VFW Post 1273:
More than just a canteen
Story by Main Street Square
As the local VFW post, the organization Post 1273 is a restaurant and lounge in offers veterans help in a lot of capacities, downtown Rapid City, but it is so much more. It is a place for veterans to gather and most of which the public never hears of. “Veterans are extremely prideful, many of share stories. It is a resource for services, them find it hard to ask for help, even if they made available through collaborations need it,” shares Events with regional nonprofits Manager Bridget Swier. such as the Front Porch "It is a place they can talk about Coalition. “We are an things they would not be able to talk “That is why this place is so special for veterans. advocacy service first and to civilians about without judgement. It is a place they can talk foremost for veterans You don’t have to be a veteran to about things they would locally and nationally,” support or enjoy the VFW." explains Tom Renner. He not be able to talk to civilians about without is both a lifetime member -Bridget Swier, judgement. You don’t have of the VFW as well as a VFW Event Manager current officer. “There has to be a veteran to support or enjoy the VFW. Anyone been a decline of veterans in congress and government over the past is welcome to come and have a cheeseburger. Which is a great way to support the work of 20 years,” he adds, “and we want to ensure the VFW as they continue to serve veterans. Veterans continue have a voice. This is a While their work serving and supporting place we can discuss everything.”