Community Resilience
The Smart City and the John Lewis effect
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FIRE Correspondent Catherine Levin reports on how fire and rescue services can tap into the Internet of Things
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Understanding the Internet of Things So what is the Internet of Things? The simple answer is: things, data, people. Building on the idea of the smart home, take the smoke alarm. Plied with different types of sensors and with wi-fi connectivity, the smoke alarm can be controlled through a smart phone. Users can proactively look at the smart phone app, view the status of the smoke alarm from anywhere with Internet connectivity. The interaction between the smoke alarm on the ceiling in a home and a remote service via the Internet can mean that it is monitored, checked and tested with no recourse to humans. Getting past the behaviour problems with smoke alarm testing, the smart smoke alarm has a lot going for it. But it is not cheap. This is a product aimed at an affluent consumer. It also comes at a different kind of cost: data. The data collected by the provider of the service that supports the smart smoke alarm is extensive. It records false positives, it records testing cycles, availability, it even knows when the owner switches the lights off, as in some products there is a night light effect to indicate the room has gone dark. This data is all recorded by the provider of the service. It is proprietary data that could be incredibly useful to policy makers considering how people behave in their homes and how to target prevention activity.
hen John Lewis pays to insert a new 16-page colour booklet into Saturday’s Guardian, the subject has clearly hit the middle class (left of centre) mainstream. The front page says ‘Smart Home: experience the house of the future, today. We’re here to help you create a more efficient and easy-to-control home with smart technology’. John Lewis was advertising the launch of its new area on the fifth floor of its flagship Oxford Street store in London, where it is showcasing new ‘smart’ technology. Followers interested in the Internet of Things were well aware of the launch but sensibly the marketing material makes no mention of this term, as most people do not know what it is. Smart is easier to sell. And there is the rub: is the Internet of Things a technology in search of a purpose? Many cynics scoff at the idea of the Internet of Things, with the Twitter feed @internetofshit being the main outlet and source of great amusement.
24 | May 2016 |–
between the smoke alarm on the ceiling in a home and a remote service via the Internet can mean that it is monitored, checked and tested with no recourse to humans”
Smart products are good at collecting data. If the thing in this example is the smoke alarm, the data is the detail of the owner’s living habits, and the owner no longer has to think about the smoke alarm. It is where it should be: doing its job, quietly, efficiently and without recourse to human interaction. Sounds good? Maybe. Browsing through the John Lewis catalogue, there are examples of smart thermostats, smart security cameras, smart lights, even a smart fridge. Much has been made of the idea of the latter, able to interact with online shopping services, working out what should go on the shopping list, what fits with the diary of the owner and how thinking can be completely bypassed by the interaction between all the smart parts of life. It is all a bit sci-fi and fraught with problems, most recently highlighted by a company called Revolv, that was bought by smart home product provider, Nest. Revolv services were shut down recently, with little or no notice and much to the alarm of its user base. It is a bit minority and very few people will have even heard of Revolv, but the point is that buying in to a technology solution can create a dependency and when the support service is shut down, the technology does not work anymore. There is a long and amusing response to the closure of Revolv by Arlo Gilbert. He wrote a post on popular blogging site Medium called ‘The time that Tony Fadell sold me a container of hummus’. Tony Fadell is the CEO of Nest. The Revolv product looks a bit like a tub of