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The pandemic has Turned our GloBalised economy inTo hyper-local communiTies wiThin The Blink of an eye. we will focus on researchinG and esTaBlishinG conTacT wiTh your ‘villaGe’, explorinG ideas of recovery alonGside ThaT communiTy and developinG proJecTs ThaT will have a direcT response.

our uniT Goals are To explore creaTive responses To urGencies in GlasGow, some of which have Been worsened By The pandemic; explore communiTies wiThin GlasGow To adopT a hyper-local response.; and To work wiTh exisTinG Groups wiThin The idenTified 'villaGes' To collaBoraTe and have an acTionaBle desiGn ouTpuT.


we wanT To Be parT of ThaT chanGe, enGaGinG wiTh real life clienTs, collaBoraTinG wiTh oTher disciplines and developinG ideas and proJecTs ThaT we can action now.

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