Fire Protection
Fire safety standards and the Watchdog effect
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FIRE Correspondent Catherine Levin reports on the positive impact BBC’s Watchdog programme could have on changes to regulations on flammability standards for children’s fancy dress costumes
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European Reglulations All toys sold in the European Union must comply with the European Toy Directive 2009/48/EC. This was enacted in the UK as the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011 and came into force on August 19, 2011. The regulations apply to toys that are designed or intended for use in play by children under 14-years-old. Section 12 of the regulations stipulates a safety assessment that the manufacturer must carry out and that includes an analysis of the flammability hazards that the toy may present. There are essential requirements for the manufacture of toys in the European Union and all toys sold in the EU must meet the requirements and carry a CE marking. Carrying the CE marking means that the product complies with the European Community Directive. The 2011 regulations set out what is required in order to sell toys in the UK. The standard BS EN 71 tells manufacturers how to meet the standard through a specified testing regime. One of the 11 elements of BS EN 71 is concerned with flammability. The standard sets out the tests that the toys must meet in order to be compliant. It focuses on the time taken for flames to spread on the toy after ignition. Any
or any parent of young children, toys are an essential part of family life: finding them, tidying them up and not trying to leave the most precious ones on the bus. Worrying about them being safe should not be part of the mix. And yet, recently, there has been a flurry of media about the fire safety of fancy dress clothing aimed at children. The over-the-top Elsa dress that little girls love so much as they sing along to ‘Let it go’ for the millionth time, is shiny, bright and a nightmare to wash. The manufacturing standards of that dress are set down in regulations that govern the production of toys; it is treated the same way as the stuffed rabbit that comforts the same little girl when she goes to bed at night. The difference is that when that rabbit catches light, it can be dropped. When that dress does the same, it cannot be dropped, it is wrapped around that little girl and the hazard and outcomes are entirely different.
The standard that applies to fancy dress clothing is the same as a toy for standards making and testing purposes
“On the Watchdog programme… Claudia talked about the impact this accident has had on Matilda and the ongoing treatment she has received for her severe burns
toy that, under test conditions, burns more than 30 mm per second fails the test and cannot be sold. Any toy that that has a burning rate 10 mm per second up to 30 mm per second does not fail but must carry a label saying ‘Warning! Keep away from fire’. The intention of the regulations is that a child should be able to quickly drop the toy should it ignite and minimise the contact time with the ignition source. Limiting fire spread can be achieved through the use of flame retardant chemicals but not all toys can be completely non-flammable. One of the key arguments put forward in recent media coverage about the standard that applies to fancy dress clothing is that it is treated the same as a toy for standards making (and testing) purposes. However, its use in a play context is as a form of clothing, albeit temporary, and often worn over the top of existing clothing. July/August 2015 |– | 43