English SBNU 2011

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СДРУЖЕНИЕ НА БЪЛГАРСКИТЕ НАЧАЛНИ УЧИТЕЛИ гр. София 1505, бул. "Мадрид", № 16-18, ет. 2, www.sbnu.org

Състезание „Аз общувам с Европа” ІV клас Училище: ............................................................ клас:....................... Име, презиме, фамилия: ..................................................................... 1. Choose, underline and write. Model: Is there/Are there/There is Is there a cinema near your house? There are/There is/Is there ___________________ a swimming pool in your school? Are there/There are/Is there __________________ any children in the classroom? There are/There is/Are there __________________ a lot of parks in your town? There are/There is/Are there __________________ a post office next to the bank. There is/There are/Is there __________________ a rose in the vase.

2. Write the names of the kittens. Lucky is on the bookshelf.


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English SBNU 2011 by Elisaveta Ivanova - Issuu