Green Learning Station | Cincinnati, OH
PROJECT FACTS: Owner: Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati Services: A/E Services, Interior Design, Master Plan, Energy Modeling & Leed Documentation
The Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati required a design constructed as a Green Learning Station to house their education programs such as Compost Kids and Summer Sprouts. The building is a reclaimed gas station that has been transformed to demonstrate the best in Green Technologies including: daylighting, water efficient fixtures, natural ventilation, storm water management, renewable energy, and green roof technologies. The project is a showcase for green technologies that can be applied to urban neighborhoods, existing buildings and community gardens. Additionally, it is a test laboratory for green technologies including permeable pavements, remote sensor applications, and active storm water management and reuse technologies. The entire building is designed as an active participant in the learning including composting demonstration areas and roof vegetable gardens and prairies. The Green Learning Station is a place for people to get outside, play around with science and sustainability concepts and take new ideas home to try. The site is a learning laboratory for students, professors and researchers to collect information about “green infrastructure,” or surfaces that let water go through them instead of into the storm sewers. The roof design showcases four types of green roof technology: - 4” deep extensive roof system with drought tolerant sedges - 12” intensive roof system with native wildflowers and vegetables - 24” roof planter demonstration area for woody plants and vines - 4” sloped roof design for an existing stone cottage building.
Project Feature
St. Ursula Academy Projects | Cincinnati, OH
Project Feature