4.3 Portfolio

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[eleni economidou] 2013



Volume 4 M.Arch 5th year

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

Studio 4.3


© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

MSA MArch 2013 [Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

Studio 4.3 Portfolio


[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

Economidou E.

Eleni Economidou _MArch Master of Architecture 2013 Manchester School of Architecture University of Manchester Manchester Metropolitan University Year 5

T: +447598942804 E: economidou.eleni@gmail.com economidou.eleni@stu.mmu.ac.uk

© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412


MSA MArch 2013

Studio 4.3


[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412


MSA MArch 2013

Studio 4.3


[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism


MArch Master of Architecture 2013 - 5th year works Vol. 1 - Data Derivé | Fall 2012 | Studio 4.1 Vol. 2 - CCCP | Winter 2012 | Technology B: 16180002(B) Vol. 3 - Creature - Feature | Winter 2012 | Studio 4.2 Vol. 4 - Prototypes and Assemblies | Spring 2013 | Studio 4.3 Vol. 5 - Concrete Testing Journal | Spring 2013 | MMMC Vol. 6 - Age-friendly cities | Spring 2013 | Events Week | instructors: Nick Dunn, Richard Brook, Vikram Kaushal | © Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412


MSA MArch 2013

4.3 Re_build: making & materials


Studio 4.3

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism


MArch Master of Architecture 2013 - 5th year works Data Derivé | Fall 2012 | Studio 4.1 Creature - Feature | Winter 2012 | Studio 4.2 Prototypes and Assemblies | Spring 2013 | Studio 4.3 | instructors: Nick Dunn, Richard Brook, Vikram Kaushal |

© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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MSA MArch 2013

Studio 4.3

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

Contents: 0.0 - Preface 0.1 - Roof plan - model 1.0 - Precedents

1.0- precedents - Roof structure

2.0 - Roof Structure development 2.1 - Roof Plan Model 3.0 - Circuit implementation 3.1 - Model and arduino circuit development

3.2 - Arduino coding

3.3 - Animated video

3.4 - Making of the 1:5 model

3.5 - Model

4.0 - Making of the 1:50 model

4.1 - Roof plan

4.2 - Metal bars arranged onto the roof structure

4.3 - Creating shafts for the metal bars

4.4 - Roof structure: View from above

4.5 - Roof structure: Close-ups

4.6 - Servo rotation

4.7 - Putting the pulleys on the bars

4.8 - Applying the belts on the pulleys

4.9 - Attaching the arduino circuit with the servo motor

4.10 -Video animation of the model’s movement


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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

0.0 preface



idle - at surfa

- Temperature via a

temperature sensor - Humidity percentage via a humidity sensor parameters checked: - minimum 6h of sunlight if True -> do nothing else -> illuminate the structure with


(replicate sunlight)

>>Brief: Re_build: making & materials

- Humidity>90%

if True :> close the shield if False ->do nothing - For Temperature

<13C or >30C


Do ->close the panels.



Creating a moving model which consists a further synthesis of my 4.2 submission, a chance to illustrate and consolidate the range of skills I have acquired from this year in Re_map and summarise my progress in this atelier. My model specifically is a roof structure with moving panels that open and close according to the humidity and temperature live data of the environment that the Arduino connected sensor receives. Learning outcomes: Extension of the basic knowledge of Arduino scripting acquired through the workshops and individual research and further knowledge in the field of digital fabrication. Studio 4.3

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- kinetik energy using motors - light switching


rigid origami solar/humidity shield

Fig. 0.1 Site’s solar data

Use of Tessegration folding patterns to crea shading system according to the solar analysis

needed parameters.

[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

Fig. 0.3 Roof section selected to model. The holes are parametrically designed according to the solar radiation data collected from Autodesk Ecotect in order to provide ventilation and keep the temperature and humidity levels inside the building within the limits that the crops are able to grow.

Fig. 0.2 perspective of roof using solar data according to the site’s location © Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

0.1 Roof plan model Test creating an ellipses’ pattern on the surface, using Ecotect solar analysis data, which will host a pivoting interactive component (reflective glazing)- moving according to live sunlight data and current humidity levels.

Further testing of pivoting solar and humidity shield/ reflective panels pattern: Use of solar analysis data using Autodesk Ecotect as the parameter definition in parametric design using the Grasshopper plug-in for Rhino 3D. Studio 4.3

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Fig. 0.3 Roof plan laser cut onto a 3mm perspex at a scale of 1:50

[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

-perspective showing the roof part modelled in 1:50

Fig. 0.4 perspective showing the roof part that is going to be modelled © Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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MSA MArch 2013


Studio 4.3

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism


The extruded red, blue and pink circles draw ventilation inside each of the venues and also create tension nodes for the steel structure beneath the white skin. Some natural light permeates this PVC membrane, while entrances are contained inside all the spots that meet the ground.

precedentsRoof structure

The buildings are naturally ventilated with the introduction of a second inner membrane - the 2m-wide void between the inner and outer fabric skins provides an insulation layer and initiates an airflow, with warm air rising and exiting through the high level ventilation extracts and cooler fresh air being drawn in at low level. After the Games, the fabric, tensioning rings and connectors will be transported to new event locations. As the architect puts it: “There is no waste and the venue won’t leave a trace.”

In order to develop a more sustainable creative and achievable roof shape, numerous searches through tensile roof structure with openings were established. The precedent shown here are the temporary shooting galleries for the London 2012 Olympic games by Magma Architecture. The Olympic Shooting Venue comprises three PVC tents that have been erected at London’s historic Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich1. 1 http://www.bdonline.co.uk/technical/magma%E2%80%99s-london-2012-olympic-shooting-venue/5040101.article

Studio 4.3

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Fig. 1.0 + Fig.1.1 + Fig 1.2 (right pg): The openings serve as tensioning nodes, ventilation openings and doorways at ground level.

[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

18,000sqm of phthalate-free PVC membrane covers the modular frames. PVC was selected for its tensile strength, thermal performance, translucency and environmental properties, being 100% recyclable. Steel rings braced against the frame push and

pull the outer skin, tensioning it to prevent fluttering in wind and ensuring there are no flat planes where water can collect. The steel rings also provide openings in the walls and roof for ventilation and doorways at ground level.

Fig.1.3 + Fig 1.4: Daylight penetrating though the fabric limits the need for artificial lighting. Š Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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MSA MArch 2013


Studio 4.3

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

2.0 Roof structure development

The new roof structure design was inspired from the Magma temporary galleries. The pivoting panels lay on top of the circular tension nodes enabling sunlight an natural ventilation. Studio 4.3

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Fig. 2.0 Further roof structure development

[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism Warm air flows get extracted though the opening while cold air flows inside

Fig. 2.1 Roof axo diagram showing how the openings would work © Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

2.1 Roof plan model

Further testing of pivoting solar and humidity shield/ reflective panels pattern was carried out using Rhino and Grasshopper in order to apply the tension nodes on top of the holes. Studio 4.3

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Fig. 2.2 Perspective of the Cad model developed in Rhino

[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

Fig. 2.3 Roof diagram

Fig. 2.4Roof structure with tensile circular nodes © Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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MSA MArch 2013

4.3 Re_build: making & materials



Studio 4.3

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

3.0 Circuit implementation arduino and coding Fig.3.0: Arduino component with the RHT03 temperature sensor *higher accuracy than the standard RHT22 sensor

For the 4.2 submission some initial coding and arduino circuit development took place in order to read temperature and humidity through a sensor attached to the Arduino Uno board. Studio 4.3

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Fig.3.1: Roof Panels animation. Find video at: http://youtu.be/80VWHvfyFxI or Scan the QR code on the right

[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

#define DHT22_PIN 5 // defines the sensor set to Pin 5 void setup() // starts setup { Serial.begin(9600); // delays the beginning Serial.println(“Type,\tStatus,\tHumidity inside the building(%),\tTemperature inside the greenhouse (C)”); //prints on screen the type, status of the sensorhumidity percentage and temperature degrees } void loop() { // reads data Serial.print(“DHT22, \t”); // prints DHT22 } Serial.print(DHT.humidity, 1); // prints data for humidity Serial.print(“,\t”); Serial.println(DHT.temperature,1); // prints data for temperature delay(1000) // delays 1s to repeat the code Fig 3.2: Arduino Script test that reads humidity and temperature and displays it on screen.

Fig 3.3: Readings from the sensor connected to the Arduino board. © Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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model and arduino circuit development

At this stage 1:10 model out of perspex was implemented and the technology of the Arduino board. Studio 4.3

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Fig.3.4: Roof Panel laser-cut on 5mm clear perspex forming part of the 1:10 model

[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

Fig 3.5: Arduino connection diagram of the servo motor

Fig 3.6: Arduino circuit connections to the servo motor and the humidity and temperature sensor © Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

3.2 Arduino coding

Site strategies side by side with the brief and programme are investigated and analysed to determine limitations, specifications to inform the brief. Studio 4.3

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Fig.3.7: Data Gathered from the sensor and projected onto the computer screen

[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

Fig.3.8: Arduino software - code. (Full script can be found on the Appendix I at the end) © Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

3.3 animated video The video shows the Arduino board and illustrates the data received by the temperature and humidity sensor

The video puts the code of the circuit to the test by placing my finger on the humidity an d temperature sensor (DHT22). This increases the humidity to >60% an thus the servo motor closes the roof panel attached to it.

Click on the link below to watch the video or scan the QR bar-code.

http://youtu.be/PE_ZZJ-RQgA Studio 4.3

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

3.4 making of the 1:5 model

The video puts the code of the circuit to the test by placing my finger on the humidity an d temperature sensor (DHT22). This increases the humidity to >60% an thus the servo motor closes the roof panel attached to it. Studio 4.3

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

3.5 model The video shows the Arduino board and illustrates the data received by the temperature and humidity sensor Fig.3.09:

The video puts the code of the circuit to the test by placing my finger on the humidity an d temperature sensor (DHT22). This increases the humidity to >60% an thus the servo motor closes the roof panel attached to it.

Click on the link below to watch the video or scan the QR bar-code.

http://youtu.be/Y_YXMvRlMkw Studio 4.3

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Fig.3.10: Data Gathered from the sensor and projected onto the computer screen

[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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MSA MArch 2013

4.3 Re_build: making & materials



Studio 4.3

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism


MArch Master of Architecture 2013 - 5th year works Data Derivé | Fall 2012 | Studio 4.1 Creature - Feature | Winter 2012 | Studio 4.2 Prototypes and Assemblies | Spring 2013 | Studio 4.3 | instructors: Nick Dunn, Richard Brook, Vikram Kaushal |

© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

4.0 making of the final 1:50 model

16 x Pulleys 1mm diameter

parts to assemble the final model 16 x steel bars 1mm diameter 5mm clear perspex roof panels

roof plan on 5mm clear perspex Studio 4.3

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism


plastic bar with holes

servo motor

rubber bands used as belts

Arduino Uno circuit © Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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4.1 making of the final 1:50 model roof plan

Studio 4.3

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Roof perspex with the metal bars aligned showing how the pulleys will be attached to them © Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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4.2 making of the final 1:50 model bars arranged onto the roof perspex

Diagram showing the roof panels attached

In order to connect the roof panels to the roof structure I drilled 16 holes into 2 perspex bars to act as shafts where the metal 1mm bars would rotate in in order to keep the rotation stable. I then attached the panels to the bar using adhesive. Studio 4.3

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Roof panels attached to the roof structure

© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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4.3 creating shafts for the metal bars

In order to connect the roof panels to the roof structure I drilled 16 holes into 2 perspex bars to act as shafts where the metal 1mm bars would rotate in in order to keep the rotation stable. I then attached the panels to the bar using adhesive. Studio 4.3

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Diagram showing the plastic shafts

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plastic base support

channel/shaft close-up © Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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4.4 roof structure view from above

Roof structure with shafts and panels attached Studio 4.3

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© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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4.5 roof structure close-ups

Studio 4.3

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Close - ups of the pulleys the plastic perspex channel and the roof panel connection. © Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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4.6 servo rotation transferred though pulleys Attached 6mm pulley to the servo motor and used rubber band to transfer its movement to the 1mm diameter pulley

Pulley belt system Studio 4.3

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Diagram showing the connection of the servo motor with the breadboard and the power supply.

Diagram showing the connection between the pulleys and the servo motor and how the movement is transferred © Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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4.7 making of the final 1:50 model putting the pulleys on the bars

Diagram showing the plastic shafts

Studio 4.3

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

4.8 applying belts on the pulleys

Studio 4.3

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Diagram showing the pulley belts

[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

4.9 attaching the arduino circuit with the servo motor

Diagram showing arduino circuit attached to the model

Studio 4.3

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© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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4.10 video animation of the model’s movement

The video puts the code of the circuit to the test by placing my finger on the humidity and temperature sensor (DHT22). This increases the humidity to >60% an thus the servo motor closes the roof panel attached to it.

Click on the link below to watch the video or scan the QR bar-code.

Studio 4.3

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© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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#include <dht.h>

Appendix I Arduino script

The text illustrated here is the original code used to put in motion the servo motor according to the data received from the temperature and humidity sensor. Studio 4.3

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dht DHT; #include <SoftwareServo.h> #include <Servo.h> #define DHT22_PIN 5 Servo myservo; int pos = 0; // variable to store the servo position void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(“Controlling Temperature and Humidity”); Serial.println(); Serial.println(“Type,\tstatus,\tHumidity (%),\tTemperature (C)”); myservo.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object } void loop() { // READ DATA Serial.print(“DHT22, \t”); int chk = DHT.read22(DHT22_PIN); switch (chk) { case DHTLIB_OK: Serial.print(“OK,\t”); break; case DHTLIB_ERROR_CHECKSUM: Serial.print(“Checksum error,\t”); break; case DHTLIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT: Serial.print(“Time out error,\t”); break; default: Serial.print(“Unknown error,\t”); break;

[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

} // DISPLAY DATA Serial.println(); ////////////HUMIDITY//////////// Serial.print(“Humidity Is “); Serial.print(“:\t”); Serial.println(DHT.humidity, 1); if (DHT.humidity > 60) { Serial.println(“Opening solar panel”); myservo.write(80); } else if (DHT.humidity < 40) { Serial.println(“Closing solar panel”); myservo.write(175); } //////////TEMPERATURE////////// Serial.print(“Temperature Is “); Serial.print(“:\t”); Serial.println(DHT.temperature, 1); Serial.println(DHT.temperature); if (DHT.temperature < 13) { Serial.println(“Opening solar panel”); myservo.write(80); } else if (DHT.temperature > 30) { Serial.println(“Closing solar panel”); myservo.write(175); } delay(3000); } © Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

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Studio 4.3

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[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

[Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

Studio 4.3

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© Eleni Economidou Student no.12100412

MSA MArch 2013 [Re_Map]606: Post Capitalist Urbanism

Studio 4.3 Portfolio

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