8 minute read
from Issue 26
(The History of Eugenics: A Primer) 1. Burke CS and Castaneda CJ. 2007. The public and private history of eugenics: an introduction. The Public Historian 29(3): 5–17. 2. Kevles DJ. 2016. The history of eugenics. Issues in Science and Technology 32(3): 45–50. 3. Wilson R. Eugenics Archives. 2013. Eugenics [internet]; [cited 2020 Apr 3]. Available from: http://eugenicsarchive.ca/ discover/encyclopedia/5233ce485c2ec500000000a9. 4. Stern AM. 2011. “The hour of eugenics” in Veracruz, Mexico: radical politics, public health, and Latin America’s only sterilization law. Hispanic American Historical Review 91(3): 431–443. 5. Kline W. Eugenics Archives. 2014. Feeblemindedness [internet]; [cited 2020 Apr 3]. Available from http://eugenicsarchive.ca/discover/ encyclopedia/535eebe87095aa0000000227. 6. Eugenics Archives [Internet]. c2010–2015. Canada: Social
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(The Religion of Eugenics) 1. [Think Out Loud] The Dark History of Eugenics in Oregon [Internet]. 2018 June 25. Portland (OR): Oregon Public Broadcasting. Available from: https://www.wnyc.org/story/ the-dark-history-of-eugenics-in-oregon. 2. Dr. Albert Edward Wiggam [Internet]. 1940. Charles S.
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(Scientific Motherhood and Eugenics) 1. Tacoma History. 2018. Better babies [Internet]; [cited 2020
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New York City (NY): The Review of Reviews Company. 5. Gordon L. 2002. The Moral Property of Women: A History of
Birth Control Politics in America. Chicago (IL): University of Illinois Press. 464 p.
(Eugenics and Birth Control) 1. Levit N and Verchick RRM. 2006. Feminist legal theory: a primer. New York (NY): New York University Press. 304 p. 2. Caprio MV. 2004. The lost generation: American Indian women and sterilization abuse. Social Justice 31(4): 40–53. 3. Lawrence J. 2000. The Indian Health Service and the sterilization of Native American women. The American
Indian Quarterly 24(3): 400–19. 4. Dyck E, Lux M. 2016. Population control in the ‘‘global north’’?: Canada’s response to indigenous reproductive rights and neo-eugenics. The Canadian Historical Review 97(4): 481–512.
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