What’s the relationship between Don and Sylvia like? How does it change from the beginning to the end of this story? What do you think it will be like in the future?
Don and Sylvia were married in the past, but Don’s job forced him to spend many days away from his family. Because of this Sylvia felt alone and decided to break off their marriage. That hurt Don who took a job in the Pacific Islands trying to get away from pain. He spent a whole year in which he realized how important his family was in his life and how he missed them, so he came back to try to repair the damage. At the beginning of the story, Sylvia and Don’s relationship is cold and distant, but their love starts to reappear, moreover, the Sylvia’s new boyfriend is a stupid businessman, busier than Don has ever been. Along the story the relationship changes, and the experience that they live together, finally, joins them again. I think, in the future, things may not change. In fact, they could be worst. Now Judy is fourteen, she is a teenager yet, and she will become more independent, and she won’t want to spend with her parents as many hours as when she was younger. Don doesn’t have enough money to set up the flying school and he will have to leave his job if he wants to stay more time with his wife. Leaving his job will probably make him unhappy, because it is his real passion.
Which character have you liked the least? Give reason for your answer including a description of the character.
The worst character in the story is Patrick Forsha, He is the typical, stupid, selfish and coward without scruples business man of the TV films. He is tall with shiny black hair and wears a light business suit. As a good “evil man” he designs a stupid plan to separate Don and Sylvia that finally has the opposite effect.
Judy proves to be a very brave girl during the story. Why?
Judy proves to be incredibly brave several times during the story. First she survives a plane crash and watches how a friend of the family dies, but she forgets that quickly and goes on with the journey. Later she proves that she is also intrepid catching and breaking in wild horses. Then, when her father falls from the horse and breaks his leg she must look for help by herself. Finally, when she is kidnapped she designs a plan to rescue her father and capture the bad guys. PASS