US fire chiefs play catch-up on fire prevention

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Professional Development

US fire chiefs play catch-up on fire prevention US Correspondent Catherine Levin reports on the International Association of Fire Chiefs’ Fire Rescue International Conference and Expo Conference held in Dallas, Texas


ith more than 9,200 attendees over four days in August, the Fire Rescue International Conference and Expo held by the International Association of Fire Chiefs is one of the largest events for the fire sector in the US. This year FRI was held in Dallas, Texas. The Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Centre is an enormous event hall and is named after the former US Republican Senator for Texas. Its fierce air conditioning provides a welcome respite from the searing heat of Dallas in August. This was the first time I had been to a

The Fire Rescue International Conference and Expo, held by the International Association of Fire Chiefs, is one of the largest events for the fire sector in the US. This year FRI was held in Dallas, Texas

conference where I was guided by an app on my iPhone. The FRI app was a great way to get to grips with the extensive education programme and orient myself around the large spaces of the convention centre. The IAFC organisers told me that it was the first time they had used this approach and that they were pleased that the app had been downloaded more than 2,600 times. IAFC Role So what is the IAFC all about? I spoke to 201314 President, Chief William R Metcalf, about the October 2014 |– | 43

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