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hamilTon claypiTs local naTure reserve

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Green Space

The claypiTs is a BeauTiful parkland in possilpark. There are deer and many Bird species around. iT is an important Green space for The people in possilpark.

in The lasT 30 years There have Been maJor iniTiaTives for The siTe (a communiTy farm which closed in The mid 80s, a Bmx Track now overGrown and a communiTy woodland creaTed in The 1990s. There hasn ’ T Been a consisTenT communiTy ownership of The siTe over These years. children have played around This siTe for 3 or 4 GeneraTions and many local people have fond memories of playinG in The canal area of The clay piT.

This siTe could Be a possiBle main site. iT is already a used park for JoGGinG, walkinG, family Time... in This main siTe There would Be an improvemenT of The currenT park wiTh The addiTion of The feaTure already discussed durinG This puBlicaTion. respectinG the past But openinG a winDow for the future.

Figure 59

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