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douGhnuT economics

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The challenGe of our Times is ThaT we musT move wiThin The douGhnuT ’ s Boundaries from BoTh sides simulTaneously, in ways ThaT promote the

well-BeinG of all people anD the health of the whole planet.


vision To Be ‘a ThrivinG, reGeneraTive and inclusive ciTy for all ciTizens, while respectinG the planetary BounDaries ’xviii

humaniTy has already overshoT aT leasT four planeTary Boundaries (climaTe chanGe, niTroGen & phosphorus loadinG, land conversion and BiodiversiTy loss) - and air polluTion and chemical polluTion are unquanTified.

The reD weDGes show shortfall anD overshoot of The douGhnuT ’ s social and planeTary Boundaries.

currenT siTuaTion

implemenTinG new ways To improve menTal and physical healTh

Figure 41

fuTure si 5 years

‘A compAss for humAn prosperity in the 21st century, with the Aim of meeting the needs of All people within the meAns of the living plAnet.’

sustainaBle Development Goals of the

uniteD nations. These are: - food securiTy - healTh - educaTion - income and work - peace and JusTice - poliTical voice - social equiTy - Gender equaliTy - housinG - neTworks - enerGy - waTer The ecoloGical ceilinGs are from The planetary BounDaries. These are: - climaTe chanGe - ocean acidificaTion - chemical polluTion - niTroGen and phosphorus loadinG - freshwaTer wiThdrawals - land conversion - BiodiversiTy loss - air polluTion - ozone layer depleTion

Figure 40

siTuaTion years

Figure 42

ideal yeT realisTic siTuaTion

Figure 43



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