Efficiency, effectiveness and economy: the key to closer working?

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Government & Politics

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Efficiency, effectiveness and economy: the key to closer working?


FIRE Correspondent Catherine Levin looks at the proposals set out in the government’s consultation paper, Enabling closer working between the emergency services, and asks, is it the right way forward?


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Thin End of the Wedge? First, what does collaboration mean? There is no definition provided in the consultation paper. The duty is very likely to include the words ‘efficient, effective and economy’ – the consultation paper mentions these words frequently. If the duty is drawn very broadly ‘to allow local discretion’ it is likely to mean that the spectrum of response will be wide-ranging. There is a requirement to consider ‘opportunities for collaboration’. Fine, but how? Would a standing item on the agenda at every ambulance trust, PCC and fire and rescue authority meeting be sufficient? Everyone suggests something, they all disagree but it is been considered, so let us move on. That may be slightly flippant, but while each service maintains its separate governance and funding arrangements, the outcome will be some very disjointed thinking. The proposal later in the consultation paper to have the Police and Crime Commissioner on the fire and rescue authority where the fire and rescue authority does not agree to a merger starts to make sense in terms of exploring opportunities for greater collaboration. However, is this the thin end of the wedge and could it make a takeover by the PCC inevitable in the future?

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he proposed duty to collaborate is a laudable ambition and for many emergency services simply reinforces what they already do at a local level. It comes after a period where the fire and rescue services have received £75 million from the Fire Transformation Fund. This funding has seen the development of a range of projects with a focus on closer working between fire, police and ambulance services. However, the government is not content with this ‘patchy progress’ and now seeks to mandate collaboration between the emergency services through legislation in order to fill in these gaps and, as will become clear below, do it without further recourse to grant funding. The duty to collaborate seems fairly innocuous at first glance, but on closer inspection, it is hard to see how this will work.

10 | October 2015 | www.fire–magazine.com

A recent multi-agency exercise involving Hertfordshire FRS firefighters Photo by Kieran Hancock: kieran-hancock.squarespace.com

“Is this the thin end of the wedge and could it make a takeover by the PCC inevitable in the future?”

There is no suggestion that the PCCs take on the responsibilities of the 11 ambulance regions, rather the government ‘encourages local ambulance NHS foundation trusts to consider engagement with their local PCC and whether to include the PCC on the council of governors. This is much less drastic than the proposals for fire and rescue authorities but it is not clear why they are being treated so differently. This needs to be explained in more detail. Enforcement Predicament With every duty comes enforcement. There is no mention of this in the consultation paper. Who is the arbiter? Who decides that the opportunities have been explored or not? When local leaders do not agree, who decides who is right? It would certainly be useful to understand quite what the government intends to do here; without a fire inspectorate in place (unlike the police), this may be something for the Chief Fire and Rescue Adviser’s Unit to take on. The duty to collaborate ‘should not be

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