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Before 1870s, possilpark was only a place wiTh a mansion and a home farm wiTh few residenTs. macfarlane BouGhT 0.40 km2 of The esTaTe includinG The house, on which To Build a vasT new works. he renamed The esTaTe possilpark, which Grew from a populaTion of 10 people in 1872, To 10,000 By 1891iv

Figure 12



The Grid layouT of possilpark was descriBed By The Then GlasGow Town council as: “... one of the finest And best conducted in glAsgow, And the new suburb of possilpArk, lAid out by them with skill And intelligence, is rApidly becoming An importAnt Addition to the greAt city.” v



the saracen founDry of walTer macfarlane & co. was The mosT iconic BuildinG in possilpark iT was The most important manufacturer of ornamenTal ironwork in scoTland. Figure 13

under The housinG acT was The focus of inTense There are around 2000 had Been consTrucTed prior The second world war

were Built to cater for the

after the worlD war ii, The comBinaTion of The collapse of The BriTish empire, The move away from sTeam power and The adapTaTion of new desiGns and maTerials leads To The Decline of the saracen founDry. afTer a Take over of The company in 1965, The works closed and The infrasTrucTure was demolished in 1967. vi


Figure 16

a sporTs cenTre (millennium cenTre) was consTrucTed To hiGhliGhT The reBirTh of possilpark BuT has since closed down. however The area is improvinG wiTh BeTTer sTandards in The communiTy and a sTraThclyde police crackdown on The overflowinG druG wars and usaGe.


Figure 18

T of 1919, possilpark ense housinG developmenT. 2000 houses in The area ThaT prior To The ouTBreak of ar. schools anD cinemas

the GrowinG community.

Figure 15


wiThin 15 years of The cloThinG of saracen foundry, possilpark had Become The huB of the GlasGow heroin traDe. The unemploymenT levels were over 60%. hiGh porTions of possilpark were desTroyed and loTs of people were forced To move To oTher areas. Figure 17

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