Professional Development
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Fire Related Research and Developments (RE17)
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Now in its 21st year, the only event focused on fire-related research and development returned to West Midlands Fire Service HQ on November 9. FIRE Correspondent Catherine Levin reports on an eclectic range of research with delegates attending from across the fire sector and from many academic institutions
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ire Related Research and Developments (RE17) is run by the Institution of Fire Engineers and convened by Dr Anne Eyre from Trauma Training and Dr Rowena Hill from Nottingham Trent University. They both have extensive experience of working with fire and rescue services.
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Understanding and Addressing Preventable Fire Deaths Steve Ash is a Group Manager in Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service. His presentation was the first of two papers looking at different aspects of fire prevention. Steve looked at fire deaths over three years in Hampshire. He wanted to understand the extent to which they were inevitable. He looked back at research that is now ten years old from Greenstreet Berman that sought to identify the factors that lead to fire fatalities. He had access to fire data, but what is unusual about his approach was the access he secured to social care data. He was able to shadow front line social care staff to
understand their structures and approaches. At one point he was able to view the social care records of those who died in fires to identify their vulnerabilities and match what he already knew from fire data. All fire and rescue services in England have access to the NHS England Exeter dataset (there was a separate presentation about the use of big data using the Exeter dataset as an example). The dataset includes the gender, age, address of everyone over 65 registered with a GP. It does not contain names, so is limited in its value. For Steve to get access to highly confidential social care records for the purposes of this research was very unusual and provided him with great insight into vulnerability and fire. Through his work he was also exposed to the work of the Adult Safeguarding Board and was influential in getting fire deaths added as a key performance indicator. The second presentation in this track focused on how people make sense of domestic fires. In previous years, the research event has heard about the progress of the LIFEBID
“The winner stood out as an example of a research project that has used new technology to advance hazard awareness testing in a world first and is making it available to all fire services free of charge”– | January 2018 | 53