education. central saint martin, london : introduction to fahion journalism ( april - may 2013 ) course : fashion journalism for magazines and newspapapers.
eleonora palatella date of bith : 11 . 12 . 1990 nationality: italian address : via dei platani 22 city+postcode : bruino (to), 10090 italy. email : telephone : 3922680154 full name :
london college of style, london : foundation in fashion styling diploma ( january - march 2013 ) courses : editorial styling , history of fashion , colour analysis , fashion & style writing , tv/ celebrity & show styling , customisation , personal blog. istituto europeo di design, turin (italy) : fashion and textile design diploma ( 2009 - 2012 ) courses : fashion design , history of fashion , fashion journalism , history of modern art , trend research , marketing , color theory , textile theory , knitwear and embroidery lab. trend research project in collaboration with “car design� students for : Mini Cooper. degree project in collaboration with : Intimissimi & Calzedonia. istituto maria immacolata : highschool diploma in art ( 2004 - 2009 ) specialised in : history of art , psychology , pedagogy , philosphy , english literature.
D edicated
to the mist and to the cold wind that cracks the lips, the philosophy of the nineteenth - century romantics, and to those who still believe in it. Dedicated to the freckles on the white skin. Dedicated to the drizzle and to the long dresses. Dedicated to all the whispered words and to the shades of nordic wood. Dedicated to the green house and to botany lessons. Dedicated to the fields in bloom and to the bunches of flowers from Provence. Dedicated to the letters w r i t t e n b y h a n d a n d t o t h e i m p e r f e c t i o n’s b e a u t y. D e d i c a t e d t o t h e t i m e f o r y o u r s e l f , t o t h e f i v e o’ c l o c k t e a a n d t o a l l t h e l i t t l e things. Dedicated to the embroidery and the crochet. Dedicated to the poetry of time.
L overs
of novelty perhaps the last and the only ones who follow the traditional logic of the “ Latest fashion ”. They seem to build their identifies through consumption of particular products and fashion accessories. Individualistic, egocentric, narcissistic, consumerist. They are and feel unique. Fashinated by the ancient rules of elegance will allow game of combinations more or less daring. Meanly wealthy and accomplished individuals, planning based on the qualities of comfort and durability. Propensity to social relationships as a protection against loneliness. The time also as a leisure time, is the most valuable asset.
In collaboration with
*On this page: trend book. On the next page: a mood from the trend research in collaboration with MINI COOPER. You can find the entire work visiting my Ied portfolio @
*On this page: a mood from my “magical romance” editorial, at London College of Style . On the next page: a mood from the “Get graphic” editorial, at London College of Style . You can find the entire work visiting my editorial styling portfolio @
Portfolio :
Blog :
Pinterest :
: ME.
*On this page: a mood from “ The renaissance ” editorial. You can find the entire work visiting my editorial styling portfolio “ The renaissance, a book “ @