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How the National Fire Chiefs Council responded to Grenfell
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Stewart Edgar, Chief Fire Officer for Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service and prevention lead for the National Fire Chiefs Council, spoke to FIRE and provides some insight into how the NFCC supports fire and rescue services in a post‑Grenfell world
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n amongst the thousands of column inches devoted to the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower fire, there are occasional references to the NFCC. Working diligently behind the scenes, the successor to CFOA has been supporting fire and rescue services as they seek to make sense of and respond to the consequences of the worst fire in living memory. The spotlight has been firmly on London Fire Brigade, but all other fire and rescue services are feeling the impact of Grenfell. The role of the NFCC is critical to ensure a joined up message and a united front when fire is seemingly never off the front pages. CFO Edgar shares his perspective on how this has worked in the immediate aftermath and beyond for the still relatively new NFCC arrangements. “I think Roy Wilsher as Chair of the NFCC has demonstrated real leadership. Communication has been outstanding between fire and rescue services. It is unprecedented – and I know that word’s been used an awful lot in the last few weeks – but the situation reports that we got twice daily from the NFCC have been excellent. They have allowed all the CFOs to be up to date; we try to do things once and we try to do it well.”
Stewart Edgar, Chief Fire Officer for Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service
He goes on to explain: “There has been a significant improvement in direction under the NFCC. As Co-ordinating Committee Chairs, me for prevention and Mark Hardingham for protection, we had daily phone calls about Grenfell. We take the responsibility on a national basis to promote position statements on our respective specialisms.” And this is borne out by the recently produced animation about fire safety in high-rise buildings. Understanding that having 50 versions of a high-rise fire safety animation may not be the best use of limited resources, the NFCC has already demonstrated that working together is the best approach. At just over a minute, the animation serves the attention span of most consumers of video on the Internet and provides key messages to reassure the public. One of those key messages is about the stay put policy. CFO Edgar is pragmatic about the difficulties of maintaining this policy. “You have the graphic images of Grenfell Tower, which have been portrayed across all media over the last three to four weeks. It’s very difficult to try and understand why we had a stay put policy in the first place.”
“There does need to be some work on some clear messages to the members of the public who live in high-rise blocks so that they understand what they have to do” 18 | July/August 2017 | www.fire–magazine.com