Let's work out the problem first

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Fire Protection

Let’s work out the problem first

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In the second part of FIRE’s examination of the Smart City concept, Catherine Levin reports on why the Fire and Rescue Service needs to be at the forefront of this ‘brave new world’

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FIRE Correspondent Catherine Levin

“There is a lot of

hype, but it is real.


The Internet of

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Things will change our world and the things in it”


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World Changer One of the examples that Paul talked about was the smart fire extinguisher made by US company, en-Gauge (http://www.engaugeinc. net/). Its inbuilt sensors provide data to building managers about activation, pressure levels and movement; this data then informs the inspection process so that it is efficient in terms of time spent and effective in terms of life safety. Alex Flahive, Digital Manager at Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS), shared his inspired idea for using the Internet of Things to solve a problem. Smoke alarms go off. Smoke alarms alert householders. Smoke alarms are a good thing. Smoke alarms are fitted with powerful sensors and can transmit data. The problem is that the data does not go directly to the Fire and Rescue Service. Is this a problem that needs solving? For Alex, the answer is ‘yes’. The previous article on the Smart City highlighted the assets that the Fire and Rescue Service have to offer the Smart City. One of these assets is the

drill tower. It is high and perfect for installing sensors that can be connected to the Internet and form their own network. In this case, Alex is using LoRaWAN, a low power wide area network which is intended for the operation of wireless battery ‘things’ – so perfect for smoke alarms. Imagine that the network between the three separate drill towers is three overlapping circles. Then imagine that each smoke alarm installed by GMFRS in homes located within the three circles has been adapted to transmit data to the sensor on the drill tower and that the sensor transmits the data directly to GMFRS. That data would include information about temperature in the home, battery life, pollutants (smoke, heat, CO, air quality) and a history of activation (or not). If GMFRS has the data from the smoke alarms it installed in homes where its existing analysis determined risk of fire was highest, what more does it tell them? It is another layer of data to add to the existing armoury – another piece of the data puzzle. Analysis of this data will give staff a much more nuanced view of human behaviour in those homes and help GMFRS hone their own interventions. Humberside Fire and Rescue Service, in a pilot with smoke alarm supplier Sprue Aegis, is trying



ast month’s FIRE looked at the Smart City and the John Lewis effect; it explored how the Fire and Rescue Service might fit into and contribute to this brave new world. Attendees at the recent CFOA Briefing on the Smart City heard from a stellar cast of speakers who pondered the same questions and offered their advice. The mantra running throughout the day was “what’s the problem you’re trying to solve?” With more than 50 people in the audience at the third in a series of CFOA briefings, there were plenty of keen minds willing to listen, learn and search out those problems. Paul Egan, the first speaker at the CFOA briefing, provided more detail on the Smart City and the Internet of Things. “Anything with a current in it” was Paul’s simple explanation. Of those ‘things’, smartphones are the most ubiquitous, but there are many more to be connected to the Internet. Paul offered one estimate from tech giant Cisco that 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet by 2020. He went on to say: “There is a lot of hype, but it is real. The Internet of Things will change our world and the things in it.”

June 2016 | www.fire–magazine.com | 45

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