Issue 26

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CITATIONS (The History of Eugenics: A Primer) 1. Burke CS and Castaneda CJ. 2007. The public and private history of eugenics: an introduction. The Public Historian 29(3): 5–17. 2. Kevles DJ. 2016. The history of eugenics. Issues in Science and Technology 32(3): 45–50. 3. Wilson R. Eugenics Archives. 2013. Eugenics [internet]; [cited 2020 Apr 3]. Available from: discover/encyclopedia/5233ce485c2ec500000000a9. 4. Stern AM. 2011. “The hour of eugenics” in Veracruz, Mexico: radical politics, public health, and Latin America’s only sterilization law. Hispanic American Historical Review 91(3): 431–443. 5. Kline W. Eugenics Archives. 2014. Feeblemindedness [internet]; [cited 2020 Apr 3]. Available from encyclopedia/535eebe87095aa0000000227. 6. Eugenics Archives [Internet]. c2010–2015. Canada: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; [cited 2020 Mar 10]. Available from: 7. Billinger M. Eugenics Archives. 2013. Miscegenation [internet].; [cited 2020 Apr 3]. Available from: encyclopedia/52329c0e5c2ec5000000000b. 8. [SAHO] South African History Online. 2012. The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act commences [Internet]; [cited 2020 Apr 3]. Available from 9. Ladd-Taylor M. Eugenics Archives. 2014. Fitter family contests [internet]; [cited 2020 Apr 3]. Available from encyclopedia/535eebfb7095aa0000000228. 10. Stern AM. 2005. Sterilized in the name of public health: race, immigration, and reproductive control in modern California. American Journal of Public Health 95(7): 1128–1138. 11. Dyck E and Lux M. 2016. Population control in the ‘‘Global North’’?: Canada’s response to indigenous reproductive rights and neo-eugenics. The Canadian Historical Review 97(4): 481–512. 12. Stern AM. 1999. Buildings, boundaries, and blood: medicalization and nation building on the U.S.- Mexico border, 1910–1930. Hispanic American Historical Review 79(1): 41–81. 13. Malinowski S. Eugenics Archives. 2014. Hereditary disease [internet]; [cited 2020 Apr 18]. Available from: encyclopedia/535eec2c7095aa000000022e. 14. Boas F. 1916. Eugenics. The Scientific Monthly 3: 471–478. 15. Allen GE. 1978. Thomas Hunt Morgan: the man and his science. Princeton (NJ): Princeton University Press. 233 p. 16. Ladd-Taylor M. 2017. Fixing the poor: eugenic sterilization and child welfare in the twentieth century. Baltimore (MD): John Hopkins University Press. 275 p. 17. Buruma I. 2020 Mar 28. Virus as metaphor. New York Times. Available from: opinion/coronavirus-racism-covid.html. 18. Baker M and Fink S. 2020 Mar 31. At the top of the COVID-19 curve, how do hospitals decide who gets treatment?


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