Fire Protection
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Who’s looking to the future? The state of research in the Fire and Rescue Service FIRE Correspondent Catherine Levin reports on the patchy nature of research in the fire sector and the need for some new strategic direction
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FIRE Correrspondent Catherine Levin
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Knowledge Transfer Partnership The response of the fire sector to this change has been varied. Take, for example, the LIFEBID work in Kent. This is a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between the University of Greenwich and Kent Fire and Rescue Service. It is a three-year project funded by some government money in the form of Innovate UK (formerly known as the Technology Strategy Board) and the one of the academic research councils, the EPSRC. The aim of the project is to get a better understanding about how people react to fires in the home and the impact it has on them afterwards. The project funding runs out at the end of April. The project includes 25 fire and rescue services that are conduits to people who have been affected by accidental dwelling fires. 44 | March 2016 |–
The dataset from this work is small, with around 300 records and scratches the surface of the problem it is trying to address. The project asks interesting questions, sets up a methodology based on academic rigour and after three years will know little more than when it started. It requires long-term commitment and larger take up. This would have benefited from a national steer, from national investment and a national strategy that would have seen all fire and rescue services involved. It is not Kent’s problem, it is the fire and rescue services’ problem and the answers would benefit all of them. Partnerships with academic institutions are nothing new, but longevity is the key. Where projects are based on temporary sources of funding with no long-term strategy for continuation, there is no prospect for the creation of a longitudinal evidence base to inform policy change.
n a ‘can do’ organisation like the Fire and Rescue Service, the quieter, reflective work of researchers and statisticians can seem unexciting and uncontroversial. Yet the impact of evidence-based research, using rigorous academic methodologies can lead to important changes in policy across the increasingly diverse remit of fire and rescue services. In a time of decreased budgets and long-term retrenchment of government, sector-led research has been encouraged. The result of this policy shift should be a rich body of work emerging from the Fire and Rescue Service and the fire sector more widely. Indeed, there are examples of innovative and interesting research (with some examples provided below), but overall research in the fire sector is patchy and ad hoc. There is a vacuum in leadership in this area and an opportunity now for some new strategic direction. In years gone by, there was a large team in the Fire and Rescue Directorate of DCLG. It produced long, detailed reports on a wide variety of topics and published them unattributed in bland covers, accompanied by a press notice seeking interest in their contents. Much of the time the research was commissioned from a predictable list of small specialist companies and large international consulting firms. Sadly, those days are long gone and what remains is the publication of occasional reports and regular statistical bulletins, as well as the annual Fire Statistics Great Britain.
“Overall, research in the fire sector is patchy and ad hoc”
Big Data And then there is data. We are swimming in data; we even have Big Data. But what good is it and what evidence does it give us to improve outcomes? One large dataset is the Exeter Data. Emerging from a relationship built between CFOA representatives (notably CFOA Ageing Safely lead, Evan Morris) and DWP with some help from the NHS along the way, fire and rescue services in England have all received some large spreadsheets of data that they now have to manage. It is great that fire and rescue services have access to data on one group of people in the community – those that fit the profile of over 65, registered with a GP. They do not have their names, but they do have their age and their address. The question is what do you do with it? It is the perverse opposite of the LIFEBID problem. No fire and rescue service is going to just go line by line through the dataset and use that for targeting home safety visits. It is very useful to have datasets from primary sources, ones that allow fire and rescue services to develop sophisticated, targeted fire prevention strategies. However, it needs to be part of a wider strategy and one that provides fire and rescue services with the tools and skills to manipulate the data and align it with all the other sources it may have to hand.