and you should maintain acceptable standards of behaviour and act in a law-abiding, mature and honest fashion. 2.3 You should treat others with respect for their person and their rights, whether in the Institute or elsewhere, and avoid conduct which infringes upon the rights or lawful activities of others, or which brings the Institute into disrepute. You should treat Institute property and/or facilities with respect and not use them when you are not authorised to do so. This includes all property and/or facilities being used by or under the control of the Institute. 38

For more info:

2.4 When you report for a class, laboratory, workshop session or if you seek to use any other Institute facility, the Institute staff member in charge has the right to exclude you, under Health and Safety legislation, if in his or her opinion, you appear to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other substances. If you dispute this opinion, you must appeal immediately to the head of your section, department or school. 2.5 This Code applies: to all registered students of the Institute both on and off campus

• •

to students on work experience where that is part of their programme of study

to students on exchange programmes in other Institutes

to students on off-campus assignments which are part of their programme of study

to acts or omissions of students when they are representing the Institute, or at any Club or Society, which would violate this Code if done in the Institute.


continued. . .

Student Identity Cards

3.1 A Student Identity Card is issued to you following registration. It is non-transferable and if you lose it or it is stolen or destroyed, you must report this to the Registrar’s Office at once. You can get a duplicate card if you pay the appropriate fee. 3.2 The card remains the property of the Institute at all times. It is your proof that you are entitled to use the Institute’s facilities. You must produce it or give it up on demand to any authorised member of Institute staff. You are entitled to ask the staff member to identify him/herself. In cases of emergency, a student may get a temporary identification form from the School Office.


Breaches of Code of Discipline

4.1 An act or omission by you • which adversely affects the rights of any other member of the Institute, or

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

which disrupts the orderly and responsible conduct of any Institute activity, or which violates any Institute regulation or this Code, is a breach of the Code of Discipline.

4.2 Any alleged incident of unlawful behaviour may immediately be referred to the Garda Síochána. In the event of Gardaí investigating a student, the Institute reserves the right to additionally implement the disciplinary process.


Code of Conduct

continued. . .

4.3 Minor Offences: The following are defined as examples of minor offences: • Anti-social behaviour including, excessive noise, littering, nuisance behaviour, drunkenness and disorderly behaviour or the facilitation of such behaviour


• •

Violation of detailed regulations

Being in unauthorised areas without permission

Failing to identify yourself to a member of Institute staff on request

Causing minor damage to Institute property.

Disorderly conduct, including being unfit for admission to class, laboratory, workshop or other Institute facility

4.4 Major Offences: The following are defined as examples of major offences: • Criminal damage, major or repeated incidences of anti-social behaviour including racism, excessive noise, littering, nuisance behaviour, drunkenness and disorderly behaviour or the repeated facilitation of such behaviour For more info:

Serious breaches of examination regulations including impersonation, copying, cheating or plagiarism

Giving false or misleading information to the Institute calculated to mislead or deceive

Malicious destruction, damage or misuse of Institute property

Forgery, alteration or misuse of any Institute document, record, stamp or identity card

Forcible or unauthorised occupation of Institute buildings

• • • •

Physical abuse of another person

Repeated or aggravated incidents of minor offences.

Bullying Sexual harassment Unwanted interference with Institute’s safety equipment, alarms,fire-fighting equipment or failure to comply with a reasonable request by staff with regard to situations that endanger life, health or property

4.4.1 Bullying is defined by the Health and Safety Authority as Repeated inappropriate behaviour, direct and indirect, whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another or others, at the place of work and/or in the course of employment, which could reasonably be regarded as undermining the individual’s right to dignity at work. 4.4.2 Harassment Equality legislation in Ireland defines harassment as any act or conduct (including spoken words, gestures, or the production, display or circulation of written words, pictures or other material), if the action or conduct is unwelcome to the recipient, and could reasonably be regarded as offensive, humiliating, or intimidating. The harassment has to be based on or motivated by one or more of the nine relevant characteristics of the person targeted. These are: Marital Status, Age, Sexual Orientation, Family Status, Race, Gender, Religious Belief, Disability and Membership of the Travelling Community.

Code of Conduct

continued. . .

4.4.3 Sexual Harassment The definition of sexual harassment is similar to that of harassment but with a sexual element. It includes any unwelcome act of physical intimacy, unwelcome request for sexual favours, other acts or conduct including spoken works, gestures, or the production, display or circulation of written words, pictures or other material that is unwelcome and could reasonably be regarded as sexually offensive, humiliating or intimidating. It does not refer to human interaction or behaviour that is mutually acceptable to the parties involved. 4.4.4 Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Harassment may be dealt with by a separate and specific Institute policy. In this event, the Institute will advise students accordingly.


Reporting Offences

5.1 A student who wishes to make a complaint should do so either to his/her Head of Department or to the Disability and Student Quality Officer. 5.2 The Head of School/Department/Function or other authorised Institute officer is responsible for maintaining order in particular areas of responsibility and for the administration, in the first instance, of the Institute’s Code and regulations. Every student is responsible in the first instance to this official for his/her acts or omissions. If he/she reasonably believes a penalty might be imposed on you under this Code of Discipline, he/she will: a b c

inform you of the alleged offence verify your student identity, and report the matter to the Disability and Student Quality Officer together with details of the alleged offence.

5.3.1 In the case of minor offences the Head of School/Department/function or that officer’s deputy may act in place of the Disability and Student Quality Officer.


Code of Conduct

continued. . .

5.3.2 When the Disability and Student Quality Officer receives a report under 5.2 (c) above, he/she will consult with at least two other persons who, under Appendix B of this Code, can be members of the Institute’s Disciplinary Committee. They will decide whether the incident appears to be a major or a minor one. 5.4 If not previously involved, the appropriate Head of School/Department/Function will be notified of any alleged offence, and this person may make a written submission to the Disability and Student Quality Officer. 5.5 If the Disability and Student Quality Officer, in consultation as above in 5.3.2, finds that you have committed a minor offence, he/she may impose what he/she considers a suitable penalty on you. This process will normally be completed and the outcome notified to you within fifteen working days from the report of the incident. When you accept this finding, the incident, under this Code, is regarded as closed.


For more info:

5.6 The procedures described in the remaining parts of this Code apply • if you do not accept this finding, or

Appendix A: Major Offences, Procedures & Penalties

• •

A.1 If the Disability and Student Quality Officer has decided that a major offence appears to have been committed, the Institute Disciplinary Committee will deal with the matter. The Disability and Student Quality Officer will • Give you five working days notice in writing of the meeting of this Committee;

if you do not comply with any penalty, or if the Disability and Student Quality Officer finds that you have committed a serious offence, the 15-day period mentioned in 5.5 may be extended by the Disability and Student Quality Officer only when it is in the interest of the student. Any incident that is not proceeded within the timescale above will lapse.

Notify you of the alleged offence; your right to be represented and to make personal representations;

Send you a copy of the Institute’s Code of Student Discipline and of the evidence against you, including the report sent to the Discipline Committee by the Disability and Student Quality Officer. If you are a student on an Institute programme, which is jointly sponsored or provided with another provider, that provider will have the opportunity to nominate an extra member to any disciplinary hearing.

continued. . .

A.2 After the meeting of the Discipline Committee, its chairperson will notify you (in writing within three working days) of its decision, any penalty and any rights of appeal against its decision. If you fail, within one month of receiving this notice, to comply with the decision of the committee, you commit a further offence, and so you may be liable for further disciplinary action. If a charge of misconduct is not proceeded with inside 25 working days, it will lapse and you will not be liable for further proceedings in regard to it. A.3 However, notwithstanding A.2 above, in exceptional circumstances, such as a student(s) facing criminal charges, or unavoidable changes or absences of staff, the Discipline Committee may extend this period and give you written notice of this decision A.4 If the Discipline Committee decides that your conduct was a breach of the Code of Student Conduct, it may impose any of the following sanctions, or others, or a combination of them, which it judges appropriate:

• •

A fine of not more than €1,000; Temporary or permanent exclusion from certain Institute facilities, events or activities;

Suspension from the Institute for a stated period or until loss or damage is made good;

Being disqualified from examinations or examination sessions for a stated period;

Being excluded from having results, grades or assessments considered by an examination board;

Temporary or permanent expulsion from the Institute;

Deprivation or withholding of any award, prize or qualification;

Imposition of voluntary work in the Institute or the community in lieu of financial penalty;

Require you to surrender your student identity card for a specified period.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The Committee may also require you to make an apology to any person offended by your conduct.


Code of Conduct

continued. . .

Appendix B : The Discipline Committee B.1 The Institute will designate a panel of members who will be eligible to be members of a Discipline Committee from among the following: • The Academic Administration and Student Affairs Manager (AASAM) (or a duly appointed substitute) who shall be chair of the committee;

a student who is a member of the Academic Council or who is appointed by that Council or who

is a registered post-graduate research student, or is eligible for appointment in accordance with a previously minuted decision by the Academic Council;

the Heads of School or Heads of Department who are not the heads of your school or department, academic staff members nominated by heads of School.

The committee may obtain the advice of relevant experts.


For more info:

B.2 The quorum for a meeting of the committee will be at least two members, including the chairperson (or deputy). The composition of the panel will, as far as practicable, take account of the need for an appropriate level of gender balance in the light of your gender and the circumstances of the conduct. B.3 If the Committee cannot meet, for any reason whatever, the Academic Administration and Student Affairs Manager, or his/her deputy, may act in lieu of the Committee. If a person who might otherwise be a member of the Discipline Committee has previously been involved in the case, he/she shall not be a member and shall be replaced by an alternate. B.4 You are entitled to the presence of an advocate of your choice. Both you and the discipline committee will be entitled to be heard and to respond and afterwards, the chairperson will invite both sides to address concluding remarks to the discipline committee.

B.5 The Discipline Committee will consider its decision in private. If the decision is that your conduct is a breach of the student code the Committee will ask both sides to make submission to it about the penalty to be imposed. B.6 The Committee will consider these representations and decide on the penalty. It will inform you of its decision in writing within one week of the end of the meeting.

continued. . .

Appendix C : Appeals C.1 Discipline Code Decisions by the Disability and Student Quality Officer may be appealed, either by you or by any other complainant, to the Institute’s Discipline Committee. Such a decision may not be further appealed under this Code. C.2 The Discipline Code Appeals Committee must hear any appeal against a decision by the Discipline Committee. You have three working days only from notification of the disciplinary decision, in which to bring an appeal. You must do this in writing to the Academic Administration and Student Affairs Manager’s Office and state the following: the grounds or reasons for the appeal, the appropriate written evidence or notice of whatever new oral evidence supports the appeal.

An appeal can go forward only if you can how that:

there was a substantial irregularity in the making of the original decision; or you can bring new evidence which could materially affect the decision; or

there were extenuating factors which could affect the decision and the parties to the original decision were unaware of these; or

bring forward any matter which the Appeals Committee deems proper to consider.

C.3 The Discipline Committee or (where appropriate) the Appeals Committee will consider the appeal submission and decide whether to allow the appeal to go forward. Where it so decides, the Appeal Committee will receive a report from the Disability and Student Quality Officer or from the Discipline Committee. This report will contain notice of the decision under appeal, the evidence and the penalty imposed and the student will receive a copy of this material at least two

working days before the meeting to consider the appeal. Where it decides that the appeal shall not go forward, it will send the student a written notice of this from the Disability and Student Quality Officer within five working days of the decision.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

C.4 In an appeal hearing, the student or appellant shall be first to present his/her case, and then the Disability and Student Quality Officer (or other Institute officer) shall be heard. After this the student or appellant is entitled to be heard in reply. The Appeals Committee will be entitled, at its discretion, to hear such evidence as it deems fit. If the appeal is against a penalty the Appeals Committee may uphold, set aside or vary the original decision. If the offence was a minor one, the revised penalty may exceed the maximum penalty normally to be imposed in such cases.


Code of Conduct

continued. . .

C.5 Composition of Appeals Committee: The Registrar of the Institute (or Nominee) acts as chair of the appeals committee. Its members will be the Registrar (or Nominee), the ViceChair of the Academic Council (or Nominee), or (if this Vice- Chair is a member of the student’s school), a member of the Academic Council nominated by the Registrar from a different school. The Appeals Committee acts on behalf of the Board of Governors and the Academic Council in the matter of appeals. Amendments to the Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures will be made from time to time, and these will be included in later editions. Where amendments to this Code are made and a later edition of the Code incorporating these is not yet available, details of amendments will be displayed on notices in the Institute and will be available from the Academic Administration and Student Affairs Manager’s Office, the Library, the Students’ Union and School Offices.


For more info:


Policies & Procedures DkIT Regulations for the Conduct of Examinations


Serious breaches of the Examination Regulations, and in particular cases of suspected cheating, are Major Offences in the Institute's Code of Conduct, and the Registrar will refer them to the Disciplinary Committee.


If you are entitled to alternative and/or supplementary examination arrangements (generally students with disabilities and/or specific learning difficulties), it is your responsibility to contact the Disability and Student Quality Officer within five weeks following your registration, and no later than four weeks prior to the start of examinations.


You should arrive at the examination room to be seated fifteen minutes prior to the start of the examination, but you should enter the examination room only when the Invigilator asks you to. If you arrive once other candidates are seated you can enter the examination room only when the examination has been underway for ten minutes, and you will not normally be given extra time.


For more info:

forbidden. Programmable calculators or other devices with data storage capabilities, as well as mobile phones and other electronic media such as personal stereos, are prohibited from all examination rooms. Specific electronic equipment (such as laptops and/or Dictaphones) may be used in exceptional circumstances (by, for example, students with disabilities and/or specific learning difficulties), but only by express prior arrangement with the Disability and Student Quality Officer.


You must not bring into an examination room any books, papers or information recorded in any form (except for any specified unmarked text allowed by the examiners). It is your responsibility to ensure that no such material is brought into the examination hall.


You should sit in the area of seating indicated by the Invigilator and/or indicated on the notices displayed outside the examination room and on departmental notice boards.


You must sign two attendance sheets, which the Invigilator will circulate.

10 It is your responsibility to ensure that you have


You must place your student card on your desk so that one of the invigilators can check it, without any disturbance, after the start of the examination.

11 You may not use dictionaries and other


You must not turn over the examination paper on the desk until the Invigilator asks you to do so.


You may use a non-programmable calculator except in circumstances where this is expressly

an adequate supply of pens, pencils, ink, correcting fluid, drawing instruments, etc. reference books unless expressly approved. Your examination paper will carry this approval where it applies. Mathematical and statistical tables, if required, will be supplied.

DkIT Regulations for the Conduct of Examinations continued

12 The examination centre will supply answer books and graph paper as required. Rough notes may only be made in the answer books provided. No candidate may take answer books or parts of books, whether used or unused, from the examination room.

13 If you hand up additional material, other than a single answer book, you must use a treasury tag to hold them together. Invigilators will supply these for your use.

14 Candidates are not permitted to leave the examination room during the first hour of an examination. Candidates wishing to leave the examination room temporarily, after the first hour, must be accompanied by an Invigilator. (A medical certificate will give exemption to this.)

15 Candidates wishing to withdraw early from the examination may not leave the examination room, except in an emergency, during the first hour of the examination.

16 Candidates leaving early are required to do so quietly and are not permitted to take the examination paper with them.

17 No candidate arriving late will be admitted to the examination room more than thirty minutes after the start of the examination. Extra time will not normally be allowed. In exceptional circumstances, however, and providing that no other candidate has withdrawn and left the examination room, a candidate may be admitted later at the discretion of the Examinations Officer/Academic Administration & Student Affairs Manager.

18 A candidate must not, on any pretext whatever speak to or have any communication with any other candidate, or attempt to copy from another candidate. If you need to ask a question or obtain extra stationery, you should raise your hand. Complete silence must be observed in the examination room.

19 A distressed or ill candidate may be permitted to leave the examination room temporarily during an examination, accompanied by an Invigilator, and subsequently return to complete the examination, providing the continuity and quality of supervision is not affected. The Invigilator may, if deemed necessary, give a time extension to such a candidate at the end of the examination equal to the period of absence.

Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures

20 Before leaving the examination room, all candidates (including those withdrawing early) must hand in their answer books to the Invigilator.

21 Smoking is not permitted in any examination room.

22 An Invigilator has the right to check and search the students person and/or desk and remove and retain any material which is not permitted in the examination room, note the candidate's name and seat number and confiscate their identity card. The candidate should be permitted to complete the examination.


Policies & Procedures DkIT Regulations for the Conduct of Examinations continued

23 Spot checks will be carried out during each examination.

24 The Invigilators should, immediately after the conclusion of an examination, make a written report of any irregularity or breach of the Examination Regulations to the Examinations Officer, and should submit with it any confiscated material. The Examinations Officer will immediately send a copy of the report to the Academic Administration & Student Affairs Manager, and to the Head of Department concerned.


For more info:

The Institute policies detailed below are all published on the DkIT website at the following address

Institute Policy on Academic Integrity & Honesty This policy details how you can ensure that you are informed about Academic Integrity (taking another persons work and presenting it as your own).

Assignment Guidelines for Criteria & Written Work This policy supports you in submitting academic work to DkIT. It will help you to overcome some of the challenges often associated with academic writing and assist you in following the Institute’s Policy on Academic Honesty and Integrity.

Continuous Assessment Guidelines This document details information on Continuous Assessments and will help you gain an understanding of what Continuous Assessments are.

DkIT Referencing Guidelines & How to Avoid Plagiarism This document provides guidance on how to reference a wide range of formats, but it does not cover every situation. You can also seek advice from your lecturer on the appropriate style to use for specific academic work.

Student Complaints Procedure This procedure sets out to provide a fair, consistent and speedy way to deal with complaints made by students against the staff or services of the Institute.

Student Crisis Response These guidelines address what should be done in the event of a serious incident involving a student or students whether at DkIT or off campus.

Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures


Policies & Procedures

ICT Usage Policy By using the Institutes Computer Facilities you are bound by the Institute Acceptable Usage Policy. This document details the rules and regulations governing IT Usage by you.


For more info:

continued. . .

Library Code of Conduct

Equal Access & Participation Policy

This code details the regulations applicable when you are using the DkIT Library.

The policy addresses the acknowledgement on the part of the Institute of the social, economic, physical and cultural barriers which people often face in their attempts to access and participate in third-level education

Policies & Procedures

continued. . .

Freedom of Information Act

Car Parking Policy

This Act asserts the right of members of the public to obtain access to official information to the greatest possible extent consistent with the public interest and the right of privacy of individuals.

Health & Safety (Including Crisis Management) This document details DkIT’s Safety Management Programme, as a student you are expected to follow and conform to Health & Safety Regulations & Codes of Practice. The Crisis Management Plan (CMP) deals with response to a range on major incidents

This policy details DkIT’s policy on car parking on campus. It is important to note cars parked in non designated areas are liable to be clamped.

Anti Bullying and Harassment Policy The Institute recognises that bullying and harassment can seriously damage working and social conditions for staff and students. This policy outlines behaviour that would be considered inappropriate or unacceptable and provides procedures for the making of and dealing with complaints.


Policies & Procedures

continued. . .

Environmental Awareness Policy

Data Protection

At Dundalk Institute of Technology, we are committed to working with all our stakeholders to minimise our impact on the environment and continually improve our environmental performance. We aim to achieve an environmentally friendly culture in DkIT, through the promotion of environmental awareness.

Dundalk Institute of Technology as a public body is a registered Data Controller and is bound by the Data Protection responsibilities set out in the Data Protection Act 1988 and 2003. In line with this please note that any information supplied by you during the period of your studies with DkIT may be disclosed by the Institute to disclosees as listed in the Register held by the Data Protection Commision.

In DkIT we will strive to: Minimise the production of waste;

• • • •

Maximise the use of recyclable and biodegradable materials; Maximise the reuse and recycling of waste; Reduce the volume of waste going to landfill.

Also, we will minimise our use of energy through energy conservation measures and the use of renewable energy sources. Consideration of environmental concerns will form an integral part of all development and planning at the Institute.


For more info:

element design t 042 9327943

Academic Administration and Student Services Dundalk Institute of Technology Dundalk County Louth Ireland

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+ 353 42 9370200 + 353 42 9330201

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