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new developmenTs

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Figure 28


Figure 29

Figure 30

Figure 31


hamilTonhill is a £90 million developmenT of more Than 600 new houses. firsTly will Be 177 homes for social renT and 24 homes for sale. The proJecT is desiGned By collecTive archiTecTure and a mix of me-

Dium-rise flats, cottaGe flats anD terrace housinG.

There will also Be provision for five parks ThrouGhouT The overall developmenT includinG a communiTy Garden.


The cowlairs reGeneraTion includes 850 new homes and a new park. iT reflecTs a shifT in lifesTyle comBininG The BenefiTs of urBan livinG in a qualiTy environmenT wiTh naTural spaces and usaBle pracTical puBlic space ThaT can Be proGrammed and used By The communiTy. The puBlic shareD space will allow The residenTs To parTicipaTe in GrowinG Their place and conTriBuTe in creaTinG a susTainaBle communiTy.


The reGeneraTion of dundashill By scoTTish canals and BiG reGeneraTion promoTes a susTainaBle approach To The fuTure TransformaTion of The former diaGio disTillery siTe ThrouGh The commissioninG of a Development masterplan and The advance implemenTaTion of a lanDscape infrastructure framework. Taken ToGeTher The masTerplan and landscape framework will resTrucTure The fuTure developmenT of up To 620 homes emBeddinG The creaTion of disTincTive places and a resilienT landscape.

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