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demoGraphics possilpark ruchill
populaTion ToTal: 10,963 people
Figure 20
Figure 21
unemployment anD low eDucation are much hiGher than the national averaGe (1 in 3 local younG people are noT currenTly in educaTion, TraininG or employmenT). a few years afTer The closure of The saracen foundry, in 1970s, The unemploymenT levels were over 60% makinG possilpark one of The hiGhesT deprived neiGhBourhoods. everyThinG else sTarTed declininG (shops, housinG, schools...) and social proBlems rose (druG and alcohol use). The economic downTurn has sTalled efforTs in recenT years To BrinG new developmenTs To The area, while The levels of vacanT land conTinue To neGaTively impacT The local communiTy, environmenT, and economy vii .
on averaGe women in possilpark life lonGer than men, almosT 7 years. BuT, possilpark has The lowesT life expecTancy of GlasGow neiGhBourhood for BoTh female and male. a hiGh percenTaGe of people are limiteD ‘a lot’ By a DisaBility. around 2620 people are considered income DepriveD. possilpark conTains The mosT healTh deprived daTa zone in The enTire counTry. There is a hiGher numBer of local people (37%) wiTh one or more lonG term health conDitions compared wiTh GlasGow (13%). 1 in 3 people claim out of work Benefits.