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Letter from the Editor
from Issue 30
Folks, if you're reading this, it means I'm gone. From campus that is! While the class of 2023 has gone off to bigger and better things, Elements first issue of 2023 is coming to you a bit late! We spent the majority of the prior school year developing Elements into a well-oiled machine and I'm extrememely happy with what our team has accomplished.

I'd like to especially thank Professor Amy Fisher in the STHS department. With Professor Fisher's help, we were able to offer a quarter-credit course that produced much of the content you see in front of you! While I may be gone from the University of Puget Sound, I hope that Elements will continue to florish on this campus.
This issue features some weird science, from reanimation to wormholes, we wanted to investigate the lingering questions we were never able to answer in class. Seek out weirdness, embrace the peculiarities of science. This issue is a testament to how strange science truly can be. Thank you all for reading and supporting Elements. I hope you enjoy what the team has created for you.
All the best,

Copy Editor
Austin Glock, Editor-in-Chief

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