Building a safer future

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Government & Politics


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can confirm that there is a systemic failure here that needs to be addressed by a significant culture change and will need to involve a wide range of people who are part of the system.” Dame Judith Hackitt was speaking to the Communities and Local Government Select Committee on the day that her interim report was published. That systemic failure led to the deaths of 71 people in the Grenfell Tower fire on June 14, 2017. While the inquiry into the fire itself is the subject of a separate process led by Sir Martin Moore-Bick, it is Dame Judith who shines the spotlight on the regulatory regime with her Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety (the Review). She was asked by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to conduct the Review with particular focus on application to high-rise residential buildings. In the last edition of FIRE, the review of the Grenfell Congress concluded that there was no point looking for solutions until the problem had been identified. Citing the impending interim report by Dame Judith, the article called for a collective approach to demonstrate to the government that the fire sector is a voice that needs to be heard to create the solutions together. Many in the fire sector took advantage of the call for evidence for the Review; 250 respondents provided the review team with over 1,000 recommendations. In addition to this, there was a series of roundtable discussions with building and fire sector representatives and some further bilateral meetings with Dame Judith herself. As a result of this, the Review was widened to embrace complex and high-risk buildings in its scope.


The Review aims ‘to make recommendations that will ensure there is a sufficiently robust regulatory system for the future and provide further assurance to residents that the buildings they live in are safe and will remain so’. It is useful to think about this as a system that needs reforming; not just about changes to the regulatory regime, but to all aspects of the system and how they interact, as well as the culture within it. Dame Judith regularly refers to the building life cycle throughout the report and it is a good way to think about the system. One look at the map of the building and fire safety regulatory system for high-rise residential buildings (p114) is enough to make anyone’s head spin. This is a complex space, with the interim report coming in at a hefty 121 pages. ‘The work of the review to date has found that the current regulatory system for ensuring fire safety in highrise and complex buildings is not fit for purpose’. This is a damning conclusion and is explained through a number of separate but related reasons: • Regulations and guidance are too complex • Clarity of roles and responsibilities is poor • Assessment of competence is inadequate • Compliance, enforcement and sanctions are too weak • Routes for escalating complaints are unclear • Product testing, marketing and assurance are not clear.

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Building a safer future

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FIRE Correspondent Catherine Levin reports on how Dame Judith Hackitt is shining the spotlight on the regulatory regime with her Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety

This list of reasons goes on to form the structure of the interim report and the second phase of work of the Review that started in mid-December. Within each of the six areas, the interim report sets out its findings, the direction of travel and recommendations. It is worth looking at each of these in turn to understand the enormity of the task at hand. Regulation and Guidance Post Grenfell, Approved Document B (or AD B as it is commonly known) got more attention than ever before. It is critical to the Review as it is all about fire safety. Volumes 1 and 2 total over 250 pages. On page 6, the current version (with amendments made in 2013) explains that its purpose is to provide practical guidance, ‘With respect to the requirements of Schedule

“I can confirm that there is a systemic failure here that needs to be addressed by a significant culture change and will need to involve a wide range of people who are part of the system”–  |  February 2018  |  11

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