A combination, mashup, and extension of other online research and collecting apps like Curator and Arena, Landscape is a custom OS for the insight and foresight fields.
The Landscape navigation system and dock. Menues include an X for space closure, arrows for moving forward and backward through open spaces, and a circular arrow for refreshing. The mobile dock includes options for closing windows, web browsing, writing and annotating, erasing annotations, subselecting, typing, adding elements, removing elements, moving in a sequential timebased mode, and creating folders. A magnifying glass provides easy access to search.
The submenu for adding elements. Additional elements vary and new elements can be downloaded and added to the OS. Basic elements include notes, pieces of paper, and various types of pinnable boards.
The OS supports messaging with other active users working within the same global space. What’s more, spaces on different networks can be connected via wormholes—a folder subtype.
Hey, wanna grab lunch?
The OS supports emailing with other active users working within the same global space. Additionally, email within Landscape can be set up to sync with mail accounts from established email providers.
today—my wife just went into labor! x. Chris
Notes are a key feature within Landscape. Notes provide a simple way to record thoughts, which can then be filed, tagged, and stored within folders. Notes record the date of their creation as well as the date of any subsequent editing.
Scientists believe in absolute understandability and the religious believe in the mystical. But is this a false dichotomy when it comes to understanding nature? Other topics to explore: – Ai poetry – Simplicity and simplifying as a trend within the life sciences – Regeomemesis
CREA TED 9.3.1 5
Lists allow Landscape users to generate streams of items and to-dos. Lists can contain text, images, or other elements. For the established power user, lists become an easy way to generate hierarchies within complex sets of data.
Final Project Timeline: November 5th: – Experiment with casting – Order all supplies for crafting book – Work on layouts for book November 12th: – Cast stones – Print any book interior – Bind book – Order contents for book November 19th: – Finish book binding – Make labels for book elements December 3rd: – Produce UI CREATED 10.10.1 5, EDITED 11.05.15
Napkins are ephemeral notes, meaning they last for a set period of time, as determined by the user. Napkins provide a platform for stream of conscious note-taking because they simplify space and element maintenance by degrading at the end of a project timeline.
Stationary are napkin variants that can be sent to other users working within the same global space. Stationary can be edited and formatted by users before be sent to collaborators. Like napkins, stationary elements degrade after a predetermined period of time.
Papers constitute one of the most fundamental elements of Landscape. Papers can be written or typed on to generate content for long-term storage and archiving. Papers open within a special editing screen and can be grouped together and analyzed en masse using specialized functions.
Eli Block Special Topic 11.12.15
1 of 1
Protein Expressionism
Draft, v.1
Aggregates allow Landscape users to write cards that group images from several folders. Images are groupable based on perviously given names, tags, and descriptions—pieces of metadata that the user determines. Aggregates work in tandem, meaning they themselves can be grouped, allowing users to generate specific content streams, trends, and larger scale macro trends. Aggregates are a powerful tool for content sorting and organization.
Aggregate Topics: engineering, machines, tech, AI, next gen manufacturing
Action Cards allow users with limited programming experience to write procedures for Landscape to execute. Writable actions are highly flexible, and can range from generating new folders and groups to writing papers and filing imported images. Again, like Aggregates, Action Cards are stackable, meaning they can be linked and incorporated into complex meshworks to get work done quickly and efficiently.
aggregate groups to combine into a new macro-trend list
Programs are similar to Action Cards in that they provide the user with opportunities for the complex conglomeration of information. But, unlike Action Cards, they can only operate on pieces of user generated content: files, notes, cards, papers, etc. Programs, while less versatile than Action Cards, provide a deeper control tool for how information is collected and understood by Landscape.
Combine additional metagroups to execute conglomeration. Form meshwork by leveling hierarchies.
Modifiers are executables that can be coupled to existing Programs and Action Cards to subly alter their original function based on an emergent context.
Hierarchify items in aggregate groupings.
Folders appear as polka dots within Landscape. Folders can be colored manually, and grow in size based on the amount of content they hold. Elements and images can be added to folders via dragging and dropping files. Finally, Folders within Landscape function as subspaces, where all types of resources—including other folders—can be stored. Unlike traditional folder paradigms, Folders in Landscape are non-hierarchical, so they can be stored within themselves.
Tabs, like wormholes, allow user to quickly and easily navigate to bookmarked elements within folders. Tabs provide universal shortcuts for teleporting through the Landscape space.
x. On the Arrangement of Images, v.1
Dexter Marro
Physical data storage elements appear as icons within Landscape, and they themselves can, like files and folders, be sorted and organized. The contents of physical data storage devices can visualized within unique spaces, and files can be added via drag and drop.
SD Card
Different physical data storage elements appear with unique icons within Landscape.
SD Card
Different physical data storage elements appear with unique icons within Landscape. CD icons have many variants.
CD-RW 700 MB
Different physical data storage elements appear with unique icons within Landscape. CD icons have many variants.
DVD-R 4.7 GB
Landscape is built with the physical world in mind, and any elements can be easily printed via either a voice command, a doc item, or a unique keyboard key. When sent to print, images are automatically formatted into contact sheets so that files can be seemlessly ported into the physical world for editing, visual research, and insight.
Weird Moon tle_03032007_60_schedler.jpg 11.12.15
Crop Construcs Crop_construct_web4.jpg 11.12.15
De Natura Fossilium denaturafossilium_8.jpg 11.12.15
Discoverer’s Alliance OwenGildersleeve.jpg 11.12.15
Engineered Marble dzek_01.jpg 11.12.15
Inka & Niclas 1 large_ca8eb.jpg 11.12.15
CryoSat CryoSat-614x477.jpg 11.12.15
Mars Ice House Mars-Ice-House_Dusk-01.jpg 11.12.15
Pluto NASA_Pluto_Large_01.jpg 11.12.15
Bastard Child Jimmangan_01.jpg 11.12.15
The Genesis Engine wired_dna_editing_eyes.jpg 12.6.15
Mars Rover Mars_image_H.jpg 11.12.15
NASA Fair echo_satelloon_color.jpg 11.12.15
The Martian Still The-Martian-viral.jpg 11.12.15
Tungsten Rods W2-614x516.jpg 11.16.15
Unknown Fields 11.12.15
The Bloomberg Terminal for the humanities, complete with Landscape-specific monitors and custom keyboard.
Research and writing views displayed on a Landscape terminal.