Government & Politics
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Governance and collaboration: the route to transformation? FIRE Correspondent Catherine Levin reports from this year’s Local Government Association Fire Conference held in Bristol on March 8-9 of geography are against this policy with police and fire boundaries inconveniently at odds in many places across the country and notably in the south west. Yet this sentiment does seem slightly at odds with the arguments that underpin the policy for this Bill, which are about local accountability. The Police and Crime Commissioner is elected directly by the local people – who will do so for the second time on May 5 – yet, and this has been said many times, the 2012 cohort were elected on just a 15 per cent turn out. The hope is, of course, that coinciding the elections for PCCs with the local government elections will lead to more traditional levels of turnout – circa 30 per cent.
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“So many
speakers said that collaboration was
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happening all the time, so why did the
government need to mandate it?”
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Police and Fire Minister The Rt Hon Mike Penning MP, Minister for Policing, Fire and Criminal Justice and Victims, opened the conference apologising for the excessive length of his title, but reinforcing the point that it is right to bring all these areas under one minister. For fire, it brings the policy responsibility under a Minister of State, a step up in seniority from the usual Parliamentary Under Secretary. Speaking without notes and with a swift apology to his staff for not following his prepared speech, the Minister set out his heartfelt interest in the Fire and Rescue Service. He referred often to his time working for Essex County Fire and Rescue Service. Those days have clearly left an impression on him, but one of the vestiges of that time, the use of the term “fireman”, unfortunately remained and on International Women’s Day as well. Tackling head on the issues surrounding the Policing and Crime Bill, the Minister said: “We shouldn’t be obsessed about who runs the show. The proposed governance model which could see a Police and Crime Commissioner taking on the functions of the Fire and Rescue Service will not suit everyone, “one size does not fit all”. Of course he is right, the vagaries
t is incredibly good timing to have the LGA Fire Conference right in the middle of the discussion in parliament about the biggest change in governance for the Fire and Rescue Service in England in decades. The proposed duty to collaborate contained in the Policing and Crime Bill generated comment and debate in every session. Neither changes to governance nor compulsion to collaborate are universally welcomed: the conference offered a wide range of perspectives on both. This conference is hosted by the Local Government Association and is for elected members of fire and rescue authorities, so governance and local accountability go to the heart of what they are all about. These proposals change fundamentally what elected members can do and not one will take these changes lightly. This debate is going to run and run.
Police and Fire Minister Mike Penning tackled head on the issues surrounding the Policing and Crime Bill, saying: “We shouldn’t be obsessed about who runs the show”
Opposition Stances Lyn Brown MP is Shadow Minister and said the proposed governance model was “unnecessarily complex”. Responding to the argument that PCCs are elected by the people to carry out the job set out in the legislation, the Shadow Minister said that members of fire and rescue authorities are elected by the local people as well. She did not mention it at the conference, but the Shadow Minister has also gone on to expand this point during parliamentary scrutiny of the Policing and Crime Bill to note that when the PCCs stand for election on May 5 they will not do so with a mandate to take on Fire and Rescue Service functions, as the legislation will not be enacted at that point. It is a subtlety but a point worth noting. The Liberal Democrat view on governance was clear: they should “stay where they are” with “democratically elected members elected by and in touch with local fire and rescue authorities”. Baroness Bakewell of Hardington Mandeville agreed with the LGA position and cautioned: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. There was an alarming point during the conference when Fire Brigades Union President Matt Wrack warned the audience that there was “a real danger of a joint FBU/employer love in”, such is the agreement that the FBU has with the LGA in opposing government policy about police and crime commissioners. April 2016 |– | 9