1 minute read
Figure 3
in 2010 scoTland had The sixth hiGhest homiciDe rate in The world and The hiGhesT in wesTern europe. GlasGow is The scoTTish ciTy wiTh The hiGhesT homicide raTe. GlasGow is on a process of helpinG iTs ciTizens By TarGeTinG The issues iT has. poverty, unemployment anD lack of eDucational opportunities are some of Them. a 2008 world healTh orGanizaTion reporT noTed ThaT in GlasGow ’ s calTon disTricT, The averaGe life expecTancy for males is only 54 years old. BoTh men and women are more likely To die of alcohol-relaTed deaThs in GlasGow Than anywhere else in The uk. i
Figure 4: Aerial view of Glasgow
Figure 5. Job seeker’s allowance claimants
GlasGow has one of The hiGhest percentaGes in JoB seeker’s allowance claimants.
110,000 people (nearly 30 % of GlasGow ’ s workinG aGe populaTion) are unemployed, a raTe ’ s ThaT ’ s 50% hiGher Than ThaT of The resT of scoTland or The uk. GlasGow has The hiGhesT proporTion of people claiminG iB – The means TesTed GovernmenT allowance for JoB seekers workinG fewer Than 16 hours per week – in all of The uk. ii
Figure 6. Scottish Index of Multible Deprivation
in GlasGow, 202,000 GlasweGians (around 32% of The ciTy ’ s populaTion) resides in the most DepriveD 10% areas in scotlanD. 298,000 people reside in The mosT deprived 20% areas. around 4% of The populaTion (27,000 people) live in The least DepriveD 10%.
over The recenT years, The level of deprivaTion in GlasGow has Been reduced. mosT deprived neiGhBourhoods: - possilpark - wellhouse - sT rollox - ruchazie - drumchapel - dalmarnock - easTerhouse - Govan - camlachie - parkhead
Figure 7: The Clyde