A quiet revolution

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FIRE Correspondent Catherine Levin reports on Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service’s digital Transformation 2020, a development that could have a huge impact on firefighter response for decades to come

“Our ambition is to enable our incident commanders to see through buildings and know where their crews are.”

T2020 Programme GM Steve McLinden is the T2020 Programme lead and is hugely enthusiastic about the GovTech approach. He says:

GovTech awarded £1.25m to fund this challenge. Organisations were asked to apply for a share of the fund for ‘an instantly deployable solution’ to the problem of


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here’s something rather special going on in Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service (MAWW). It is leading a quiet revolution and it could end up having a huge impact on the way that firefighters operate in the decades to come. As part of a service-wide digital transformation effort called Transformation 2020 (T2020), MAWW became the first fire and rescue service to secure funding from the government under its GovTech Catalyst challenge process. This £20m fund announced by the Chancellor in November 2017 helps public sector bodies take advantage of new and emerging technology to solve policy problems. For MAWW, the problem was how to accurately monitor and track firefighters’ locations in structures in real time. This is not unique to them but what they have done is find a funding route to help work it through. With support from the GovTech Catalyst, Mid and West Wales is now seeking partners to take existing technologies and see how they can be used to solve this problem.

He explains that the challenge has four parts: 1. How can we enable instantly deployable real-time tracking of firefighters within buildings and their proximity to prevailing hazards at previously unknown locations? 2. How can we deploy mobile technology to allow the tracking of firefighters which can instantly create a ‘digital network’ to share information at all incident locations? 3. How can we provide a software solution which enables seamless data collation, access and sharing across emergency responders and partner agencies? 4. How can we present a real-time 3D map of operational environments, using virtual and augmented reality technologies, to enhance operational safety and postincident review?

“Part of that transformation is about rethinking PPE and breaking down one of the fire shibboleths that say PPE must be issued on an individual basis” 60  |  January 2019  |  www.fire–magazine.com

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