Community Resilience
Is this the new face of leadership in the US Fire Service? FIRE’s US correspondent Catherine Levin speaks to the new Commissioner of Philadelphia Fire Department about leadership in the service and lessons that can be learned from across the pond
he City of Philadelphia lies less than two hours south of New York City. Nestled in the state of Pennsylvania, it is hugely important in the history of the birth of the United States and at one time in the late 18th century, it stood as the fledgling nation’s capital. The Philadelphia Fire Department has a new boss. Derrick Sawyer worked his way up the ranks since he joined 29 years ago and was appointed Commissioner in the summer of 2014. I recently met the Commissioner to talk about leadership and what makes good leaders in the US fire service. I wanted to know if there was something different from the UK and get his take on a range of issues facing the fire service today and in the future. The concept of lifelong learning comes up time and time again during my time with the
“Just because he’s experienced doesn’t mean he knows the basic concepts of leadership. I believe the fire chief has to be educated”
Commissioner Derrick Sawyer, Philadelphia Fire Department with his copy of the July issue of FIRE
Commissioner. He has amassed a vast array of qualifications over the years and he is currently studying for a Masters degree in Homeland Security. I asked him where he finds the time. “You have to make it part of your livelihood. I am a lifelong learner. I always took classes; it’s part of my life, which makes it a bit easier”. The Commissioner goes on to say that previously fire chiefs got to their position because of years served, not because they were viewed as progressive or even ‘right’ for the job. “Just because he’s experienced doesn’t mean he knows the basic concepts of leadership. I believe the fire chief has to be educated.” And for the Commissioner, part of that approach to lifelong learning is to bring others along with him. He is a great advocate of mentoring and does this with staff from PFD and other organisations. “I don’t hoard knowledge; I share it” he says. Inspired by all this talk of lifelong learning, we move on to talk about presentation as part of leadership: how you look, how you come across and how you are perceived. I draw on February 2015 |– | 47