Initiative title: Louth Age Friendly County - Age Friendly Business Forum Reach: County:
[ ] Local Louth
[ ]
[ ] Lead healthier & active lives for longer [] Stay living in our own homes and communities [ ] Get to where we need to go, when we need to [ ] Be enabled by the built and social environment [ ] Feel and be safe at home and out and about [] Have the information we need to live full lives [ ] Be truly valued and respected [] Participate in social, economic and public life [] Continue to learn, develop and work
Michael McCabe, Economic Development Officer, Louth Local Authorities, County Hall, Dundalk. 042 9324231
Age Friendly Trades Expo: October 2012
Launch of Age Friendly Business Plan
Issue/ Opportunity: As part of the Louth Age Friendly County initiative an opportunity was identified whereby sustaining, supporting and creating jobs and new models of flexible value creating enterprise could be achieved through developing Louth as a leader in age-friendly business. The Louth Economic Forum had a vision whereby an Age-Friendly Business plan would be developed to position Louth as Ireland’s most ready, prepared and active age-friendly business county supporting business to meet the economic opportunity of people living longer and healthier lives.
The purpose of the plan is to outline Louth’s joined up approach to developing County Louth and its hinterland as a leader in Age-Friendly Business. The following action areas were identified; • Build awareness of the economic opportunity for Age-‐Friendly Business throughout the business community. •
Support product and service opportunities for an ageing society by encouraging existing business and/or new ventures.
Capitalise on the expertise and wealth of experience among older people in the county.
Encourage employers to adopt more Age-Friendly policies and practices and provide recognition for such initiatives i.e. Louth Chambers of Commerce Awards.
What was done: The following actions were put in place; • Establishment of the Louth Age-Friendly Business Forum in 2011. Chaired by Louth based entrepreneur, Gavin Duffy, the forum has 10 members, drawn from Louth’s Chambers of Commerce, Rotary, Netwell and CASALA Centre’s, Louth’s Older People’s Forum and Local Authority Management. •
Formulation and production of an Age-Friendly Business Action Plan. This was achieved after extensive consultation with all the relevant stakeholders including Louth’s Age-Friendly County Alliance, Louth Older People’s Forum, the Business Community, Louth County Development Board and Louth County Council Members.
Assist in the establishment and promotion of the Age-Friendly Business Chambers Awards.
Key achievements: • Successful delivery of Ireland’s first Age-Friendly Business Consumer Fair, held in Louth in 2012. •
Set up of an Age-Friendly Business information page on the Louth Local Authorities Business Support Unit website.
Roll out of an Age-Friendly pilot study and On-line Age-Friendly Business survey as designed by Netwell/CASALA, DkIT to the Business community in Ardee.
Delivery of Age-Friendly Business ‘Customer Care Development Strategy’ for the retail/service sector in Ardee.
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