Avon_Visual Strategy Guide (Student Project)

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Table of Contents “Although beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, the feeling of being beautiful exists solely in the mind of the beheld.” —Martha Beck





Description History Avon Women Timeline



Rebranding Objective Keyword Mission Statement Brand Grid





04 COMPETITION Current Competitors Adjacent Competitors Future Competitors




DESCRIPTION Avon is a beauty brand that was founded in 19th century by David McConnell. The company does everything from makeup, skin care, fragrance, jewelry, fashion, home and wellness. Avon always believed in empowering women, by making them the representative of the brand but also in supporting several causes and foundations. HISTORY Avon was founded by the American business man David H. McConnell in 1886. McConnell was first a book salesperson and he would give beauty products as gifts. With that he realized that people were more interested in those free samples than the actual books themselves. He then founded Avon which was a perfume company at first, and would recruit a team of women to be the Sales Representatives, and sell the product. Being the fifth beauty company worldwide, Avon sells everything from: cosmetic, household and personal care products. The brand takes care of the customers and representatives, making sure everyone belongs to one safe community.


AVON / Visual Strategy Guide

AVON WOMEN In the Avon history, women are at the very core of the brand and helped build up the brand to where it is today. When it all started women didn’t even had the right to vote, they didn’t even have financial independence whatsoever. But one women, the first woman from within the Avon’s history confronted these conventions, when she became the first Avon sales representative—Mrs. Persis Foster Eames Albee. Mrs Albee was born in 1836 and was known for her style and savvy, which attracted right away the attention of the Avon founder David H. McConnell. He then made her the first traveling salesperson, for the company. She helped to build a community within the Avon brand, by recruiting other saleswoman. By doing so, Albee empowered all these women by giving them a respectable position in the business industry, all that 34 years before they had the right to vote. Ann Meany who was one of the company’s first employees that Albee hired, wrote about Mrs Persis in her memoirs: “She was about 60 in 1985 and was still making trips, working almost entirely under Mr. McConnell’s direction. “



Today, Avon Representatives have really placed Mrs Albee on a pedestal—literally. Albee’s persistence and goals shows us that no matter what dreams we have in life, big or small, we all have to go after them. Her story is an inspiration to each and every women out there, and that’s what Avon is all about.


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CPC expands and issue its first brochure.

CPC changes it’s name to Avon, and it’s logo and name is used on a cosmetics line.



1957 1929


CPC expands to Montreal, Canada making the company’s first international expansion.

CPC (California Perfume Company) was founded by the American business man David H. McConnell in 1886.

Avon reaches at 100,000 Representatives and the company breaks the $100 million sales mark.



Avon Products, Inc. and New Avon LLC becomes two

Avon starts selling jewelry and becomes the biggest jewelry manufacturer worldwide.

separate companies.

The Avon Foundation launches its domestic violence program, “Speak Out Against Domestic Violence�.


2014 2016



The Avon Foundation introduces the Justice Institute on Gender Based Violence.

Avon UK launches the Breast Cancer Crusade by selling a Crusade pin to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer.


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REBRANDING OBJECTIVE Avon is a beauty brand that was founded in 19th A company that was mainly founded for women, to make them feel confident and strong. In their current logo, the tagline “the company for women” reinforces the mission that Avon is all about. The goal of this rebranding is the push the Avon brand even further than what it is today. I believe that empowering women comes from every aspect not only from a physical point of view. We can develop Avon so that its there for women in all aspects of their lives. We want to teach women to protect themselves and their inner beauty. Everyone deserves to feel confident and empowered, and that’s not only done by feeling beautiful from the outside, the better, healthier you feel the more beautiful you will feel in return.


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“Avon’s mission is all about helping women to not only be beautiful but to feel beautiful. We empower and educate these women to live their healthiest and happiest life.”



WELLNESS Making sure our customers are feeling good in their own skin by taking care of their health.

EMPOWERMENT We want every women to feel empowered and proud of who she is and who she wants to become.

BALANCE Providing a balanced and healthier lifestyle choice, so that women can live their happiest lives.


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BRAND GRID Who We Were Old fashioned ClichĂŠ Fragile


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Who We Are Free Healthy Strong


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AVON / Visual Strategy Guide

THE INFLUENCER Gabriella Silva, 25 years old

Gabriella swears by brands such as Bare Minerals, Too Faced and Avon because each brand has exactly the product she needs to feel confident. Her mom was a makeup artists for a famous TV channel in Rio so she taught her everything she needed to know about make up.

NATIONALITY Brazilian LOCATION New York OCCUPATION Instagram Influencer MAKEUP Lipstick

Gabriella collaborates with several brands through Instagram, that has helped her to gain followers and popularity. She decided to quit her boring job to become an influencer because she wants to encourage other people to just be whoever they want to be and not be scared to show it. Her go to product is lipstick, because she can match the color of her lips to her mood and outfit. She says that the color of the lipstick someone is wearing says it all about their personality. Gabriella was an introvert before she found a way to express herself through her make up, and now she wants to share that with her followers.



THE LAWYER Hui Ying Kim, 35 years old

Hui Ying decided to drop out of medical school after the first year and decided to follow her dream of becoming a successful lawyer instead.


She always wanted to please her parents and do whatever they told her to do, but she quickly understood that if she wants to be happy she had to follow her dreams. When she’s not defending clients she’s outdoors running or in a gym. Practicing sport in a regular basis makes her feel more confident. She’s eats very healthy and always cooks at home so she can watch better what she makes for herself. Running makes her feel strong, in control and confident. Hui Ying takes care of herself, she eats healthy and has a self care routine, that she sticks too. Her make up is very subtle and allows her to show her natural beauty and features.


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THE COOL GRANDMA Marcia Miller, 59 years old

Marcia loves spending time with her grand children because they make her feel energetic and young. Marcia worked for different museum and galleries before she opened her own.


Opening her own gallery was a big step forward for her because it makes her feel in control.

OCCUPATION Curator MAKEUP Anti-Aging Cream

She’s also a volunteer of the Women Foundation of Oregon, and helps the board with their events. Marcia takes very good care of her skin, she applies day and night cream on a daily basis, it makes her feel beautiful. It took her a long time to be where she is today, but she always pushed through and never gave up on her dreams. She regularly goes for check ups, because Marcia knows she’s getting older so she needs to be careful with her health.



THE PROTECTIVE MOM Karen Davis, 30 years old

Karen just gave birth to her second child, her husband and her decided she would stay at home the first year, so she can take care of their newborn baby. NATIONALITY American LOCATION San Francisco OCCUPATION Stay at home mom MAKEUP Concealer

Although she loves staying at home to look after her baby she’s very tired and the circles around her eyes show that. She doesn’t have time to wear any make up, but to hide her fatigue she puts her favorite concealer on. She regularly practice yoga at home, because it relaxes her and makes her feel good. She can’t wait to go back at work, where she is a Graphic Designer for Pinterest. Her husband always encouraged her to pursue her goals, he helped to grow and become the woman she is today. She attends a lot of creative talks because she loves to hear about others journey and success.


AVON / Visual Strategy Guide

THE STUDENT Lola García, 19 years old

Lola is an international student from Argentina, and decided to study abroad. The health insurance from her school is very expensive so she doesn’t want to ask her parents to pay extra for this.


She has a health insurance at home, that covers a little if something happens while she’s here in the US.


She would love to find a women’s clinic so she can at least, go for check ups for everything that’s related to women’s health. Lola loves sport, she runs around the city, it’s a good way for her to get familiar with the place and stay active at the same time. . Her studies are very stressful on her and she wants to succeed, so she pushes herself harder. Her parents want her to go back home after she graduates but she wants to find a job so she can stay in the US.



THE GAME DEVELOPER Paola Pérez, 34 years old

Paola has always been used to the fact that there is more men in her industry than women, but that didn’t stop her to become the best developer she could be. NATIONALITY Mexican LOCATION Chicago OCCUPATION Game Developer MAKEUP Eye Shadow

She felt a little intimidated when she got her first interview but she showed she deserved the spot more than anyone else. Paola grew up in a family with 4 brothers, so that made her into a woman with strong personality and mental. Her parents always pushed her to have some goals in life and do everything she can to achieve these goals. She is working really hard to create her own independent game company, which she decided to do before she was 40. Paola always loved make up and she’s not scared of applying too much, especially when it comes to eye shadow. Being a single mom pushed her to always work twice as hard so that her children don’t miss anything.


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THE BANKER Andrew Smith, 44 years old

Andrew works a lot and doesn’t have a lot of free time, when he does he prefers to chill at home with his girlfriend. His girlfriend cooks healthy meals for him because otherwise he would only eat junk food.

NATIONALITY Canadian LOCATION Toronto OCCUPATION Personal Banker MAKEUP Moisturizer

She’s the one who buys all the products for Andrew and her. Although he doesn’t take much care about his appearance, he does apply moisturizing cream on a daily basis. Although he’s not often at home when he is he tries everything to make his girl happy. Andrew goes to the gym with his buddy Carl from time to time. He works hard because he wants to save up and start a family soon.



THE ANTI MAKEUP Caterina Moretti, 26 years old

Caterina lives in Rome where she grew up with her family.


She never really cared about wearing make up or wearing fancy clothes, she always thought that being comfortable was the most important thing. Her mom always told her to wear a little lipstick but she never really did, except from gloss. She has a sensitive skin and so she is really careful on what kind of moisturizing creams she puts on. The rest she just prefers to avoid all together. Her boyfriend loves the fact that she’s natural, and tells her she’s beautiful the way she is. She never felt comfortable wearing any makeup and her skin looks good naturally. Caterina always hated the fact that beauty products were tested on animal that is one of the reasons why she never wanted to buy any product.


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CURRENT COMPETITORS Avon’s current competitors are all in the beauty industry. Those are makeup and skin care brands in the that have the same mission and goal than Avon.





Revlon is an American cosmetics, skin

L’Oreal is a French world leader in the beauty de-

care, personal care and fragrance comp-

partment. The company was founded in 1909 by

any founded in 1932 by Charles Revson.

Eugene Schueller.

The brand is all about beauty, glamour and perfection.

BENEFIT The San Francisco based cosmetic brand founded


in 1976 by the couple Jean and Jane Ford. The mis-

MAC is now part of the Estee Lauder Group,

sion is to create products to express who they are

and was established in Toronto, Canada in

best, for every women.

1984. The brand was all about looking good on camera, that’s how the brand first came to life.

SEPHORA The French multi national chain for personal care and beauty product was founded in 1969. Their all


about encouraging women with their bold choices

Nars is a French based company that was

in life.

founded in 1994. The brand is all about empowering women, to experiment and have fun with make up.

MAYBELLINE Maybelline is the number 1 American cosmetic brand founded in 1915. Their goal is to aspire


people to express their individual personalities to

The American company founded in 1946 is

the fullest.

all about helping women look and feel their most beautiful self.

CLINIQUE Clinique Laboratories is an American manufac-


turer founded 1968. The mission is to be the most

Covergirl is an American cosmetics company

prestigious and trusted within the beauty brands.

founded in 1989. The brand push people to be their unique selves through makeup.


AVON / Visual Strategy Guide

ADJACENT COMPETITORS Avon’s adjacent competitors are companies that are still in the beauty department somehow but without selling cosmetics. These brands sell products for women to make them feel good about themselves.





Urban Decay is all about empowering

Protector & Gamble is an American consumer

women, from the products they create to

goods company. The brand swears by its people

the causes they support.

and values by which they live.



Lush’s mission is to make their products

24 Hour Fitness believe in a healthier generation.

by hand using only vegetarian and natural

They want people to be and fell good.

ingredients, with as little as preservatives as they can.

FABLETICS Fabletics which was founded by the American


Actress Kate Hudson is all about inspiring woman

The American luxury fitness gym describes

to stay active in their everyday life.

itself as a temple of well-being.



The Body Shop was founded in England in 1976,

The American company Glossier say that

and they believe in dedicating themselves in pur-

they are inspired by what girls need in real

suing a social and environmental change.

life. They help women feel confident.



Victoria Secret is one of the largest American

Barbie believes they have a responsibility to

lingerie manufacturer was founded in 1977. Their

girls and parents to reflect a broader view

models who are called Angels were for a long time

of beauty.

viewed as the meaning of beauty.


AVON / Visual Strategy Guide

FUTURE COMPETITIORS Future competitors of Avon are companies that are all about women’s wellness and empowerment. These companies are currently where Avon will be with this rebranding. The goal is making the brand be more than a conventional beauty brand that is about the physical aspect, but push it towards the inner beauty.





Fitbit is all about empowering and inspiring

The Woman’s Health Magazine is the to-go

people to live healthier, and more active life.

destination for woman for workout advice, health

DOVE Dove is all about inner beauty. To give the

choices, weight loss tips and so on. They cover woman’s health on every aspects.

confidence to women to feel beautiful just


the way they are.

The American non-profit health care organization

LULULEMON The American retail chain wants women to live a longer, healthier and more fun life. ALWAYS Always empowers women to live life without limits through trusted feminine hygiene products and education. GNC General Nutrition Centers is the largest American company that sells health and nutrition components. Their mission is to improve peoples quality of life.

believes in promoting the ability of all individuals to lead fulfilled lives, build healthy families, and make informed decisions through high-quality health services. WHOLE FOODS Whole Foods is an American supermarket chain that has the only purpose of nourishing people and the planet, with the best products. HONEST BEAUTY Honest Beauty is a wellness brand with values that are rooted in consciousness, community transparency and design. NOOM Noom are all about creating products to help people live healthier lives. They provide a personalized plan that makes a balance, healthy life attainable and fun.


“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.” —Sophia Loren

MOVING FORWARD After identifying where the Avon brand was standing and where it needs to be with this rebranding, we are moving on to the next phase. In the next book we will develop and research the visual look and feel of our brand.

DESIGN Elena Van Der Westhuizen CLASS GR 604 Nature of Identity Hunter Wimmer Spring 2019 TYPOGRAPHY Basic Sans PHOTOGRAPHY Adobe Stock Unsplash

This is a non-commercial style guide and is intended for educational purposes only. This does not reflect or represent the Avon brand. This book was created as part of a project for Academy of Art University.

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