Government & Politics
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Framing the future of fire reform
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FIRE Correspondent Catherine Levin says the Fire and Rescue National Framework is timely and needed and reflects the breadth of fire reform in England
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he Fire and Rescue National Framework may appear to be just a load of policy wonkery, but in reality it is a set of requirements and ideals that frame the entire service and give it direction. It provides the legal basis for Integrated Risk Management Plans that underpin the approach taken by each and every fire and rescue service in England. So much has happened in fire lately that the Framework has a lot to cover, a great deal to embrace anew. It acknowledges the context of the Grenfell Tower fire and the work of the Hackitt review into building regulations and the need to be flexible to further change the Framework based on evidence emerging from that work. By Valentine’s Day the consultation will be pretty much done. All fire and rescue services will have pored over it and worked out what they want to say in a formal consultation response that will be made public at some stage. It might have got through a fire authority meeting if timetables allow, but in the main they will be mechanistic responses. It is good that the Home Office brought together an external working group to gauge views from the fire sector, although the list of members does not include any representative bodies. National Fire Chiefs Council A notable new inclusion in the Framework is a section devoted to the National Fire Chiefs Council as well as other references. It sets out an expectation that every fire and rescue service in England should consult and engage with the NFCC. It provides a more solid basis for the organisation representing the professional voice of the Service than CFOA could when DCLG was responsible for fire. A quick comparison between the 2012 Framework and this new draft shows that three of the priorities remain the same: identifying risk; provision for prevention and protection; and accountability to local communities. The 2018 consultation draft includes an additional two objectives: collaboration (replacing references to partnership, which
is now out of vogue) and the development of a resilient, skilled, flexible and diverse workforce. There is a distinct change in tone and emphasis in the 2018 Framework. It is particularly stark in the prevention and protection section. The expectation about prevention is framed around vulnerability. There is a balance to be had between helping other agencies and delivering core functions while trying to reduce burdens on the overall public purse. Acknowledging the need for staff to be trained and supported in this work, the Framework is much more people focused in its approach than its predecessor. This draft reduces the requirements in the 2004 Act to respond to fires and to road traffic accidents, to a passing reference. It is all very well saying that prevention and protection are the first line, but the response is surely worth more than a single short paragraph? National Resilience By way of contrast, the National Resilience section has doubled in size. It includes, for the first time, references to Marauding Terrorist Firearms Attacks (MTFA). It notes: ‘The Government has committed significant financial resources to develop an MTFA capability, with the support of fire and rescue services’. The Framework goes on to say: ‘Where they [the FRA] have an MTFA capability, [they] must put in place arrangements to ensure their teams are fully available at all times’. It sounds like this is going to be achieved through existing budgets, but a quick look at the Report on Proceedings from the FBU’s 2017 conference reveals an instruction to its Executive Council to submit a pay claim, ‘To address any broadening of role maps… which may include emerging potential new areas of work such as EMR and MTFA’. (p70) There seems to be a disconnect here. Both the Opposition and the FBU have long called for a new statutory duty for the Fire and Rescue Service to respond to flooding so that the new burden can be financially recognised. Is MTFA the new flooding?– | February 2018 | 19