Chapter 11
once gave a lecture to young physicians in training. I used the analogy that integrity was like virginity—it’s easy to lose but impossible to get back. As providers, we are expected to be highly professional, ethical, honest, and always have the patient’s best interests at heart. We are expected to have integrity. When we act in ways that do not exemplify integrity, we degrade our entire profession. While I have failed in the humility arena on occasion, I have fortunately been able to maintain my integrity. One of my proudest moments was when a casual acquaintance introduced me to his colleagues at an industry meeting by saying that I demonstrated the highest level of integrity in our field. I certainly did not see that coming! It is something that I have always worked toward, and frankly, during times of fatigue or frustration, I came close to losing. So how can we as providers maintain our integrity? Let me share some experiences.
Integrity Must Be a Solemn Commitment When I took the Hippocratic oath, I took it very seriously, just as I did my marriage vows. Only by this express commitment can we resist the temptations that will come our way. We will be seduced by money and power. It will start with small things but can escalate rapidly. Perhaps you own an imaging center as part of your practice. Since tests performed there can be reimbursed for both the technical and professional portions, there is a subtle temptation to order these 141