Professional Development
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Looking back, looking forward: marking 20 years of Fire Related Research and Developments
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FIRE Correspondent Catherine Levin reports from the 20th anniversary of the Fire Related Research and Developments (RE16) event held at West Midlands Fire Service Headquarters on November 15. It also saw the tenth presentation of the FIRE Magazine/ Gore Research Excellence Awards
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“That is the strength
of the fire research event: there are plenty of people
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r Anne Eyre confessed during her opening speech to having been at the very first fire research event in 2006. While she looked slightly sheepish about her admission, actually she was at the start of something that has now grown into a key event in the fire calendar. Hosted for the first time at West Midlands Fire Service Headquarters, the fire research event attracts a wide range of Fire Service professionals and academics. Dr Eyre announced: “The conference has always attracted interest and presentations from our international colleagues and this year is no exception. The eclectic profile of our attendees – in terms of background, nationality, subject matter interest, academic discipline and organisational role – continues to be a unique feature of this event.” The research at RE16 covered a wide spectrum of subject matter. One of the special aspects of fire research events is the forum it provides for researchers that are only partially available through their research. Being able to set out ideas, test concepts and gauge reaction is an important aspect of the research journey and RE16 was no exception. Chris Hastie is a case in point. He comes from a local government background and is now doing a PhD with Coventry University. At the tail end of his research and taking a well-earned break from writing, he shared his work on how hyperlocal communities respond to fire safety messages. Using the wonderful interactive presentation tool Prezi, Chris questioned the current approach to community fire safety. He introduced a research method called ‘deep hanging out’. This is a term coined by the anthropologist Clifford Geertz in 1988 and is defined as ‘immersing oneself in a cultural group or social experience on an informal level’. By spending time in a small community in northeast Coventry, Chris sought to discover
looking at the Fire and Rescue Service who are not or do not come from a Fire and Rescue Service background”
why ‘marked inequalities in the distribution of dwelling fires throughout society continue to exist’. He found people who were deeply mistrustful of uniformed services, unaware of preventative services and fearful of the consequences of engaging with any public authority. He argued for a more light touch approach to community fire safety work; he asked if the home fire safety visit (HFSV) was the best option. Chris’s work goes against the trend in the Fire and Rescue Service where the HFSV has morphed into more detailed and longer health focused Safe and Well intervention. However, he did preface this with some thoughts about context and an acknowledgement that there is no one size fits all solution. Chris’s research does not look into the rights and wrongs of the policy decisions made by fire and rescue services, but it does provide some useful food for thought as community fire safety evolves now and in the future. It is research like Chris’s that should be considered by strategic leaders in the Fire and Rescue Service; there might not be agreement, but looking at areas of work through a different lens can be incredibly helpful. And that is the strength of the fire research event: there are plenty of people looking at the Fire and Rescue Service who are not or do not come from a Fire and Rescue Service background. There were presenters from many different universities: Kent, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent, Cardiff, Coventry, Chester, Edinburgh, Loughborough, London South Bank and Kingston. And they were further enhanced with returning presenters from Canada’s Vancouver Island University. There were also some recent escapees from the Service: Phil Butler has swapped his London Fire Brigade borough commander hat for the mortarboard of higher education. He has just started work on a PhD at the University of January 2017 |– | 43