What’s the relationship between Don and Sylvia like? How does it change from the beginning to the end of this story? What do you think it will be like in the future ? At the beginning of the book, Don and her wife Sylvia feel like strange persons. They love each other, but the year Don spent out of home, made Sylvia find a new life. At the end, and without the character of Forsha, they felt the old love that made them get married. In my opinion, in the future, they will live together some time above all for their daughter, but the year that they lived separated would made them divorced .
Who has been your favourite character in this story? Give reason for your answer, includi ng a description of that character. My favorite character is Judy. She is very young, but in the most important moments, she shows big determination, strong faith and a very good heart. Her adventurous spirit and the love that she feels for her father, makes her go on and on to help her father.
Write a different ending to the story . When Forsha showed them his FBI credentials, nobody could believe that he would be the infiltrator. All the operation was right, but the final complications made it very risk. ‘At the end everything was good, and that`s the most important’ said Forsha. He apologized to Sylvia and Judy for not telling them all the truth, but he was not allowed to do it. The operation lasted for four years, and the government could not run the risk of losing all their job. Sylvia understood his situation, and they lived together for about five years, but the continuous secret operations made them become strange people.