Celebrating ten years of innovation in fire prevention

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Government & Politics

Celebrating ten years of innovation in fire prevention The Fire and Rescue Service Act 2004 celebrates its tenth birthday this year. Catherine Levin looks back on its achievements


t is hard to believe it has been ten years since the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 came into force. This major piece of legislation refreshed the expectations of the Fire and Rescue Service that had been set down in 1947 and framed them for a modern age. And for fire prevention it was a watershed moment that meant for the first time fire and rescue services were mandated to carry out prevention work; the Fire and Rescue Service was not just to be about response but about protection and prevention in equal measure. Facing the Future, which was published last year, confirmed the impact of this change when Sir Ken Knight noted that “in the last ten years, we have seen much greater emphasis on reducing and managing risk through effective fire prevention work”. English fire statistics bear out the success of prevention work with the latest Fire Statistics Monitor from DCLG indicating that fire and rescue services attended 170,000 (prov.) fire incidents in 2013/14, 64 per cent lower than ten years earlier. Fire fatalities have reduced substantially over the same period, with 275 fire deaths in 2013/14 compared with nearly 500 ten years ago. This is a great success and deserves celebrating. There are many contributory factors but one of the main changes was a move to get into people’s homes, provide fire safety advice and fit smoke alarms. Home Safety Visits Home fire safety visits are now standard in all fire and rescue services, having been boosted back in 2004 with a £25 million pound grant from the Labour Government. In the 12 months to March 2012, English fire and rescue services made more than 700,000 home fire safety visits, still a large programme, but seven per cent less than the previous year and continuing a downward trend from more than 800,000 visits in the year to March 2009. Many, if not all, fire and rescue services have moved from the original blanket approach to home safety visits to a more targeted, risk based approach. For example, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service revised its approach to home safety visits in 2012 following further reductions in front line and prevention staff as a result of austerity measures. 10 | July/August 2014 | www.fire–magazine.com

“In the 12 months to March 2012, English fire and rescue services made more than 700,000 home fire safety visits, still a large programme, but seven per cent less than the previous year”

Merseyside refreshed its approach to prevention with a focus on those at highest risk of fire death or injury. Using data and referral pathways from partners, it has been able to target its resources more intelligently to reach the most vulnerable people within its communities. Prevention and home safety visits remain at the forefront of its work. Accidental dwelling fires have dropped by 783 incidents (40 per cent) and fire deaths have dropped by 50 per cent since home safety visits started in 2000/01. In North Wales, there was great concern at the high levels of fire deaths. A task group formed in 2006 looked at the contributing factors of age, disability, living alone, alcohol consumption and a lack of smoke alarm to determine who was dying in fires. Since then they have carried out around 30,000 home safety visits per annum. They are helped by the continued commitment of a direct grant from the Welsh Assembly Government where the three fire and rescue services in Wales receive a share of a £2 million pound pot to spend on smoke alarms, arson reduction work and youth schemes. Fire and rescue services often employ partners to carry out home safety visits in the community. Removing the word ‘fire’ from the title widens out the reach of the service and allows fire and rescue services to work on equal terms with partners. In South Wales they have 30 plus agreements with local public services and third sector organisations to deliver home safety visits. These visits go beyond a fire risk assessment giving residents a wider review of risks in the home. For some fire and rescue services there is a deliberate policy to reduce home safety visits and put resources into other work. In Humberside the number of home safety visits has reduced 59 per cent over the two years from 2010/11. DCFO Chris Blacksell says that his organisation “has moved on dramatically since 2008” and that whilst “the numbers (of home safety visits) are going down, money is going into other areas”. Partnerships Being accepted as an equal partner at the multi-agency safety table has been a major step forward for fire and rescue services. Fire and rescue services had of course been statutory

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