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possilpark sTudy
as discussed on This chapTer, possilpark is one of The mosT deprived neiGhBourhoods in uk. This map shows The relation Between health Deprivation anD crime. The spaces wiThouT heaTh deprivaTion are The indusTrial parTs of possilpark.
This map shows The residenTial and The indusTrial areas. There are Three main inDustrial areas in possilpark. There are noT many residenTial areas in possilpark, havinG loTs of vacanT land around.
Figure 24
Figure 26 in possilpark There are loTs of vacant/ Derelict lanD. nearly 50% of possilpark is a derelicT/vacanT land. in GlasGow people live around 500m of a derelicT land.
This map shows The leisure spaces in possilpark. There is a shoppinG cenTre on saracen sTreeT (main sTreeT), a skaTe park on The souTh of possilpark and a waTer sporTs faciliTy in The canal.