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communiTy cenTres healTh faciliTies
possilpoinT communiTy cenTre is manaGed By GlasGow life on Behalf of GlasGow ciTy council as a resource for The local communiTy. ix
a fully purpose-BuilT cenTre desiGned To caTer for people wiTh disaBiliTies. we also offer hirinG faciliTies for people lookinG To hold evenTs or meeTinGs in our cenTre and wiThin a unique norTh GlasGow environmenT. x
Figure 33
nG homes
provide qualiTy homes and on-GoinG communiTy reGeneraTion and empowermenT
younG people’sfuture
is a chariTaBle company workinG wiTh children and younG people aGed 5-18 years ThaT provides drop-in Based diversionary acTiviTiesxi
mosT of The cenTres in possilpark are communiTy cenTres, There are no places dedicaTed To menTal healTh. GarscuBe house turninG point scotlanD focuses on people wiTh alcohol anD DruG aBuse. possilpark healTh and care cenTre iT is a nhs faciliTy.
‘Poverty and deprivation are words that have been attributed to Glasgow for too long. As an association, we are committed to building a community which can flourish and prosper in Possilpark. This is something that takes time, resources and patience’ - Robert Tamburini, Chief executive of NG Homes -
younG people’sfuture
younG people ’ s fuTures, also known as younG possil fuTures is a charitaBle company. iT works wiTh children and younG people BeTween 5-18 years olD. The sTaff memBers work Towards proviDinG services to everyone that neeDs it.
Types of supporT: - one To one parenTinG supporT Tailored To individual needs and care plans. - advocacy work on Behalf of individuals ( shorT Term, lonG Term ) - parenTinG proGrams usinG Triple p, Triple p for Teens, manaGinG challenGinG Behaviour. - prevenTaTive and responsive work wiTh families, BoTh adulTs and younG people, on a ranGe of issues. - ouTreach and home visiTs providinG pracTical and emoTional supporT. - flexiBle ouT of hour ’ s response, includinG eveninGs and weekends and holiday periods. - holiday proGrams for families To provide fun and respiTe as well as helpinG To Build posiTive aTTachmenTs and relaTionships BeTween parenTs and children. xii
Lack of opportunity and facilities is a major disadvantage within these areas for not only young people but the wider community. Young people are not given opportunity to have a voice in the development of their areas and are not listened to; their creativity and aspirations are often over-looked.
‘Children and young people are living within households that have addiction problems, mental health and physical health problems as well as having a low income within the household. Through bringing young people together from many different communities we are working towards breaking down territorial barriers that can also be disadvantageous to them.’ - Young People’s Future -xiii
types of support: - several services To improve healTh and well-BeinG ThaT provide pracTical, emoTional and social supporT. - all services are recovery focussed and offer personal supporT. - They work To enhance menTal healTh By prevenTinG and addressinG menTal healTh proBlems, BuT we also promoTe menTal well-BeinG which includes BoTh how people feel – Their emoTions and life saTisfacTion – and Their life circumsTances – meaninGful relaTionships wiTh oThers, havinG purpose in life and personal conTrol over decisions which affecT Them. xiv
Figure 34
i.roc sTands for individual recovery ouTcomes counTer (i.roc) is an ouTcome measuremenT Tool creaTed By penumBra. iT measures The recovery Journey of The people usinG penumBra as a help To improve Their menTal healTh.
The score Goes from 1 (never) To 6 (all The Time). This score is Take every 3 monThs To see The developmenT of The people.
penumBra has 4 main topics in which they focus on: - home: a place where you feel safe anD comfortaBle. a place where you can move forward in life, noT JusT a roof over your head or a shelTer. - opportunity: educaTion, leisure, recreaTion, volunTeerinG or workinG; somethinG meaninGful to Do. - people: your friends, family, confidanTes.. are imporTanT in someone ’ s life. iT is imporTanT To reBuilt those personal
anD social networks.
- empowerment: always BeinG involved in any Decisions