Impact and value: some things never change

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Fire Protection

Impact and value: some things never change

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FIRE Correspondent Catherine Levin reports from the Chief Fire Officers Association’s annual Prevention, Protection and Road Safety Conference

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CFOA President Paul Hancock said the prevention agenda has delivered great success

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Financial Sustainability Report Part of this context is not quite so rosy. The previous week saw the publication of the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts report into the Financial Sustainability of Fire and Rescue Services. This comes after the National Audit Office examined the finances of the Service to see how it was coping with funding reductions. The Committee met at the end of 2015 and discussed the NAO report with CFO Hancock and others and the report, published on February 17, sets out the Committee of Public Account’s recommendations to government. There are two clear strands of inquiry in the report that are relevant to PPRS. The first looks at impact and how fire and rescue services are able to evaluate their work in fire prevention and fire protection to determine what difference it makes to levels of fire risk. The second looks at value for money and questions whether all the work that CFO Hancock referred to at the conference is an effective and efficient use of public money. This term ‘effective and efficient’ crops up

all the time in government publications: at its heart is the concept of value for money. Where fire and rescue services are doing great work locally, carrying out tasks in peoples’ homes so that other agencies do not have to, may well be efficient. However, it does not necessarily mean that it is value for money, particularly if fire and rescue staff are doing the work that others are already being paid to do. Some fire and rescue services are, like in Humberside, being remunerated by clinical commissioning groups, to carry out tasks they would otherwise pay others to do. Others may not have similar arrangements in place. The committee expressed a concern about the expansion of firefighter activities beyond their statutory roles. This concern is framed around value for money: should fire and rescue services be working with vulnerable groups at a time when fire and rescue authorities are being asked to ‘transform their services in ways that will reduce their own long-term costs’? The report goes on to note a tension between the government drive for efficiencies and the vision of the fire and rescue authorities ‘which often focuses primarily on adding value to other sectors by using their capacity more flexibly’. There is a rather unrealistic recommendation in the report for the Home Office to publish, by the summer, a robust evaluation of the sector’s wider community service projects, ‘setting out best practice and criteria for determining which are effective and an efficient use of public money, and if there is any impact on the financial challenges faced by the fire and rescue sector’. Delegates at this conference were encouraged by CFO Hancock to “promote evaluation, to justify what we are doing around public safety”. He is right to do so, because government will be looking for examples to include in its response to the Committee and there is not much time to do it. ‘Nevertheless, without a sophisticated understanding of the impact of prevention and protection activities on reducing fire risks, we believed there was a danger the department would be over-reliant on outcomes data for its understanding of the impacts of funding reductions, even though such data are necessarily backwards looking. The risk in this case would be that the government would only



n times of austerity, it is encouraging to see over 140 people representing more than 40 of the 51 UK fire and rescue services attend the CFOA annual Prevention, Protection and Road Safety (PPRS) conference. There is so much change taking place in the Fire and Rescue Service right now that the conference is a timely occasion to consider how some of this will affect PPRS going forward. CFOA President Paul Hancock offered a detailed and candid view on the political landscape and the backdrop of policy change that currently confronts the whole Fire and Rescue Service. “The prevention agenda has delivered great success”, he said, going on to cite the examples of the smoke alarm regulations for private sector landlords, the provision of Exeter Data about the 65+ cohort and the inroads into working with health partners under the banner of #fireasahealthasset. CFO Hancock rightly highlighted these successes, but he also put them in context. He talked about the move to the Home Office, away from DCLG and the home of local government, noting that “we have a lot to offer the Home Office”, urging the Service to “promote what we do and be proud of it”.

“It is likely that the Home Office will be mostly interested in response and governance issues and not quite so interested in prevention and protection”

April 2016 |– | 49

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