Stefano Boeri Architetti
Milan, Italy April 2023 - Ongoing - urban designer and planner urban analysis, urban design, masterplanning
Amsterdam, Netherlands October 2019 - March 2022, architect and urban designer urban analysis, urban design, architectural design
Urbanism Workshop Architecture Workshop
Italian English Spanish
Anupama Kundoo Architects
Madrid, Spain 2018, Internship 6 months - architectural design, exhibition design
Ex Techno Engeneering & consulting srls
Rhinoceros Lumion Vray for C4D Keyshot
Arch. Pierluigi Giansante
Autocad Vectorworks Photoshop Indesign Illustrator Qgis Excel
Rome, Italy 2017, internship 8 months architectural / interiors design, architectural competitions
Rome, Italy 2017, internship 3 months - architectural design
Msc ‘City Resilience Design and Management’ Universidad Internacional de Cataluña - Barcelona, Spain 2021-2022
Presenting Author at “XL AISRe Annual Conference 2019” GSSI - L’Aquila, Italy. Paper: “L’Aquila Post-Post. Beyond the threshold city: from reconstruction to rebalancing. Reuse scenarios for the C.A.S.E. Project.”
Licensed Architect Master Degree - Architectural Design Università degli studi Roma Tre - Rome, Italy 2015-2019. with honours
Bachelor Degree - Architecture Università degli studi Roma Tre - Rome, Italy 2012-2015
2019, Italy
Honorable mention on the “Cemetery in Ferreiras” competition Município de Abufeira - 2017 Published on “l’Annuale degli studenti - architettura al confronto”
HEALTHY LIVING RESIDENTIAL TOWER Located in southern Amsterdam, a former prison complex is being redeveloped. As the winner of a competition alongside OMA and LOLA Landscape Architects, FABRICations is designing a residential tower. True to FABRICations’ interpretation of the term “sustainability”, all scales of the building focus on energy efficiency, social resiliency, material cycles and healthy living.
HOUSING PROJECT IN AMSTERDAM Preliminary phase - development and production 2019 - 2020 office: FABRICations. team: Hein van Lieshout, Wesley Verhoeven, Rebecca Chen, Yana Markos
External Conditions Noise exposure Wind load Guidelines
Circular Material Usage Reuse of harvested elements Facade as a Service
Thermal Grid Collective or individual heat pump
Healthy Urban Living [Lab] Stimulating stair climbing
Smart Electricity Grid Energy production
Energy production Waste cycle
Green-Blue Networks Integration of green in and on building Water collection and storage
Sustainable Mobility Priority slow traffic
Gebouw J
Bajes Kwartier
Gebouw J
Bajes Kwartier
645 m2
Architectonische uitgangspunten Sculpturaal gebouw
645 m2
Architectonische uitgangspunten
09.06.2020 4/25
Sculpturaal gebouw
645 m2
Masterplan Sculptural Building Masterplan Sculpturaal Gebouw
Pixelated Gebouw Uitsparing voor actieve lobby belandt op het dak
645 m2
Masterplan Sculpturaal Gebouw
Pixelated Building Recess for active lobby ends up on the roof Pixelated Gebouw
Uitsparing voor actieve lobby belandt op het dak
Credit rendering: Duong Bui
BUILDING According to the masterplan’s requests, the building is a sculptural mass with space for active lobby with clear entrance. The building has been cutted out, and the resulted volume has been moved to the top. The building has a clear grid: a pattern of 8.4m forms the basis, that has been divided into 3 living conditions, each one with its own typology VOID: The interior common space is carefully carved out to make the entrance visible, it is a green core space, and it forms an elongated vide enlarged from the top to the lobby. the common space is provided by a healthy stairwell, where climbing stairs is stimulated. DWELLINGS: The building is organised in 3 parts, with 3 different living conditions. All the apartments are based on a 2 pixels module, which is a standard apartment. On the ground/ first floor and on the top floors different configurations of duplexes are created, by adding other pixels. this configuration allows flexibility in the organisation of the apartments.
Orientation Each living condition has its own orientation
Stairwell The atrium reacts to the living conditions
Atrium Every living condition is connected to the cathedral
Outdoor areas Volume is divided into clear grid
Standard module
top floors dwelling
Ground floor dwelling
THE GREEN TOWER In collaboration with OMA and Lola Landscape Architects, FABRICations developed the masterplan for a prison complex to be transformed in a neighborhood of the future: the Bajes Kwartier. FABRICations is designing the main hub of this neighborhood, where all the sustainable system come together: the ‘Green Tower’. The tower will host a vertical park, new ways of sustainable energy production, organic food production and organic waste processing. The tower, which used to host female inmates, is transformed to materializes circularity, accessibility and connectivity into an innovative architectural system.
MUTIFUNCTIONAL TOWER IN AMSTERDAM Sketch design phase - development and production 2020 - Ongoing office: FABRICations. team: Lesia Topolnyk, Maria Luz Renuncio, Antonios Manginas, Simone Swanepol
Credit:OMA, Duong Bui
The design of the new Green Tower builds upon the original organizational principle of the tower: three blocks separated by two supporting levels. The lower part - the structurally stronger one - will host all the sustainability-oriented technology and infrastructure for the neighborhood such as WKO and waste transformer, the food production and the climbing facilities. In the middle part - the one which hosted the cells, and therefore the ‘weaker’ one will be opened up and mostly used to host a vertical park, on top of which, at 11th floor, a panoramic net will allow a wonderful view over the park and over the whole city. On the last floor a restaurant with terrace, and a PV-panel structure, that will work as a landmark for the neighborhood. The tower is connected by a ‘yellow route’, a healthy path of exciting staircases which climbs up the whole building and leads the visitors all the way up to the panoramic cafe on the top floor, where food produced in the Green Tower can be consumed. Along the yellow path, visitors can experience public program and resting areas, in direct visual relation with the technical equipment that supports the sustainability processes of the building. Section
Transversal section
View from the net
Ground Floor
RESILIENT URBANIZATION MODEL ‘Spongy Mountain Terraces’ is one of the five concepts of “Cascading Semarang”, a comprehensive urban design strategy developed for the third largest city of Indonesia as part of the Water as Leverage program. The Spongy Mountain Terraces propose an urbanization model to create uphill interventions aiming at reducing the flood risk of downstream areas as well as reducing the landslide risk in endangered zones. The terraces stabilize the water supply throughout the year and increase the resilience of recent and new developments. On an urban scale they will increase sponginess of natural areas and release new land for further development. They will enhance natural spongy capacity of uphill zones and stimulate new urban typologies, which could facilitate new ways of living with water.
The Spongy Mountain Terraces proposal is a new model for a resilient upstream neighborhood in the region and a nature enhancement strategy. The generated qualities can be experienced daily by the inhabitants, living in direct contact with water and biodiversity, within an empowered context for social ties and interaction. Communal space is flexibly adaptable to accommodate water retention and cultural or economical activities, while nature is made more accessible through green links and connections. The urban identity of the Spongy Mountain becomes unique and distinctive, showcasing the innovative features of the proposed living model with a strong iconic impact for the city. In agricultural zones, a new water infrastructure is proposed to increase retention capacity and ensure a consistent water provision all around the year. The water retention of natural zones in enhanced by creating more room for natural water courses, reservoirs and reducing water contamination. The spongy capacity of the river is increased by enlarging the riverbed and preserving the biodiversity around it.
Water strategies
Legend 1. Museum 2. Urban garden 3. Camping 4. Water square 5. Water tower - birdwatching 6. Water playgroung 7. Restaurant 8. Community house
12. Climbing walls 13. New housing development
SCENARIOS FOR A POST DISASTER REGENERATION 10 YEARS AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE An earthquake leaves a city suspended, unable to continue its evolution according to a previous model, but still lacking a new perspective. The city is, therefore, in a state of freezing, between a former that no longer exists and a future that is impossible to imagine: a threshold state. This is the situation in which the city of L’Aquila is, with the reconstruction almost completed, with a suburb that is struggling to find its own identity and urban dignity, and a historic centre which in turn risks no longer playing its original role. “L’Aquila Post-Post” proposes a project to overcome what can be considered a double threshold: on one side, the natural consequences of the earthquake, on the other side the same post-earthquake interventions.
URBAN STRATEGY FOR L’AQUILA CITY Master’s thesis tutor: Mario Cerasoli March 2019 team: Le Hoa Chiara Ngo Dinh
Urban system before the earthquake
Urban system after the earthquake
design scenario
The main element of imbalance is a disproportionately large urban fringe. A strong contrast emerges between the role of the centralized capital city - in crisis due to the collapse of the historical centre - a widespread urban form and an unbalanced functional organization. The critical elements have been accentuated by the emergency interventions: the settlements of the “C.A.S.E.” project are a non temporary purely residencial areas spread across the L’Aquila countryside. The research proposes an alternative strategy to the current one, focusing on the reuse of “C.A.S.E.” areas, defining three structural projects: 99 CASTLES AGRICULTURAL PARK, which connects the farms of L’Aquila’s rural area; “NEIGHBOURHOOD” PROJECT, which aims to regenerate peripheral districts, by creating new local centralities; DURABLE CITY, WELCOMING CITY, two new university districts and technological poles at the gates of the city, an opportunity for experimenting with innovative strategies to imagine a city that in case of catastrophic or critical events can discover a renewed identity, stronger, more current and competitive than before.
concession and demolition of the existing superstructures, except the plates
transitional use of plates under concession
buildings of the C.A.S.E. project maintain their residential function (social housing or student residences)
creation of new neighbourhood with centralities in the open spaces of the C.A.S.E. project
“Durable City” applied research programme: experimentation on “durable” construction.
“Durable” neighbourhood New Underground line
encouraging the formation of creation of temporary an equipment area between structures for events the C.A.S.E. project areas and the nearby settlements
“Welcoming City” project: installation of a layer of temporary structures for reception in case of an emergency.
architectural renovation of buildings, in line with the project carried out by the university and research institutions
ENERGY TRANSITIONS IN RURAL AREAS Forecasting exercise to test integration of sustainable energy sources in rural landscapes. The design integrates technology and nature, adding a new cultural layer
DESIGN SCENARIOS production 2020 office: FABRICations. team: Bas Driessen, Rens Wijnakker
Solar field combined with crops which are compatible with partial shade of solar panels, such as duckweed, cranberries, elephant grass
PV panels along the Dijk
Small solar fields between buildings and small wind turbines in the yard
Solar fields combined with biodiversity. Creation of a ‘Solar Park’
Wind turbines along the N-road
Solar fields in residual areas, and above the roofs of industrial buildings
South-Oriented or east west- oriented PV panel fields in the ‘open country’
SUSTAINABILITY SCAN The sustainability scan consists of an analysis on the neighborhood scale and a building scale assessment. It is an analytical method which investigates the qualities and sensitivities of the urban environment. The scan involves eight challenges that cities will have to face in the near future: mobility, material cycles, energy transition, resilient systems, healthy living, vital economy, socially and culturally connected. It defines a functional program that facilitates the needed performance and shapes a building in such a way that it will fit the required value of context sensitive meanings, which meet the bottom up desires of people and combines these with relevant answers to the top down trends.
URBAN ANALYSIS 2020 office: FABRICations. team: Max Augustijn, Duong Bui, Wesley Verhoeven, Rebecca Chen
WATERSTOF LAB Hydrogen as an option in the sustainable heating supply of homes. The aim of the project, together with the ‘hydrogen lab’ experts, was to implement scenarios and reasearch regarding the development of the usage of hydrogen in the built environment, and the creation of the wireframing for an informative website.
CONSULTANCY FOR VISUALIZATION production 2021-2022 office: FABRICations. team: Max Augustijn, M.Luz Renuncio
Under what circumstances does hydrogen come into the picture for making the heat supply of a district more sustainable? The Climate Agreement requires us to reduce CO2 by 95% in 2050 compared to 1990, divided over industry, the built environment, mobility and the agricultural sector. In 2030 it has been agreed that the first 1.5 million existing homes shall be made sustainable. There are several energy options, and Hydrogen is one of them, for homes and one million buildings by 2050.
This lab also investigated whether hydrogen can become part of the energy mix for making the built environment more sustainable, to better estimate how much hydrogen can be produced and/or imported, how much of it is needed for the housing and building stock that can qualify for hydrogen and what it costs compared to other energy sources. There are of course many dependencies, which means that the previous statements are still uncertain.
? In which types of homes and neighborhoods is hydrogen a realistic option, assuming it becomes widely available?
Korte termijn
Lange Termijn
A roadmap of the pilot projects in the Netherlands
“Happy the man who has Phyllis before his eyes each day and who never ceases seeing the things it contains,” you cry, with regret at having to leave the city when you can barely graze it with your glance. But it so happens that, instead, you must stay in Phyllis and spend the rest of your days there. Soon the city fades before your eyes, the rose windows are expunged, the statues on the corbels, the domes. [...] Phyllis is a space in which routes are drawn between points suspended in the void. [...] Your footsteps follow not what is outside the eyes, but what is within, buried, erased. Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities - 1972
thank you