Making sense of standards

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Making sense of standards

England, you will still get the same level of service from your fire and rescue service because they are working to the same standards. It is a way of judging for the public’s benefits that the service they are paying for is actually delivering.” It is a nice thought that the views of the public about their fire and rescue service should be based on fact and evidence, when the reality is that most people do not much care about fire until they have one in their house, or it affects a friend or a relative. Then they expect the Fire and Rescue Service to turn up quickly and put it out. That over simplistic, but sadly fairly accurate view on fire masks the complexity of the fire and rescue service and what it delivers in communities. Suzanne and the Vice Chair, Alison Sansome, have been out and about learning about the Fire and Rescue Service, mostly chatting to senior officers, but slowly talking to staff from all areas of service delivery. Neither of them comes from fire backgrounds and while they both argue that it is not a prerequisite, having some first-hand contact with fire and rescue services staff will greatly enhance their understanding of the challenges the services currently faces. The Fire Standards Board for England is funded by the Home Office, forming a key plank of the reform


FIRE Correspondent Catherine Levin speaks to Fire Standards Board Chair Suzanne McCarthy and Vice Chair Alison Sansome to find out more about ensuring consistent levels of service across England


Fire Standards Board Membership Suzanne McCarthy – Chair Alison Sansome – Vice-Chair Jonny Bugg – Home Office Nick Chard –Local Government Association Susan Ellison-Bunce – NFCC Central Programme Office Julia Mulligan – Association of Police and Crime Commissioners Roy Wilsher – National Fire Chiefs Council


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he absence of existing national standards has resulted in local variations in almost every aspect of what each fire and rescue service does’. This is the conclusion made by HMICFRS in their tranche one summary report of the first inspections in 12 years. It is helpful then that a Fire Standards Board is now in place to deal with the issues and provide some reassurance to the inspectors that inconsistency is being tackled head on. From a conversation with the new independent Chair and Vice Chair of the Fire Standards Board, it is clear that it is not just the inspectors that they are concerned about. Chair Suzanne McCarthy explains: “You’ve got to be able to ensure that wherever you are in

Suzanne McCarthy, Chair of the Fire Standards Board

18  |  September 2019  |–

Alison Sansome, Vice Chair of the Fire Standards Board

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